Head pressure , eye pressure , blurred vision ,neck pain , everyday for 1 year!
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Hey Everyone , Im a 45 year old female . Its been almost one year this month that I have been with this . I have read some of the post and symptoms are almost exact.
Just one day had what felt like a sinus infection coming on. pressure in head and eyes. Then it went into pressure in eyes and blurred vision , severe pain in eyes in the morning that it takes about 10 minutes for them to be tolerable , then pressure felt as if my ears were getting stopped up and i was under water , then the "drugged feeling" or :super buzzed" feeling . Very off balanced like my head is a fish bowl of water or that feeling in a elavator when it stops. I feel like i have just had a mental break down over all this. I have anxiety that i have had for years and its controlled but when the drugged feeling happens , I feel this panic freak out feeling.
I have had ct scan done , neurologist says chronic daily headaches , went to 2 eye drs says vision and pressure is fine, went to 2 ent Drs who says vertigo or vestibular neuritis but done no test, I have been going to chiropractor who says I have 3 compressed disk and may have some issues contributing to it. Im going to Pt Therapy for vestibular issues. I dont per say have dizziness , i have severe pressure and head rush type feeling where it gets more intense if i bend or tilt head to one side . Being on my phone or computer makes it really bad . I have been perfectlt healthy, 3 months ago had hysterectomy was hoping aftwrwards maybe it was hormonal and would get better but wrong. I have been taking 4 tylenol and 2 aleve a day and most times more and this only makes it tolerable . Everyday for a year!
Im gonna demand another Ct scan and whatever else i can cause i have met my insurance deductable .
Anyone get a diagnosis , what more do i do? I almost cant function. Im not healing from my surgery cause of all the stress, its been 3 months and sutures not disolved and not healing inside . Please anyhelp? Im willing to give email or talk via phone. Thanks for reading!
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I also have pain in the lower base of skull right before the neck. Feels like i have been busted across the back of my head ....
moon53540 Tonia93
Is it possible you could be having an allergy to something? Is there anything you can think of that you changed before you started getting these headaches? A new medication or a new pet? There are so many things that are allergens from preservatives in toiletries and cleaning products, to dye in curtains or even paint on walls. Is there a time of day you feel worse? Or a room you are in which makes it better or worse?
Keep a diary of your symptoms and what you are doing when you get them and see if there is a pattern.
Tonia93 moon53540
nothing at all has changed . just came on like i was getting a sinus infection and now its constant 24 /7. my chiro is treating as if it were occipital neuralgia but its not one section off my head its my whole front and top of head with severe pressure as well as eye pressure and pain in back of head . Not all symptoms are that of occipital neuralgia.
moon53540 Tonia93
Could it be to do with your menopause? Loads of women get bad headaches and migraines during menopause.
Tonia93 moon53540
Not at this level of pain and symptoms
Tonia93 moon53540
no change in symptoms for a year. no changes in home etc...I have thought about all of that. Thanks so much !!
moon53540 Tonia93
I hope you can find the route of the problem soon and get better. Good luck.
Tonia93 moon53540
Thanks so much! I hope to post a answer soon!
barney34567 Tonia93
I am sorry for your pain.
As someone who had daily headaches and vision problems and over rode my doctors to investigate fully, when they chose not to, (I ended up having surgery to remove a tumor), I advise you at this time to forget about chiropractors and suchlike.
Have a MRI of the brain to investigate if you have an acoustic neuroma or a chordoma. These are two different tumors of the brain that can cause balance issues, vision problems, pain in ears etc.
You may need two MRIs in order to closely examine both parts of the brain (near the ear and the base of skull).
Best wishes.
Tonia93 barney34567
Thanks for your reply! What were your symptoms? I have met my deductable already this year so i have till Jan 1 to do whatever test I can get with no more cost .I will have get family Dr to order them as I cant get into neurologist till after Jan !
barney34567 Tonia93
I had headaches 6 mornings a week for 6 weeks when previously I had headaches MAYBE once a month. Also I had occasions when my vision was not great.
As to the referral, verify if the cost of the MRI is different depending on who refers you. For instance I am in Australia and if the GP (or "PCP" as Americans call them) refers me, I pay 2x what I would pay if a specialist refers me.
If you're happy with your neurologist then keep seeing him/her. Otherwise find someone new.
I would not wait until Jan to book for a MRI. By the time you get one or two and discuss the findings with a neurologist who may recommend a neurosurgeon, you're looking at Feb/Mar for possible surgery.
With your symptoms I would want to have the MRI asap.
Do not focus on the deductible or the cost of the MRI. The cost to your health of any surgery that is delayed will be greater.
Note, I am not writing that you have a tumor, just that this is a strong possibility and investigating the matter, resulting in possibly knowing that you do can help you consider treatment alternatives.