head tingling

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Hi All,

Experienced something really freaky last night.  I was sleeping on my back and I woke up to my head feeling numb - my scalp really.  I've had this happen before to my hand or arm - like it falls asleep.  But this time it was my head.  Of course that brought on an anxiety attack - which are never that far away these days.  Got the feeling back and seemed normal.  But then I started thinking about it later in the day - that it had to be something deathly - as everything is these days.  And my head feels weird but I'm not sure if I am just imaging it because I am freaking out or what.  And then I start pacing and my legs start to feel weak and such a strange sensation comes over me - another anxiety attack.  Then I just start to cry to my husband who has been wonderful but can really never truly understand whats happening to me.  I called the neurologist on call and he seemed to think it was a pinched nerve in my neck that I was sleeping on it - given that an MRI I had earlier in the year came back normal.  I don't know ladies - you feel good for some time and then BAM!!!!  - you are right back to where you were.  I just hate this - its all consuming at times. 

3 likes, 23 replies

23 Replies

  • Posted

    I remember that one Maria, freaked me out as well, and so happy it never happened again. I remember massaging my neck thinking it had something to do with my neck. It didn't last very long but the scare is enough to give you anxiety attacks. All these freaky experiences are no fun. Well, I hope you're better now. Hugs, xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying and letting me know that you experienced it as well and that it was only once because I am super worried about going to sleep tonight.   And its funny because I have been massaging my neck ALL Day!  Its hard to think it didn't have something to do with all this hormone stuff because today I just feel weird.  Hope you are having one of the good days.  smile  

    • Posted

      Chalk it up to being hormonal, and leave it at that. I recall feeling the same afraid it was going to happen again so I stayed awake, just to be sure, but it didn't happen again. I am having thus so far a good day, thank goodness. Take care and don't worry too much.

  • Posted

    Hi Marie, I never experienced that but I do get little

    Tingles on my forehead. It probably was a pinched

    nerve for you. Your right this perimenopause roller coaster is all consuming. Im so tired of struggling with this daily. I hope that you are able to try relax and feel better.

    • Posted

      Thank you Becky!.  I have experienced one hot flash since this all started and it was definitely not pleasant but I wish the more frequent symptoms I had were a bit more defined and easily attributed back to perimenopause.  It would help a lot.  But I have all these strange symptoms that doctors just look at me like I am a lunatic.  But I am so thankful that I can come to this forum and have people respond and offer some reassurance.  Have a good day tomorrow!
    • Posted

      Hi Marie the way that I feel lately I chock up

      to perimenopause because I surely didnt feel this way before. Ugh! I havent had any hot

      flashes yet......my mom never had them. I hope that I am that lucky. I struggle more with being anxious and down sad Thank you for responding to me....it is nice to know there is someone to talk to with the same things going on. Have a great night and try not to stress on going to bed tonight.

  • Posted

    That's the worse thing we do play it over and over in our heads until we send ourselves into a downward spiral.

    All these sensations we've never had before and we're wondering what they are.

    We are not on our own. I do it all the time.

    The one thing I can't get over is how down I feel.

    • Posted

      Natalie, maybe look at the ingredients of foods, and see if they contain "soy lecithin" or soy of any type. I was the same way until my doctor told me to avoid anything with soy in it. My feelings of being down changed and taking Vitamin D3 will keep your mood uplifted, as it's called the "sunshine cure." It may take about a month before you notice anything but it will enhance your mood. Hope this helps. Take care. x

    • Posted

      Hi Pat Im going to start vitamin D today. Crossing my fingers

      that it helps. Im getting frazzled with this mess.

    • Posted

      Hi beck,

      I've started to write a list of what I have achieved. Also cry and feel emotions. Try and do something crafty. Ring a friend. I have eventually admitted to friends that i'm struggling with menopause. I try not to give myself hard time. Try a go for a walk by the river with a decaf Costa Coffee.

      There are crafty shows on TV which I watch which gives me ideas to make things.

      Light some candles.

      Going to start taking vit D .

      It helps sometimes. Just being out in nature seems to help me.


    • Posted

      Thank you Natalie, Im going to try and get out and walk. This is

      so rough! I am glad that you have found things that get you

      through smile I take a B complex and just started vitamin D. Thanks

      for sharing what works for you. Great ideas!

    • Posted

      Yeah I know I cannot believe how rough you feel.

      My periods are all over the place aswell.

      I know it's horrible to feel this way. At least we aren't on our own. It's great to have a forum like this to talk.

      What do you do to feel better? X

    • Posted

      I used to crochet, do zumba and takes walks but now I feel

      like I cant do anything sad Today is a struggling day as well. Ugh!

      Hope your doing well today.

    • Posted

      Yesterday was a awful day. I didn't want to get off the couch. However I had to go to my daughters open evening at her new school. I thought I can't go but I had to.

      It made me think if I can go somewhere feeling that bad then I have strength somewhere in me. If I can do that then I can do other stuff.

      I feel strong physical exercise is too much at moment . The walking and trying to do a bit of yoga helps more.

      I totally am with you when you get down days. It's hard to accept but it's the only way sometimes.

      I dread some days . GP signed me off work for couple of weeks to get my energies back. I am trying to do something at least once a day. Or my mind works overtime before I know it i've convinced myself i'm going crazy!

    • Posted

      Im glad that you were able to get through the evening at your

      daughters school. Your right we do have some strength

      inside of us. This might be too personal but are you trying

      do this without any medication and do you ever feel like

      you cant keep pushing forward in this?

    • Posted

      Oh I have been put on antidepressants and will start HRT in a couple of weeks.

      I have recognised I need help somehow.

      So anything they can offer me I will take it. I will also probably see a professional to get me through this.

      I do feel like I can't keep going but last night was a bit of a turn around for me.

      There is only me and my daughter her father hasn't been around for 6 years. My parents are helping out at moment aswell.

      What about you ? X

    • Posted

      I am only taking vitamin b complex and started vitamin d

      today. I also pray alot. I really dont want anti depressants. Im

      just trying to get through it. I would definitely try hrt but I think

      thebioidentical kind. I see my gyno on the 28th and hope that

      she does something that works for me.

    • Posted

      I wanted the bio identical kind. They are trying me on something else as probably as too expensive for NHS. I think I will see how it goes if not i'll ask for bio identical kind.

    • Posted

      I hope they work well for you. We will see what the doctor

      offers me. Scary feeling this way sad

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