Head pressure, Brain fog, odd head sensation, feeling detached

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Hi all, 

I decided to become a member and make a post here after reading the forums for quite a while, great site by the way. 

I am currently suffering with various symptoms and am in a bad way and just don't know where to turn any more so thought I would post here and see if anyone has any similar experiences or advice. 

So first of I am male and 26 years old. I have been suffering with the symptoms in the title pretty consistently for about 2 and a half years now. I used to have some relief from the symptoms for a day or 2 here and there or maybe a bit of relief for a few hours in the day but recently the symptoms are pretty much constant and I cannot shake them. 

I have an overall mild pressure feeling in the head, its not painful but is just very aggravating and feels really strange. I also have extreme brain fog with this and like a fuzzy head, there is a constant cloud over my brain and I never have any mental clarity or a clear head. My cognitive function is extremely poor now, my short term memory is non existent, its scarily bad. I often feel, detached from reality when the symptoms are bad and suffer from de-realisation, although I think this may be down to some anxiety and depression I experience when the symptoms run me down. I also get random sharp cramping pains in the head, they are quite painful but do not bother me so much as they only usually last a second or 2, it varies on how many I get of these each day but its usually less than 5. It often feels as though my brain is malfunctioning somehow and my cognitive function and senses are all out of whack, its hard to explain. There can sometimes be a build up of these symptoms throughout the day and by the night I can feel like I somehow how the flu without a fever? Like I have the head pressure, completely foggy headed, I feel super unwell, weak, sometimes even start feeling cold. Also have night sweats usually for about 4 or 5 days each month, there doesnt seem to be any sort of pattern to them that I can notice, so not sure if they are relevant. Another thing I have is ringing in ears which is mild but seems to have gotten worse recently if that sounds relevant at all. The main thing that gets me is the odd head pressure/sensation and the utterly life hindering brain fog, my brain feels like it is coated in a dark blanket constantly.

I do suffer from anxiety, I know many of these symptoms can be caused or made worse by these symptoms. I dont doubt that anxiety is a contributing factor and the way I think about they symptoms probably makes them worse but I have come a long long way with my anxiety, I have good control over it, I haven't had a panic attack in a couple of years, I manage to control most of my concious anxiety and stay in a positive mindset. No doubt I still have some subconscious anxiety underlying and I am working on that but I am not convinced this is the route cause of my symptoms. I am in therapy for my anxiety. I do not feel I will ever fully recover while I have these symptoms hanging over me though. 

I have been to the doctor about these symptoms, although I do think I struggle to explain them or put them across very well in the doctors office. I have have blood tests which are all normal. I saw a neurologist couple of years back when this started, had a CT scan which was normal, they put the stabbing pains down to icepick headaches and thought the other symptoms were probably made worse by my anx/depression. Since then I went away and have been on anti depressants etc with no improvement of symptoms. I have also had a few ECGs and a 24hr ECG as I have slow heart rate and low bp so thought maybe the symptoms could be down to low bp and lack of blood to the brain, doctors do not think think this is the case and all my results came back normal. I have recently been back to the neurologist who is referring me for an MRI although he said he is sure there is nothing sinister and thinks the symptoms are probably tension type headaches and made worse by and previous drug use, he only put it down to the drug use when i told him about it though so it seemed like a convenient diagnosis. I forgot to mention I used to take drugs on the weekends socially, cocaine, ketamine and ecstasy on different occasions for a couple of years, I have had periods where I have felt ok since taking these drugs and do not really think they are the cause, I was not an addict this was just one or 2 nights a month at the weekends. So I have an MRI coming up but the neuro thinks it will be clear and obviously I hope it is and I am looking for other answers. 

What could be causing these symptoms? Other than anxiety which i no can be a factor, but I have periods where my anxiety is pretty much non existent but these symptoms still build up out of nowhere and persist. I was thinking maybe some sort of allergy could be a possibility, I have tried cutting out gluten and lactose, this didn't seem to make much difference although I didn't stick to this for very long. I actually did a juice fast for 2 weeks with eating nothing other than fruit and veg juice put through a juicer to see if that would help but it didn't really give me any relief. Are there any other stomach issues that could cause this? I never have diarrhoea or constipation, my stools always float recently though, to the point of not being able to flush them, also whenever I have seen chance medicine doctors they check me out and say they think i have issues with digestion, i don't feel i have these issues but do wonder if there might be something in it. 

Could there be something going on with the blood vessels in my head? Could it be a spine/posture issue? Some sort of epilepsy or electrical activity in my brain? I just have no idea now and am desperate for some relief. If anyone has any ideas or advice I would really appreciate it. 

Oh just to add I am reasonably fit, I try go to the gym a few times a week and I do some weight lifting. I am a normal weight. I have been losing some weight recently which is a concern but I am still in a normal weight range for height and age. 

