Head Sensations and buzzing sound at top of head or sometimes at right side.

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Helloo Friends

Its really hard to believe our Hormones can do soo much up and down in our body at time of menopause.

Earlier in my young age i even donot realize how much imp is hormones and what is their function but now they are showing how imp are they and their imbalance cause soooo many symptoms...make our life horrible .

Its very hard to believe this our hormones affect our Nervous symptoms alot .

As most of us r facing sleep problem during perimenopause ..Its hard for me to get good sleep theses days ..I drink hot milk and put lavender oil in my hands for sleep and soo many things to have sleep... but i feel sensations and buzzing sound in my head when i was to sleep .and wake up with headaches, heavyness in head and dizziness issues in morning...i feel worst in morning..

Sleep make me worst instead to get up fresh...... i get up worried with headache and head pressure.😭😭

ANYONE can relate this ? Any remedy for this ?

From 18 months i am suffering from soo many symptoms of peri...my life fully change .

Feel depressed ..Donot know when this will end ????

Hang is there i know..every day like mantra i told myself and feed in brain in morning that its hormones will go one day..But WHEN is big q.... feel depressed sometimes.


Hoping for better days


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I've posted in several other forums about weird sensations I've been having in my head, face and body in general. I've been having paresthesia in my extremities and now I am having tightening on my face and head as well as some buzzing in my head and burning lips. I have no solution for these problems except to say that when I am distracted I don't notice them. The more I notice them, the more anxious I get and the worse my symptoms seem to get. Some meditation and relaxation using an app seems to work best so far.


    • Posted

      Yes, this! When you focus on the symptoms they are sooo much worse. Someone said a while back in one of these forums, to treat yourself gently and find good distractions. I think that is such great advice. Go for a walk, watch a favorite film, do something that you enjoy and that takes your mind off your physical symptoms. That can be easier said that done, but it is a powerful solution if you can manage it. I know that all of our symptoms and issues are overwhelming at times. But distraction is a great tool.

    • Posted

      Ur right dear ..same with me..in day time when i was busy i donot feel sensations but when i was about to sleep i start notice them..distraction is only solution to get rid of sensations and buzzing

      Any tip for Head pressure mam ??

      it make my life hell..become homebound .

      Its difficult to ignore 😭😭

    • Posted

      Thanks for your advise mam

      Your right more we think about symptoms worst they become.

      But few symptoms like head pressure and jelly legs difficult to ignore 😭😭

      walk is nice idea but for me some days r so bad its difficult to walk in home only..

      legs r soo tired and jelly like.

      and head pressure make all this worst😭

      Hoping for better days

      thanks for reply

  • Posted

    I've been getting the same sensations for the past two years. very scary. Sometimes it's worse than others but i dont see a pattern.

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