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I am 44, I had my ovarios removed 2 months ago,  I am in tibolone.  I am getting headaches and lighthead are this  side effects ?   Because  I read  that if you get headaches is a warning that you get a stroke?   

I don’t know If a estriol alone has less side effects ,   ???

Thanks for your help

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Go to the dr if you are worried.. I have only been on Tibolone for 3 days but hoping it will be positive for me
  • Posted

    Hi I started on this 2 weeks ago to try to rectify a non existent libido ( hence cardboard cut out woman) 

    It seemed to be having a slight beneficial affect but then after 2 weeks my flushes started again at night and half an hour after taking it I was very lightheaded and felt very ill with an enormous headache 

    I took it for one more day but again half an hour after taking it I felt the same dizziness 

    If anyone out there can suggest a good h r t for libido I would be grateful to know as it’s ruining my relationship as I’ve been like this for 3 years 

    I still have ovaries and all the rest of it but am willing to remove it all if that would help 

    I’m fairly desperate now having taken about 7 different types . 

    I’m 56 but feel about 80 most days 

    Sorry to moan on . I wouldn’t have posted my own question but I couldn’t not respond to Ana as I’d had the same symptoms and would not have wanted her to think that it had only happened to her 

    Thank you ladies 

    • Posted

      Thank you  for your answer, it has been very helpful that I am no only one having headaches, I’m thinking to try estradiol,

      With tibolone I  still have hot flashes during the night.

      Thank you

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