head pain

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Hi. I've suffered head pain all of my life but now it is constant and ruling my life. I sleep and work. My main pains are either side of the top of my head like nails sticking in and the other is all over the top like being hit with a cricket bat. I have seen countless GP's including today when i was told to eat cheese and drink coke, i'm not joking. Over the years i have also been told to by a dog and go walking, turn the radio up and lay on a board.

About every ten years i'm referred to a neurologist who after a few simple tests tell me i have'nt got a tumor. I've had numerous preventive meds, accupunture, homeopathy seen a choirpratic, osteopath and given up most things all to no avail. I have tried on numerous occassions to be referred to a headache specialist but none of them will.

Anybody got any ideas?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Ian, so sorry to hear of your suffering.  I to have suffered with migraine and chronic daily headaches.  First of all what kind of doctor would tell you to eat cheese and drink Coke.  Certain foods are headache triggers such as bananas, yogurt, too much caffeine, aged cheese, pickled products, MSG found in some salad dressings and Chinese food.  I am from the US, I go to a pain and headache doctor.  You must go to someone who is a specialist in headaches and chronic pain.  Make sure you have a physical and get your blood pressure checked, high BP can cause bad headaches. Ask you Neurologist about Triptan medications, such as Relpax, Imitrex.  Preventatives such as Nortriptyline or Amtriptyline.  Stay hydrated and try to get enough sleep and if you can exercise regularly.  Keep researching and be an advocate for yourself.  Don't stop until you find an answer.  You should not have to suffer like this..Good Luck to you!!!


    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer. Thank you for your reply and encouragement. Unfortunately here in the uk there are'nt many headache specialists though there are a few in london but my doctor seems reluctant to refer me and getting to see a neuroligist is very difficult. I do have during this very bad spell an extremely sore neck, i wonder if you have experienced this too?. What other help does your specialist give you? I am going to have another try at physio therapy this week although the last time was unsuccessful. I do hope you are finding some relief
    • Posted

      I'm sorry Ian, it sounds as if you have a lot of obstacles getting you proper help. Are you able to go to London and see a headache specialist? Can you go to a Neurologist without your doctor refering you?  My neck has been a problem for me for the past 14 years.  I take anti-inflamatories, such as Advil, Aleve or Motrin.  PT will definately give you relief from your neck pain.  Neck pain can also radiate to your head, like me and cause migraine and headaches.  Try to ask your doctor for a Triptan medication.  They are specifically for migraine and chronic tension headaches.  There are a very large variety of different Triptans that he or she can prescribe.  Also, try to get yourself a moist heat neck wrap, the kind you can put in the microwave and heat up.  It does wonders for sore neck muscles.  Keep me posted on your progress...Good luck


  • Posted


    Go and get a WHOLE SPINE MRI. I've just done it.  It's told me a lot and it's giving me something to follow up.

    I went to see a neurologist at Queens Square near Great Ormond Street Children's hospital in London. The waiting list is long so get in as soon as you can.


    • Posted

      Hi John. Thank you for that. Were you referrerd by your GP? or did you self refer?. I have been trying to get a scan for years but am always told i have migraine which i know i don't as it is a permanent pain in diferent parts of my head. May i ask, what did your scan show?
    • Posted

      In a few words....wear and tear of the spine..affecting the head and leg/foot.  The wear and tear means that there is pressure on the parts which are worn away. The nerves are been impacted and causing pressure..leading to headaches and lag pain.

      I was referred to a neurologist by my GP, the neurologist r3eferred me for a whole spine MRI. However, as the waiting list was so long,I paid £900 to have it done privately. I have a detailed report which I can now move forward with.  The costs for that scan can be as high as £2660.


    • Posted

      Thank you John for that info, i will try to persuade my GP for another referal. The last neuroligst i saw assured me that i have'nt got a tumor which is obvious as i would have been dead long ago, she prescribed me more drugs that don't work

      I am 50 and been driving for a living all my adult life so your diagnosis could easily apply to me. I hope you have now found a suitable treament because nobody should be suffering as we are.

    • Posted


      No treatment yet and I only had the MRI scan a couple of weeks ago and I'm waiting for a "what do we do next" consultation.  However, gabapentin and daily stretching are making life a little bearable. 

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