Head pouring in sweat! It's not a flush!

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whenever I do the slightest bit of activity my head starts to sweat to the extent it looks like I've been doing an aerobics class - it's awful - I have to go and blow dry my hair constantly. I did a quick shop and my hair looked like I'd just had a shower.

It's seriously embarrassing.

I know it's not a hot flush - I know what they are!

It's just when I do the slightest bit of physical activity it happens.

Can anyone relate to this? It is SO severe I am going to have to go to my doctor.

Thank you Beautiful Ladies

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    yes!!! this is a new one for me. i look like i just took a shower. i think my cheeks have started sweat. itS weird. and my eye make up ends up looking like ozzy osborne. i am 49. i still get periods. most of my peri symptoms have gotten better, then boom SOAKING HEAD SWEAT. what a time to be alive. 😄

    • Posted


      thank you for reassuring me!

      Felt like am going mad!

      This started long before any other Peri symptom but has gotten significantly worse recently.

      Am on HRT which has stopped the out of control hot flushes.

      Am 47

      I really need something to help - it's seriously embarrassing and people just look at me as if as nuts!

      Maybe someone will post a reply to help us

  • Posted

    I have this right now Liz,,, this is a new symptom for me and it has been going on for about 6 months now... Its horrible and I run my finger threw my head and my scalp will be soaked just from culling up fruit.... hugs to all

    • Posted

      yeah that's exactly what am talking about!

      Feel am going nuts, people look at me to say, "what is wrong with you!?"

      I am not alone phew!

  • Posted

    You too? I'm in menopause now (last period ended 2nd June). I get the sudden hot flush to my head immediately followed by all over sweat but the head sweats when I try to do anything! The phrase "dripping with sweat" has never been so apt, it literally drips off my nose if I haven't anything to mop my face with, and soaked hair too. My internal thermostat has never worked properly, as a child I'd break into a sweat going from outside into a shop but this is ridiculous!

    • Posted

      Hi Anne,

      yes the head sweats when doing the slightest thing is crazy!

      Have you spoken to your doctor about it?

    • Posted

      No I haven't, I don't think there's much they could do to stop it entirely and I don't want to go on HRT but I am trying red clover isoflavone tablets (phytoestrogen) and I think that's helped. I don't seem to sweat quite as much as I did in the day and the night sweats are manageable.

  • Posted

    can someone please explain what the difference is? I've been getting sweats that I had thought were hot flushes but lasting much longer that I imagined they would. Head sweats sometimes with exertion and sometimes not but also my whole body temperature shoots up. I wake up loads at night sweating too 😦

    I've recently started to take magnesium, its supposed to be good for lots of different things so I'll see if it helps,

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