Headache, neck pain, imbalance, ear ringing

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it's been 18 months and I have yet to wake up with a decent feeling.... peri symptoms are just non stop, some are intermittent and some are constant. I try to tell myself it'll pass some day and I feel ok but that only lasts for a few minutes then I'm back to being anxious, worried, crying. Today I woke up with a terrible tension headache on the left side AGAIN, neck pain and screaming ear. I tried magnesium, Excedrin, tylenol but it barely touches my headaches and muscle tension. I just finished my period yesterday, they've been regular lately but symptoms are so random, I can't seem to find a pattern. I just needed to vent, thank you all wonderful ladies, I am grateful to have your support, this forum is god sent for me.

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17 Replies

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    soon to be 40 but feels like 80

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    Isn't is it so discouraging? I am tired - physically but much more so emotionally and mentallyThis has been the hardest thing i have ever had to deal with

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    I have had all this for 6 years. I did recently start using CBD oil and my ringing ears and muscle pain is easing. Only a week of use so it's a good sign I think

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    Im right there with you- feels like im a bad dream i just dont understand its awful. Going back to the dr next week:( Hang in there, I know easier said than done:) hugs and prayers to you ❤❤

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    Hey Ampat, yes, it is definitely no picnic. See if you can discuss some type of menopause support with supplements with your pharmacist, pharmacist are usually great with that. Also see if you can get with a pharmacist that does compounding with hormones, they really help women through this time, that is pharmacist. Are you cutting out sugar, alcohol and caffeine, it makes a huge difference. Not preaching, as I’m not that great with that myself. The symptoms do seem to rage while you’re still having your period unfortunately. I read that even black cohosh helps with menstrual cramps but you have to take a before the cramps start like an hour before and we don’t have a crystal ball for that so I don’t know what to tell you they are 😉 Yeah that war ringing, before I knew I was in perimenopause, years ago, I was like ...damn someone’s talking about me all the time… LOL

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    I am 2 years post, and have these exact symptoms pretty much every single day still. Ugh, make it stop!

    Hang in there!!

    • Posted

      Shannon, have you cut out sugars, Caffeine and alcohol? And are you on any supplements, they can help greatly 😃 has this affected you being social, are you antisocial, I am, I never used to be. How about lack of energy, Currently I’m sitting in My sunroom & I need to go out and put Garden COTE fert. like on 50 plants, don’t think it’s gonna happen. As my mother used to say, my get up and go, has got up and went. lol

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      Mam can i ask u q plz

      in Peri also u have all these symtoms or these symtoms started when ur period stops ?

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      It is so hard to feel good enough to do anything! I have always been very social, and continue that. I sell real estate, and have managed to continue that through my misery and lack of energy, lol!

      I rarely drink, so that one was easy, especially with the acid reflux that meno brought me. Sugar and caffeine are still present a bit. And all my life I have been a big supplement girl, but have added the magnesium and black cohosh for this fun!

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      I had no idea what was happening when it started. I lost my mom when she was just starting meno, so I had nothing to compare symptoms to. I wasn't sure originally if I just had a bad neck, which I do. So I think this pains started in peri and for me have continued into post (LUCKY ME!)

      Exercise, even just steady walking has probably been my biggest help!

    • Posted

      unfortunately Shannon feeling unsociable is such a huge part of this for so many of us. It is for me big time as well. I will give you an example. My husband has tickets to a baseball game today, but it’s two hours there, two hours back, he drives like a man in city traffic ...so I white knuckle it the whole way… LOL and then it’s four hours sitting on those hard stadium seats. Do you think I want to go, I think you know the answer...lol my friend is a realtor and she had a hysterectomy, a complete hysterectomy, she doesn’t even have her ovaries to make the hormones. I don’t know how she’s functioning. I know as a realtor you have to have a lot of stamina and be bery out going, so kudos to you to keep pushing through. but I really think that this time in our lives is about just that, not pushing through anymore, but we almost have no choice. have you tried the supplement, milk thistle for the acid reflux, it might help and are you on a probiotic ?

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      Shannon, I’m terribly sorry you lost your mother at such a young age, that is never easy for sure. Hugs to you. have you ever looked at the pain trigger points for fibromyalgia on the Internet? it peaked my interest when you mention neck pain. Because fibromyalgia is 100 times worse during perimenopause and menopause. i’m not diagnosing anyone or insinuating, but I think a lot of things come out during this time in life. and neck pain is a major issue of mine and all my friends that have Fibro. do you also have problems trying to find a comfortable pillow for sleeping? I have what I call the pillow graveyard in my attic, we had at one time 12 pillows up there. I tried memory foam, Bamboo, cool gel, the ones you fill with water from the chiropractor etc... I was an expert on pillows ..lol

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about ur mom dear

      Neck pain and heavyness is head is scary symtoms for me..difficult to handle.


      Hang is there



  • Posted

    Soo Sorry to hear ur suffering alot dear.

    We r in same boat yaar.

    Ur not alone.

    Peri hard part of life

    Suffering alot from last year.


    Head Pressure

    Brain Fog

    Jelly like legs

    Off Balance


    Neck pain 😭😭

    and soo many other issues.

    My life fully changed yaar.

    Hang is there

    Hoping for better days.

    I pray for u all dear



    • Posted

      Sunaina, The jelly/weak legs is the worst ever. I really went through a very difficult time with it. When I would go to get up, I would literally mentally prepare myself. I wish I would’ve journal this from 12 years ago to help everybody, unfortunately I didn’t realize I was even going through Perry till I found this wonderful forum! do you take supplements for this time in life, they greatly help !

    • Posted

      Helloo dear

      yeh ur right jelly week legs make ur physical moments worse. .some days r sooo bad its difficult to walk ...my legs start shaking...always search something for support to stand for longer time.😭

      Peri change my life fully.

      Mam how long it take to leg problems to be solved???

      Hope ur doing good now.

      My Dr gave Vit B12 and Vit E capsules..But i donot think they have any effect on legs symtoms...my legs problem is worse near to my periods.

      Same with me suffering from peri from long..didnot know its peri..when i joined this forum ..started reading posts ..i realise its Peri effect..

      Hang is there

      waiting for better days


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