Head pressure and VERY lightheaded
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I woke up this morning and as I raised up in bed I was very lightheaded I didn't even get out of bed I just laid back down and try to drift off to sleep to keep a full blow panic attack at bay! Well I finally got up but still very lightheaded and head pressure like band around the head and even face especially around nose and check bones, the light headiness is worse if I look up or around or down! still hasn't totally cleared been like this all day so far! Breast feel full, heavy and slightly sore. ANYONE else had this , still fighting a full blown panic attack over this! I'm post 2 close to 3 years post meno!
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pamela2016 Guest
yes everyday all day its horrible im not post yet still in perimenopause and praying this symptom leaves its been 4 years and counting. hope you feel better
hardev24538 Guest
sorry to hear about all these horrible symptoms your suffering with .. I'm just wondering if this lightheadedness could be related to your neck.. given the fact you get more dizzy looking up and down .. spondylitis.. get your GP to do a neck xray . they will probably say wear and tear of the neck bones .. hope your find this helpful
debra16694 Guest
hi there - i get this feeling like someone sucked my brains out & then i feel like the rug is being pulled out from under me & to top it off i get this very vascular tingling around my nose & cheeks - i am 7 years post & i am really at my wits end with all these symptoms - my acupunturist said something to me about histamine intolerance because nobody can believe i have been suffering with all these bizarre symptoms for so long - today, i really thought, why cant someone just tell me what all these symptoms are...can hormones really cause such havoc in our bodies?
crystals51917 Guest
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I can definitely relate. It's my worst meno symptom. The head pressure, foggy head, vision changes, concentration, lighthead, thoughts and health anxiety because of it...SUCKS! Thank God for this forum. I met the sweetest lady from being on here who is going through this junk and has helped me cope and go through. Let's pray and pray some more that these crazy hormones LINE UP!!
staci88515 crystals51917
So glad you mentioned vision changes!
Irene1210 Guest
Yes I have these all the time. They are awful & can destroy your day. But you can improve the situation. Try to relax, sleep before 11pm, have 8 hours of sleep, take cordysceps (good for dizzinesss), B12 for anxiety. Take care & good luck.
sunaina1983 Guest
Yes i can relate this
Same feeling every day from last year.
Drunk feeling full day.
Head pressure and dizziness make me home bound.
Hang is there