Head pressure???

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Any of you ladies ever actually get a solid answer on why we get such pressure in our head..Today is bad and neck also killing me..Feel like eyes and under eyes are swollen but look in mirror and they're fine...Just want to go home and lay down but cant do that..Thank you ladies...

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8 Replies

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    Hi Laurie,

    Im glad you you brought this up. I have beem having that issue. I had it yesterday and today. I didn't go to my appointment today because I didnt want to drive with that feeling. Been in and out of bed all day. I went out yesterday with it and was scared that i was going to pass out. I stuck it out, came home and jumped in the bed. That's my way of coping to keep from having an anxiety attack. I wish i had some suggestions for you and hope we both get relief soon.

  • Posted

    Hi,yes I get lots of head pressure and neck pain,it makes me feel very off balance,I rub a natural muscle rub on my neck to help ease the tightness of my neck muscles.One day all this will go away ,I just hope it's soon x
  • Posted

    Yes i get that a lot, i also get sudden kicks in my head, i have been told by a specialists, that, because i dont get my migraine headaches like i use too now, all down to menopause, im getting deffered symptoms, the pressure is a sign of a migraine coming on, its due to swollen blood vessles, which, is  a warning sign, and what causes the pain afterwards during a migraine, or, headache.  The kicks i get, come in clusters which, is the type of migraines i use to get when it came with pain, whilst i still get migraine, it seems different, i dont get auras with mine, but the pressure feeling i get, as an early warning sign,  if you have never had migraines, this could be what is happening to you, or, you could be starting with migraines due to menopause, if this is what happens to you, take ibuprofen for the swelling feeling, if you then get pain, after two hours after the ibuprofen, take painkiller like paracetomol, ibuprofen will work for swelling/ pressure, but not migraine pain,  migraines you need both, if you dont use the ibuprofen, or, something similar whilst you have the pressure, the paracetomol will not work, if or, when you get th epain,  as its too late, so,you have to  wait until it finishes its cycle, it ends with vomiting or feeling sick, you may also notice extreme sensitivity to light, and noise, dark quiet rooms make you feel better,, this could be one reason for it. 
    • Posted

      That maybe whats going on. I used to get loads of headaches before my cycle, the last couple of months I don't seem to get the headaches anymore but I do get the head pressure. Never any pain, just pressure and then it makes the back of my neck hurt sometimes. I used to load up on pain meds everytime it was close to having my cycle because the headaches were crazy. Hmmm you just gave me something to think about.
    • Posted

      yes thats whats happened to me jamie, my dr suggested i had, had a mini stroke, due to these kicks and loss of vision i was getting, which was new to me, she gave me a scan, it wasnt im glad to say a stroke, it happened three times in one week, after the scan, the specialists said, that when you have a stroke, you dont lose your sight completely in one eye, you only lose it down one side, but you can lose it completely in one eye with migraines, and given i had three of these attacks in one week, it suggested cluster, which then made sense to me, i beleived it to be migraines, but because i hadnt got the pain, i couldnt be sure, but the heavy pressure had always been my early warning sign, but the kicks were new to me, but when i get the pain it is different now, and yes it does go into my neck.  A tip when you next get the pressure, and youcan feel the pressure,  particularly if its on one side, i want you to push the area in with your finger, until you hit the pressure point, if its a swollen blood vessel due to migraine, pushing it in with your finger, will reduce the swelling immediately, but as soon as you release your finger, the swelling will come back up, now, when i use to get the pain, and i did that,  the pain would go, because, the blood vessels have reduced, then when you release your finger, the blood vessles dilate again and thats then what causes the pain, due to the swelling putting pressure on nerves, and thats what causes the pain in migraines. 
    • Posted

      Oh wow, you just shed some light for me. I never get the pain anymore. Just the pressure now which I thought was weird. Headaches were usually the sign that my cycles were coming.
    • Posted

      i know isnt it weird, i do still get migraines, knowhere near as many, but do get the pressure. but they are so different, couldnt say in what way, except to say different, 

      If you google chronic fatigue syndrome, you will find a lot of our menopause symptoms on that, but, an interesting symptom is, feelings like you have the flu, and a chill, and its what puts your body clock and sleep pattern out, and a change in how migraines happen, and a difference in the pain, very interesting, so, i think chronic fatigue caused by menopause, is in part whats causing some of our symptoms, doesnt matter, whats causing the fatigue, everyone will still experience the same symtpoms if menopause is causing their fatigue.

  • Posted

    thank you ladies , i am having head pressure in the head round eyes and in my jaw stiffnes in my neck is constant  ,i just dont feel myself makes you feel very uncomftabel in your own body have stayed off pain killers as much as i can but some times the presure exelarates to a right thumper of a head ach and i give in its makeing life very difficult as motivaion is low with it sleep makes no diffrence if you can inbetween flushes and the presser is defenatly worse when having a flush .im so glad its not just me will speek to my doctor ,also worse after exersise fells like the blood is strugling to get through the vains in my head i know it sounds mad ! but thats the only way i can describe it ,im glad im not on my own and i sympathise with any one suffring with it its not nice 

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