Thanks for reading

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    I cannot even begin to explain how much of a relief it is to read someone else suffering the same! My doctors did the same, full blood tests, CT head scan, they say it's my sinuses - even though scan after scan has revealed my sinuses are not blocked/impacted.

    I tested positive for dust mite allergy, quite severe, and I'm now on Dymista, a histamine/steroid spray which keeps the sinus infections and blocked nose away - but the rest of the symptoms persist.

    For the past 2 months, it has been horrendous, absolutely horrendous. I have had a few migraines in my life, and it feels like a mild, continious migraine/hangover that just won't end. Memory is awful, concentration and attention have dissappeared, I sleep for 10/12 hours a day because I'm just so exhausted, exercising and the gym are completely out of the picture.

    I've tried cutting out caffeine, no change, drinking more (2-3 cups) of coffee a day; no change. I've tried going vegan, paleo, cutting all refined and processed foods, eating 2000 calories a day, 4000 calories a day - nothing makes the slightest difference, so I'm going to rule out anything dietary.

    What really shocked me about your diagnosis above, is the night sweats and floating poops, I have exactly the same issues, the night sweats come for 5-7 nights in a row at random, then dissappear for months on end, and floating poops are really hard to flush, all these issues get worse at the same time so I'm sure they're related.

    I've tried accupunture, paracetomols, sinus rinsing, nothing will get rid of this. In the past I've found just 'waiting it out' is the best cure, but that's hard then you're working/studying and have deadlines.

    Things I've found make my symptoms feel better are being outside/with a window open, fresh air makes me feel a lot better, and also being away from artificial light - sunlight is fine but a computer screen or strip lighting seem to make everything so much worse, when it's the weekend and I'm outside in the fresh air and away from all screens my brain fogs is noticeably lesser.

    I've started taking magneisum and zinc supplements before bed, as that was something I tried which also made the morning brain fog a little lesser, which is odd but may be something you all wish to try too.

    Just out of interest, what is everyone's medical history? Would be interesting to see if we have any common history which could help link this.


    Tonsils removed age 7

    GERD (Acid Reflux) from age 11

    Laser-eye surgery age 20

    Accutane age 21

    Family History:

    Diabetes both type 1 and 2 runs in the family (yet no one is overweight)


    • Posted

      Try a cervical pillow. I had all the symptoms in the original post and using the pillow eliminated my symptoms overtime. I bought the Tricore standard firm. My symptoms made my life miserable so I wanted to make this suggestion to as many people as possible. I wish you well. 
    • Posted

      Oh wow. I took Accutane, too. And I have been experiencing most of these symptoms as well. It has been very frustrating dealing with mainly the dizziness and foggy head lately. I wonder if it's related.

  • Posted

    Hello i was searching around the internet to see if anyone had any similar symptoms as i do . then i read what you had wrote because i was in shock of the symptons you feel well i feel the same i been having this horrible proeblem i feel light head as in a high feeling that never took off and sadly i still am suffering with this i also have the head cramping here and there especially when i feel stressed out or i constantly moving around cleaning or doing things for a long period of time but let me start from the beginning of how everthing started that i believe the reason this happen to me .. When i was younger back in my High School days i was a young girl being a fool didnt really think about consequences of my actions i unfortunately had an over dose on a drug that was sopposed to be just weed itvwas a home made rice crispy bar that sopposbly only had weed in it so i ate half of it and i done that before but i ate a choclate weed brownie before and was fine nothing happend to me when it was just week which is the only drug i wpuld take sothat why o didnt think much of it and btw another kid actually offered in class not just me but other kids too and i ate half of a bar and didnt feel nothing but maybe like half i hour my body started to shut down i was feeling really bad my heart was pumping and i was loosing conscious and was not abke to speak i went for help in the office and frm thr i black out when ambulance came for me ibwas gone i just remember parts of everything in the hospital and i dont remember nothing really not even when i came out i justvwoke up in my bed feeling fine like nothing happened to me i was fine just for a couple of weeks for 3 months until i staryed having wierd symptoms i felt light head as in a high feeling that never took off and have a beep sound in my ears as well and after couple days feeling that i felt worste i started to feel fluid in my head with really bad cramping headaches i ended up in the hospital couppe of time i would get send back home and ambulance had to cone for ke because i was getting the cramps in my head so bad obwould have shocks that would make me twitch it was so unreal i couldnt believe that was happening to me because nothing made sense in to what i was feeeling because i one healthy 16 year old when no health issue from one day for anotuer to have such a complete nightmare till this day o still suffer with but those fluid with bad cramping headaches symtoms took off after 2 weeks i thought i was just going to die of the pain honestly but now i just feel pressure in my head i get headaches when i am stressed out sonetimes really bad ones thatvi have to lay down and still have that high feeling that makes me feel outsode from the wierd world i am not the same girl i was because of this and honestly i blame it in the drugs i used that did not just have weed only i never really knew what i took but it ruined my life but i stau positive as much as i can that is all i can do i been like this for 4 years now i am 20 years old and still go to the doctor over this crap but i know it has to do with the drugs i had done xrays i came out fine blood test i am fine in everything possible there is no other explanation so please dont take drugs ppl it will mess you up bad unfortunately i was a lil girl at the time that didnt know no better and i cant change the pass but i can tell u is that to think positive that helps me and try not to overthink cus it will just make you feel worste
    • Posted

