Headache and constant brain fog
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Ok, so here's my story:
For 2 years I went to the GP because I was getting these episodes of extreme fatigue. Blood tests were normal. Assumed it was just stress and anxiety. I keep going back and forth, but still nothing. Dull brain fog present, but I could live it. I've been doning everything I can exercising, sleeping right, eating healthy, you name it, but I would still get these episodes. They would come and go. There was a period when it seemed to dissapear, but only to come right back
Then this year: I've been healthy, sleeping, working out, ignoring the fatigue and brain fog. I notice this I have a mild pressure at the top of my head (tension headache). I take ibuprofen and paracetamol for a week, nothing happens. Doesn't work (which was strange because it always works for my headaches). I up my dose of paracetamol and ibuprofen as prescribed by my physician. I take these for a week, nothing happens. I am then prescriped aspirin which I had to take for two weeks to remove this headache. I quit aspirin, the headaches are better.
Then during easter vacation I suddenly get very very tired and fatigued. It was exhausting to stand upright, I had to lie down all the time. I would get very fatigued, nauseated and just feel weak upon standing. I would sleep all the time. I had this muscle weakness upon walking, it was difficult to walk. This lasted for about 4 days. I then get flue like symptoms, I feel sick, getting chills and feeling feverish, sore throat. This lasted for a week.
Present: I get at least two headache attacks per day, they are really tension like. But for some reason I take pills for migrane attacks, which barely work. The headache relapses, then goes away after I take another pill. I also get sudden unpredictable attacks of exteme fatigue where I just feel annoyed, and get this weakness at the back of my neck and down my body. I then have to sleep.
What bothers me the most though is that my memory seems to be deterioration more every day, my concentration is awful, I feel spaced out all the time, and I just don't want to do anything. I can barely remember anything these days. I cannot gather new info which is awful when your a student.
I'm an 18 year old male. I have talked to two psychologists. It was clear I was not depressed, but had depressive symptoms which disappeared very quickly. I currently do not have symptoms of depression either, neither do I feel depressed. I have been diagnosed with social anxiety, but it really isn't bothering me anymore, it's become mild. Furthermore I've had an EKG, and MRI, complete blood tests, urine test and seen a neurologist. I seem healthy but I certainly do not feel that way at all. Can someone relate? If so, please reply so that maybe we can figure out what's going on together.
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dkr31906 Anonymousman
Have you considered going to a physiotherapist? I have been getting headaches for more than 2 years now. Mine are pounding headaches sometimes on the left or the right and sometimes on both sides. I would get them from the moment I woke up until I went back to sleep. It was unbearable! I could not concentrate or even stand up sometimes. I had tried everything- doctors, blood tests, scans, lots of medication! Then I was recommended to a physiotherapist and after a few appointments it was clear that the problem is in my shoulder/back/neck muscles. The headaches were a result of that and even though it has not gone away (yet) it is definitely more under control.
It might not be the same but it's worth considering. You also mentioned that you worked out and ate healthy, make sure you're not overdoing it (that was a problem with me). And drink plenty of water it definitely helps.
I hope you find this useful in some way. And good luck!
Anonymousman dkr31906
Lippa Anonymousman
I've tried everything, had all the tests. Diagnosis, migraine. Next prick that says migraine I'll throat punch, it's not a migraine. It's sooo frustrating. I've just started an intensive chiropractic program. I'll let you know if it has success.
Anonymousman Lippa