Headache....Muscle Tension?
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So...the muscles in the sides and back of my neck are very tense today (which isn't really new, because I tend to tighten those muscles when I'm anxious, which is pretty much all the time)...anyone had any experience with a headache as a result of that tension? It's kind of an all-over headache (oh, and my jaw muscles hurt too), it feels as though my head is too heavy for my neck to support. I had myself in a right panic earlier today because I've been dizzy for weeks now too and I was convinced I was having some sort of catastrophic brain event (like a stroke)....clearly, since I've felt this way since I woke up this morning, I'm probably not going to die from it, but I'm still concerned...could this be one more wacky hormonal symptom (I've had a light period for the past six days....longer than usual and it started about a week and a half after my last one (which was very light/spotty)....which was the first one I've had in two and a half months)....more importantly, how can I stop obsessing about every little thing that goes wrong with my body? It's maddening!! The worry breeds the tension which breeds the worry...on and on it goes!
(I had a massage last night....could that have made my muscles feel a bit achier than usual today? She did spend a lot of time on my neck and shoulders).
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anxiousface wearykitty
Tazchurch wearykitty
Big hugs xxx
Sandy07 wearykitty
SoopyLoopy wearykitty
p123cb wearykitty
All the symotoms are there and how we are approaci=ginh the menopause i thikn that are bodies still think we are inperiod mode and still act like we are.
the other week i felt ill, sick headaches cold and just generally unwell, had a bit of spotting not mch but a horrible ache in my stomach, sofrom my point of veiw my bidy is still reacting like a period is coming but it does not and i am fed up about it all and i am paronlid that there is something serious with me. but just put it down to the menopause. what us women have to suffer with!!!!! how long do we have to suffer until we can feel 100% better
sorry to rant HTH
Sandy07 wearykitty