      Try a cervical pillow. I had all the symptoms in the original post and using the pillow eliminated my symptoms overtime. I bought the Tricore standard firm. My symptoms made my life miserable so I wanted to make this suggestion to as many people as possible. I wish you well. 
  • Edited

    hello all,i too have been suffering with this,"phantom disease".this is a problem,and with any problem,there must be a solution or an conclusion.what we must do is figure out what it is ourselves,cause sadly,it seems doctors look at us funny,when we tell them what our symptoms consist of.in this case we must figure it out on our own,and spit in the doctors faces..

              so heres is what we have to do.first we have to keep in touch in a multimedia style.then,we have to make sure that all of us are having the same symptoms and its the same thing that we suffer from.i see some of the blogs on here,and im not to sure that some of them are the same thing.next,we have to find all the qualitve data,meaning,what symptoms,what do we do on a daily basis,what did we do when it started,when did it start,ect.

             im willing to do this,cause i need this to stop.ive lost 2 jobs over this,and spent a ton of money tying to figure it out.so if youre with me,reply to my blog for more details.if you suffer from what i suffer from,i am sure you will reply.

    • Posted

      Hi Joey. I really agree with your sentiment here. I also have this 'phanthom disease' as you call it and I believe we must connect and move forward with finding solutions. It appears a lot of us are in the same boat with not knowing what to do, doctors not being helpful, and ultimately wanting relief badly. What did you have in mind? I just joined this forum but I am wanting to be active here to help others cope and see if we can't all start narrowing down solutions and coming up with real relief for others. 
    • Posted

      Wanted to reply and say I am so relieved that there are supportive people here that understand what I'm going through. My family and doctors try to be but I feel like they just don't understand the severity of these symptoms and how it impacts my daily life. So I've been wanting to post my symptoms online for awhile but was not sure I would find the right website to do so. Glad to be here. So here it goes. I am a 24 year old white female. I'm going to start with my current new symptoms I've been have the past 2 months then I will go in deeper to what led up to these symptoms prior because I was having symptoms early last year that might be unrelated but not sure also I will just say my daily activities and see if anybody else has this in common too.So for the past two months I started feeling very light headed and dizzy, feel as if my heart was beating slower at night or skipping a beat/ chest pains and I would get this pain in the upper middle part of my neck which would feel like fullness and discomfort. I had health insurance issues so was unable to see a doctor. This did not really have an exact trigger it was more random through out the day. So whenever I felt the lightheaded and dizzy I would try and lay down. I felt as though I wasn't really being as active. So a couple weeks later I started feeling the same fullness in the lower middle part of my head. Accompanied with this I would get a pulsating noise in my left and right ear most of the time it would be my right ear. Sometimes the neck would start to feel pressure and then the lower middle part of my head would start feeling like this. It wasn't so much painful as it was more like a mild discomfort. Then this pressure started creeping up the back middle of my head further up same pressure and discomfort. The day this happened was actually pretty scary because I woke up with my heart racing and I had like burning tingling pins and needles all over the back of my head. Along with the fullnes and pressure.also I was getting chest pains. It was very scary and I ended up going to the ER. I told them the symptoms I was feeling. I was shaking pretty bad because I do not like hospitals also a mixture of these symptoms which were really taking its toll. The nurse asked me if I have anxiety. I have not been clinically diagnosed but I do feel like I get anxiety in certain social situations or in important situations but I have been able to control this anxiety so it doesn't affect my personal life too much. So they wanted to calm me down because my heart was racing pretty fast. They ended up putting an iv on me and injecting me with this drug, it calms you down can't remember the name. I told the doctor about my head pain and the chest pain. They ended up just doing an EKG and a chest X-Ray and said everything was pretty much normal and that I would have to see a primary doctor about the discomfort in the back of my head because they didn't offer those "services."  This was the day before my birthday which was really crappy. So I started to take migraine ibuprofen to see if this could help with the fullnes in the back of my head. By the way these are not headaches, migraines, nor tension head aches because I use to suffer from those and they are nothing like this pressure in the back of my head.

