Headache accompanied with neck pain??!!.a
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2 weeks ago I woke up in PAIN I could not bend my neck back it was extremly painful, called to the chemist and was told I may of slept funny and was told to try some gel for the neck pain,
however if the pain persists to goto the GP which I did last Wednesday, he examined me and didn't seem concerned, so if I still had pain call back after couple of days!!!
yesterday likewise for the last 7 days in bed I have a headache either side which throbs which has woken each morning, yesterday it was a continuation all day which just lay on my forehead and also abit of pain at the back of my head?
i keep thinking as I'm premenapausable it's just my hormones playing up?
having been to the doctors ( who didn't seem that concerned )
i was wondering what u ladies thought??
i have tried various OTC remedies paracemimal etc also my eyes are like I want to pull out my eyeballs I could press them and they are tender
i feel terrible and this continuation of headache is it normal?
Any advice please??!!!!!!!. X
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hope4cure Shelly0069
Also so discuss with you doc thing available to help.
I tried hormone slow release pellets for months which helped a lot.
Shelly0069 hope4cure
Hi, Thankyou for your reply.
ive also tried hot water bottle which did help with my neck pain, but for the 2weeks I've felt terrible, and that contributed a full day also of Anxiety!
also been getting shoulder pain But Only In my right one!!!!!
i feel so flipping drained, with it all, I am on HRT but with all this I'm at a Los as to what else I can do!?????
i do suffer with migranes have done for 20plus years and take Sumertription for this however it's NOT migranes I'm getting though, just a dull throbbing head pain, either side of my temple or on the front of my head!!!!!.
feeling achy to like I have previously ran a marathon or been run over by a truck!!!!!!
thanku for ur comment. X
hope4cure Shelly0069
Grt better soon. ❤
Ask ur doctor. And get better soon. Darn spelling Yikes! 🤔
Shelly0069 hope4cure
Lotti1966 Shelly0069
May sound crazy but it happened to me. Had every test possible ran, sent me to ENT Dr etc....Dr finally sent me to the dentist. Come to find out I was grinding my teeth at night and didn't even know it! Causes head pain, neck, shoulder, arm, all the way down your back and arm sometimes he said.
They fitted me for a mouth guard to wear at night and after just one night I felt 100% better!
Worth a try😉
Shelly0069 Lotti1966
WOW really .........,,,
i don't think that I grind my teeth????
R u ok now though?
i just keep thinking its my damned hormones?, likewise going through the change? X
Lotti1966 Shelly0069
Yes, had a total hysterectomy 15 mths ago. In menopause full force😲
lori92895 Shelly0069
I'm so sorry for your trouble. I hear migraines can come up in perimenopause even if you haven't had them before. For my headaches I have to take a prescription medicine. It's the only thing that cures them for me. Otherwise I'll have the headache for days. A real bad one leaves me weak and with aftermath pain. I hope you can find a cure for it. I use a cold cloth for it also.
Before I started taking the prescription medicine I'd take a can of regular coke, which I do not like the taste of, and mix it with about two teaspoons of sugar, two tylenol and one aspirin. It usually helped within a couple of hours.