      The next couple of days I felt like I could not sleep directly on my head because I felt like it would make the pressure worst. The pressure and fullness was worst on my head and neck at night I'd say. I started getting ringing in my ears and ear pain also felt as if my ears were muffled. Then I would start to wake up and get brain fog.I did not feel myself and I felt as if I would start to forget obvious things. I then started to get nausea along with my dizziness. Since I didn't have acess to a doctor at that time I ended going to another ER and they tested my thyroid, did blood, and gave me a CT scan. The doctor told me there was no abnormalities no tumors. He actually seemed upset that he gave me a CT scan and diagnosed me with disphagia and said anxiety could be causing it and that I need to see a neurologist. I needed up fixing my insurance saw a doctor and I told her my symptoms and without any blood test or anything she just says that all my symptoms are being caused from anxiety that I'm too young to have health problems and I need to get excercise and see s therapist. This made me upset because A you are a doctor and you did not run any tests of your own and you are inferring just from one medical condition and B I am the patient and isn't it your duty to find andactually diagnose   the right thing. So basically she reffer d me to 2 doctors. An ears nose and throat doctor and neurologist. My blood work came out normal except I have a lot of excess white blood cells which could indicate  infection she said. My ent doctor said my ears nose and throat were healthy and my neurologist who is very old and I think spoke with my doctor told me it could be anxiety and I'm going to get an mri on my head and neck area to checkout the nerves I guess.

      Lately I'll have one or 2 days out of the week where my symptoms aren't as bad but most of the time it is very hard to deal with. The only time I feel relief is when I'm outside and running. But once I stop I can feel all the pressure In the back of my head. Night time is the worst because I'm actually afraid to go to sleep because my heart races pretty fast and I can feel the discomfort and fullness in my head and the pulsating noise in my ears. The brain fog comes and goes but it's not always a constant..I feel like it's getting worst and my doctor basically gave up she told me she does not know what is wrong with me. My neurologist wants me to get cognitive therapy for my anxiety. But Ive never had symptoms like this in my life and have been dealing with this basically my whole life and it doesn't get in the way. I honestly feel like there is an underlining condition that I can't seem to get diagnosed be it something obvious or not. and I feel like it might be getting worst. I've been eating better and exercising more practicing breathing excercises trying not to stress but the symptoms are still all there.

      Back in October was when I started getting the neck fullness and pressure and from then I feel like it's been slowly escalating. In February I lost my sense of taste and smell and it's been off and on since then. Also lately I was getting an over sensitive tongue and numbness in my tongue and severe dry mouth . I went to the dentist and ended up having impacted wisdom teeth so I got those removed and had a localized infection where the wisdom teeth were. But he said he would associate the head pain with that 

      I was a student and have been unemployed for awhile.

      Im more of a homebody I like to game and I use my computer iPad and phone often but I have always done that and really had no side effects except my eyesight.

      I try and excercise everyday, I get outside and do stuff

      I am like 60 pounds overweight 

      I have no known medical conditions except anxiety that hasn't been clinically diagnosed.

      i know that anxiety makes the symptoms worst but it's not solely responsible for this pressure in the back of my head.

      i can be laughing and enjoying myself and there it is lingering 

      I do whatever I can to take my mind off this but honestly nothing is making this better and it's really bringing me down and my memory seems to be getting worst. I really don't know what else to do. I feel devastated

      should I see another specialist or get a certain type of blood work done?

      sometimes I feel like this is it and it won't get better from here.

      And no doctor I see really knows an answer for this.

      i just wish there was a reasonable explanation and treatment

      anyways if anybody is still reading this feel free to email me honestly I want to help people experiencing this and vise versa. Lou

      Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.


    • Posted

      ok,thanks for the reply rara.so i was thinking that we dosome kind of,"process of elimination".i learned this at a job,on hoe to narrow down,the cause and effect of anything.this is a little different,cause i am not a doctor by any means,however,doctors arent doing me any good.

              what i have in mind,is,we can do this on this site or we can do this by a multemedia text on our phones.i think our phone would be the best way,so we can get immediate responses.we can vote on this if you want.the more people the better.i feel we will get more and more people as we go,so we are gonna have to kinda play this by ear or find a way for people to catch up.

                 ok,so the,"phontom disease" has to be determined  with certain symptoms.so in the first part of this process,is figuring out if we all have,the PD(phantom disease).so writeout a list of the symptoms first.if we determine that we have the same problem,we will goto phase 2.ill make my list out and wait for your response.make sure to list as many,no matter how embarrasing they might be,cause im tired of this and embarrasment is not an issue.

    • Posted

      ok,thanks for the reply rara.so i was thinking that we dosome kind of,"process of elimination".i learned this at a job,on hoe to narrow down,the cause and effect of anything.this is a little different,cause i am not a doctor by any means,however,doctors arent doing me any good.

              what i have in mind,is,we can do this on this site or we can do this by a multemedia text on our phones.i think our phone would be the best way,so we can get immediate responses.we can vote on this if you want.the more people the better.i feel we will get more and more people as we go,so we are gonna have to kinda play this by ear or find a way for people to catch up.

                 ok,so the,"phontom disease" has to be determined  with certain symptoms.so in the first part of this process,is figuring out if we all have,the PD(phantom disease).so writeout a list of the symptoms first.if we determine that we have the same problem,we will goto phase 2.ill make my list out and wait for your response.make sure to list as many,no matter how embarrasing they might be,cause im tired of this and embarrasment is not an issue.

    • Posted

      Ok my symptoms are as follows

      -Pulsating noise/sensation in every night

      -Mild ear pain, comes and goes

      -Pressure and discomfort in the upper back middle of head

      -Pressure and discomfort in the lower back middle of head

      - Pressure and discomfort in upper back middle of neck

      (Pressure as if something is pushing up against my head and neck, also sometimes it feels like a type of inflation of pressure if that makes sense)

      - Feeling of being detached comes randomly

      -Brain fog and forgetfulness comes randomly


      -elevated heart rate

      - chills at night

      -Nausea every now and again

      -Numbness in back of head upon waking up

      -Head tends to feel heavy

      I take no medications except for migraine ibuprofen which sometimes helps with the pressure sensation

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      ***-Pulsating noise/sensation in *ear every night
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      rapid heartbeat

      pressure in eyes and ears

      feels like something is moving around in my head,ears,face

      feels like its moving around in my body

      spasms in my face,eyes,ears ,whole body

      not very painful,but causes headaches

      makes me itch

      blurred vision


    • Posted

      i dont have nausea,except for when i have heartburn,but i will say they me and lou have PD.no need to ,tell me anything else yet lou,we will get to that,but thanks for telling me
    • Posted

      ok,looks like rara,lou and me have the same thing,lets goto,the next phase.the next phase will be any questions we have for each other,doesnt matter what it is,for example:

      do you take any meds?

      how long have you had the symptoms?

                     im keeping a spreadsheet on this,if you want you can too,this way we may be able to pinpoint why we have this

    • Posted

      oh and dont answer any of the questions just yet,i will look for similar question we ask first,we will answer those and thn we will goto the ones that dont match.
    • Posted

      here are my questions:

      when did you first have these symptoms?

      do you take any meds,including over the counter?

      do you have any dental problems?

      have you taken any antibiotics since youve had these symptoms?

      any infections?

      exposed to any chemicals?

      any conditions,like high blood pressure or heart disease?

    • Posted

      here are my questions:

      when did you first have these symptoms?

      do you take any meds,including over the counter?

      do you have any dental problems?

      have you taken any antibiotics since youve had these symptoms?

      any infections?

      exposed to any chemicals?

      ​any conditions,like high blood pressure or heart disease?

    • Posted

      I'd say I had the head pressure for 2 months but the neck pressure for 4 months

      I've had the pulsating in my ears for like 5 months

      I take vitamin b complex every other day and St John wart vitamin for stress (recently stopped taking them)

      I take ibuprofen pretty much every day now

      I try and keep the dose low.

      I recently had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out and the bottom to were infected. Dentist said I had a localized infection where the teeth were called pericoronitis and he said that will go away now. I don't know how long I had that infection but Dentist it would bring about the pressure I feel in my head and neck.

      I have a cat who tends to scratch me alot and my cuts don't heal as fast as they use too.

      I'm not as active with these symptoms lately but I'm going out every day and going for a light run or walk.

      Not working either. I tend to be on my laptop phone or iPad alot.

      Got tested for diabetes and pre diabetes, I'm fine and blood pressure is normal

      I'm also 24 years old and female 60 pounds give or take overweight but not obese

      And I'm am prone to migraines and headaches but since I've been getting this head pressure I haven't had any headaches or migraines that I usually get.

    • Posted

      but Dentist said it would not* bring about the pressure I feel in my head and neck
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      UndiagnosedDez, hello how long have you been having your symptoms? Is there anything that makes you feel better or worst?
    • Posted

      This started when i had my wisdom teeth taken out as well,did this start after you had yours removed?
    • Posted

      No actually I just got my wisdom teeth taken out on Friday. I do tend to get heartburn alot but I've always gotten that. How is your diet any food sensitivities or allergies? I was a vegetarian for 3 years and recently started eat meat in february
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      But you say the wisdom teeth were infected,is that right?
    • Posted

      Yeah for the last couple years they were impacted and they would hurt every now and then but not sure how long they were infected. The dentist said it was a pretty bad infection too. Did you have the same thing?
    • Posted

      Yes,but what also interests me is the cat scratches.did your cat scratch you all the time,before you started feeling weird?i too was around a cat that scratched me around that same time when my wisdom teeth were pulled.you know our symptoms match,"cat scratch fever",as well.
    • Posted

      I've had two cats the past year I was watching they were my brothers. They would scratch me sometimes but never got anything unusual. Those cats left In July of last year and that's when I got my new cat. I started getting the symptoms late last October and my cat literally scratches me all the time bit he scratches the other people I live with and they don't have the symptoms I have. I did see the top things for our symptoms our cat scratch disease, lyme disease and candida. How could you go about getting tested? My doctor pretty much thinks I'm a hypochondriac so I wonder if she will even listen to me. My symptoms though are very much real. This is such a nightmare >< >
    • Posted

      Goto another doctor and get tested,and give your current dr a bad review.it is a nightmare,im ready to wake up.
    • Posted

      And arent you a cute woman,so sorry someone so beautiful having such a hard time.we can beat this,we need to see what rara has to say about this as well.maybe he had a similar experience with a cat or his teeth
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      I know what you mean :,/

      How long have you been having these symptoms for?

    • Posted

      2 and a half years,its gotton so bad,i swear im dying.
    • Posted

      Perhaps it's best to compile information from each other on a seperate medium. Less messy one, like something where we can organize and tackle the pivotal causes and effects more precicsely. Just a thought. I'm still getting used to this forum (just recently joined). 

      Lou and Joey, you guys have similar symptoms as me, some identical ones, and some very interseting and different ones. I'm thinking perhaps best to organize all the symptoms is detailing them in order of biggest issue to smallest issue. Maybe like a numbering system. That way we start by tackling the biggest most problamatic symptoms first. 

      These are my biggest issues in order: 

      1) Brain Fog (constant) 

      2) Vision Dysfunction (trouble focusing up-close, environments and objects appear vibrating ever so slightly, pressure in the eyes, can't concentrate well, hyper-focused vision like I can't focus on sounds or other senses well)

      3) Detached feeling from body (feeling very unaware and unattached from my body, my facial expression, bodily sensations)

      4) Sensistivy to light. 

      Lou, I hear you on your Doc thinking it's all in your head and all. Forget that. These symptoms are real. And if they are in our head, all you can do for that is treat it as anxiety related, which simply means living a more healthy life. I assume we have all tried that and it didn't work, that's why we are on this forum looking for further answers. So I have completely lost confidence in the Drs and their hunches about things. If they can't seem to help or give you relief, then you must look elsewhere for solutions. We'll get through this if we work at it. I believe it. 


    • Posted

      1) feeling of something moving around my head,ears,eyes

      2) sometimes i get blurred vision

      3)feel like something is moving throughout my whole body

      4) rapid heartbeat

    • Posted

      Hey Joey, let me know what I need to do. As with anyone else here, I am also suffering from this mysterious state that is debilitating my daily life. The worst part are vision changes, which is a constant reminder of my condition and then the vicious circle continues.
    • Posted

      Get tested for Lyme's disease at a proper Lymes Clinic or lab
    • Posted

      Are u guys on a different medium outside of this forum discussing the matters? If so, i am interested to join
    • Posted

      Try a cervical pillow. I had all the symptoms in the original post and using the pillow eliminated my symptoms overtime. I bought the Tricore standard firm. My symptoms made my life miserable so I wanted to make this suggestion to as many people as possible. I wish you well. 
    • Edited

      Hi-Not sure if you will check this but figured I'd give it a shot. I've been going through these forums all over the internet for 1.5 years now trying to find an answer, compiling lists of things to try, tests, etc. I have had tons of bloodwork done, MRI, EEG, sleep study, seen neurologists, nothing comes back abnormal. I have been put on 4 different anti-depressants/anxiety meds-no help. My symptoms are exactly as yours-they came on light a lightbulb one day last January (2015) and never went away. It is constant. "Brain fog", feeling spaced out, like I'm in a dream, "derealization". As well as the others you mentioned. Have you found any relief or anything since this post? Would like to communicate outside this forum if that would be easier. Thanks.

    • Posted

      I like you have had this about a year and a half. I'm pretty sure I've found the answer. Although my head scans have been normal I decided to buy them and look for myself. I have a blockage on my left sphenoid sinus cavity. Look up the symptoms for sphenoid sinusitus and let me know if they match how you feel.

    • Posted

      What type of test do I need to review this? I've had a brain MRI with and without contrast. Will that suffice?

    • Posted

      Hi Joey99129

      I am suffering from the same symptoms for 2 and a half years now and I'm 100% with you to try figure this out ourselves ,cause as you said I'm sick of doctors looking at me like I'm crazy .let's do this smile

    • Posted

      Hello all,

      joey99129 I am having the same symptoms as you for the past 2 months. I have had a CT, biopsy of the brain and MRI of the brain. All test were normal, but with no relief. I am awaiting to see a Neurologist, but I don't think they will be able to help based off of what I have read on here. If you have had any luck please update. Thanks

    • Posted

      Sorry I am so late to the game, but I just saw this post. My symptoms showed up around July of last year. I was camping in Michigan, and was having trouble falling asleep. I took a sleeping pill to aid the process and then laid down on my pad. Apparently, I rolled over in my sleep because I woke up on my LEFT shoulder. I have no idea how long I had been in that position. The next 3 days my RIGHT shoulder killed me. I could barely move it from either being directly down or directly up. Then for the next few weeks I started to notice the symptoms that we have been discussing. I will list them from most to least annoying.

      1.)    Head fog that causes me to lose concentration, and makes my memory worse. It also causes me to feel my emotions less.

      2.)    Ears that pop every 15 seconds, mainly focuses in my left ear.

      3.)    Head pressure that feels like I am wearing a tight head band. Also, focusing on my left side

      4.)    Shoulder pain that causes my left shoulder to click and droop down lower than my right.

      5.)    Neck pain that shoots up the left side of the back of my neck.

      6.)    I’m developing a slight case of scoliosis that causes my back to never relax. I feel tense all the time.

      7.)    Sensitivity to light and sound has gotten significantly worse.

      8.)    The left side of my face twitches and feels strained all the time.

      9.)    My vision blurs every once in a while, especially things up close.

      I have never had depression or anxiety problems, but I have started to experience some. Whether it’s anxiety talking to friends because I can’t hold a conversation, or forgetting simple words. When I get those shivers that you get when you read something inspirational or hear a good song, I feel them for less time and they almost hurt. Music was my passion and since this started I have enjoyed it less and less because I don’t really “feel the music” anymore. Also, I get waves of depression because I’m worried that this is going to be permanent. I’ve had an MRI on my brain and neck, and nothing seems to be wrong. I went to a chiropractor for 6 months straight and nothing it helped with the back problems but made the sensitivity to light and sound worse. I have also been to a neurologist and he can’t figure out what is wrong. I have gotten x-rays and am definitely developing scoliosis and the base of my shoulder blades and have a slight twist in the neck, but my doctors say that it wouldn’t have these effects. I will do anything to try and fix this problem. It makes me feel better that there are more people going through the same thing. 

    • Posted

      RaRaThaOutlaw, did you find any treatment or cause? I am having the same thing!!! Any help would be appreciated.
    • Posted

      Mine started after I had my wisdom teeth out and two root canals. Any answers on your end?
    • Posted

      I recall a previous poster mentioned that he experienced relief when he removed the root canal teeth. He felt the root canal was the source of the matter.  Infection.  
    • Posted

      Did you find out what it was? Same thing here. Email me ... or snap me ... I got horners syndrome from this head problem, one pupil got bigger than the other once I had a bad migraine and never became the same again

      Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.


    • Posted

      Hi Lou,

      I too feel the same way from last 2 years, tried different medication but none works, sometime i feel like to suicide. I lost my job, my friend, everything from this disease. Consulted number of doctors but none of them have reason for this, have you find any answer for this?

    • Posted

      Dear Lou7792, 

      I feel your frustration. I had a very similar experience, but I am lucky enough to have relatives who are doctors and they were able to arrange for my visits to several specialists and I want to let you know what ensued. 

      I had exactly the same symptoms, only I couldn't  describe them as well as you have. The first time I had them they were part of a flu I was having, so I didn't think much of them. The cold went away and the symptoms subsided, but then in about two or three-week's time they came back and it was terrible. 

      I was traveling at the time and was in England. I went to see a doctor and asked if this could be a Lyme disease or some other infection that was affecting my brain. The doctor pretty much dismissed all of this, but did order a blood test. Turned out the test was not for Lyme but for reumatic disease. I still have no idea why. Anyway it came back negative. The symptoms persisted and in a couple more weeks I went to see another doctor. This time they checked for Lymes which came back negative. I was referred to an ENT, who said I don't seem to have issues in the outer or middle ear, but might have problems in the inner ear and that I need to further investigate once I get home. 

      I ended up se?ing several specialists thanks to my connections through relatives. Namely: two different neurologists, an ENT doctor, an ophthalmologist, an orthodontist and two endocrinologists. 

      I first had an MRI of the brain which was normal. 

      Ophthalmologist did an ultrasound and said I have periorbital fluid collections, which may be due to thyroid dysfunction. This was ruled out after thyroid tests came back normal. 

      ENT ran several tests and found bilateral hydrops of labyrinth - basically again fluid collections in the inner ear, but otherwise ear structures all intact and without much obstruction.

      One neurologist (who was the one asking for thorough ENT examination) said that most probably what I am suffering from is tension headache, but instead of pain I feel the symptoms you describe. He explained that when muscle fiber contracts it holds fluid, and maybe the fluid retention I have is related to the contracted muscles around my scull. 

      The other neurologist said again everything is normal inside the brain, but that the muscles around my scull are super tense (this neurologist did not have any contact with the other one and I saw them on the same day, so for sure they couldn't have discussed my case among each other). This second neurologist palpated my head and pushed certain points which was super painful. She said this is painful because the muscles are so contracted, especially on one side. She further noted that I have an abnormal bite and asked if I had any dental work done in the past and I said, yes, I have dental implants on one side and crowns on the other side. She said that all of the problems I have point to the temporal-mandibular-joint which has been overworked due to misalignment of the bite and that I need to have an MRI of the TMJ and possibly see an orthodontist. 

      Indeed MRI of TMJ showed the joint not properly closing and now deformed somewhat. The neurologist talked to the orthodontist and decided not to treat me with a botox injection, which she hoped would relieve the muscle tension. She said that botox injection is not an appropriate option at this juncture and that I need to "fix" the bite, so as to release the stress on the TMJ to finally heal and rid of the symptoms. 

      The orthodontist did panoramic x-rays and some tests to check the bite. She said one tooth in the back upper jaw has to be removed, since it doesn't "meet a tooth on the bottom (so doesn't participate in chewing anyway), but pushes my lower jaw not allowing it to close properly. She shaved off some of the tooth to help while I wait for the removal. 

      I am currently taking a medication that helps drain excess fluid from my scull and areas around my eyes and years. I am also taking a muscle relaxant to help with the feeling of fullness and pressure on the scull.

      The plan is for me to get the back tooth out, to get night guard (because apparently I clench my jaw without even realizing I do it while I sleep) to try and see if I can fix the bite. 

      In my experience I am very happy for several reasons: first of all I now know what is wrong and even though this problem is not easy to fix, at least I am not scared for having a tumor or demyelinating disease or anything this terrible. Secondly I have a plan to hopefully get my life back. 

      I am not saying that you have what I have, but I wanted to share my story with you, so you might look into the TMJ and see if this is contributing or even causing your issues. Also I wanted to let you know that tension headaches may manifest differently and besides actual pain and migraine this weird constellation of symptoms may also be the tension-related thing. 

      Best of luck to you!

    • Posted

      Thank you! Great place to go from here! I started taking alavert the last 2 days and I've had a ton of relief for first time In months. So your theory backs that up!

    • Posted

      What medication are you taking to help drain excess fluid from your scull?
    • Posted

      the mediation is called acetozolamide and I am taking it along with potassium/magnesium supplement to ensure adequate electrolyte balance
    • Posted

      Hi . ive been dealing with symtoms of being really confused and feeling as if oxygen is getting to my head n ears are muffled n it seems hard to breath thru my nose when it gets really bad but the weird thing is sometimes by moving my neck around in certain locations i get these really big rushes of what feels like blood or oxygen. My bp is normal n i feel like my mind is not in sync with my body n the feeling. N sometimes even feel as if im in a dream and it can get really scary. Im diagnosed with ptsd and am going to the docs soon to see if i have tinnitus because i also have a twitch sometimes. Very small and feel my anxiety is being caused by something and then snowballs from there n there is alot of information saying that by having ETD with your inner ear n tubes not draining can cause alot of anxiety. I do clench my haw alot n grind my teeth so it could be TMJ caising tinnitus or a problem in that area. I also get very blurry vision n this has been going on for about 11 years n is driving me insane n feel like i cant enjoy life with this problem haunting me. Do ypu have any of the same symptoms n have you found any answers for any of them. If so can you please share it with me.
    • Posted

      Feeling as if oxygen is not getting to my head. ***
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      I know it has been a very long time, but would you perhaps be keeping up with symptoms still? Mine really started about 6 months ago, but when I think back on incidences in my life, I feel like I can contribute it to this “phantom disease”... When I was very young (3-6) I was sick all of the time... Constantly throwing up, the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong... There are just so many times I look back and know that whatever this is caused episodes in my life... But it is literally to the point of debilitating now, and I can't get anyone to understand... I’m so lonely and so tired of feeling this way! My spine and neck have recently started hurting, but the pressure in my head is almost too much to handle now... I’ve also developed Raynaud’s phenomenon seemingly from nowhere, yet the doctors aren’t even attempting to help me find a cause... They think I’m crazy... I just told my friend that if I’m crazy, please check me into a mental ward because I want this fixed... The brain fog is terrible and I’m so depressed because I can no longer enjoy anything that I used to love... My gums and fingernails are also discolored (gums are almost white some days, fingernails are purple or white, never pink anymore)... My left side usually feels heavier than the right, but the neck pain I have is in the right side, yet the spine pain is usually on the left... I’m so afraid of what is happening to me... Blurry vision, random feelings of a hot rash on my body, extreme fatigue... And something else I’ve noticed... A low body temp with very foul smelling breath? My teeth and gums also always feel like there’s pressure on them... Hope everything is getting better... Lots of love and positive vibes 💚??

    • Posted

      Have you been checked for chiari malformation? I had headaches for years brain fog wtc. Head would really hurt when coughed sneezed or bared down but all dr looked at me like I was crazy u bvb til MRI showed it...tonsils of brain pushing down into spinal column.. wouldn't hurt to check...

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      Brain surgery...they had to decompress and make more room for brain. I am a little over a year out since surgery but no more massive head pain. Just a little foggy and a little pressure.
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      Mine was 1 but it was way worse than showed on MRI - I had a 11 mm herniation of the brain that included the brain stem with a syrinx in my spinal canal.  My surgery was May 2018.
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      Correction surgery was May 2017
    • Posted

      It started with antibiotics for me  how about you ?

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