Headache, numbness, and feeling spacey

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hey, so about 3 months ago i had a lumbar puncture done. i had it done because i was feeling dizzy and i had somewhat of a headache. 2 days later after that procedure, i had headaches everyday. the first month the headaches were so bad. like terrible, it got to the point where i would beg my parents to take me to the hospital, so that they could make the pain go away. now 3 months in i still have those headaches, but i so feel how my head or brain goes numb. it happens every time i stand up or sit up. i get this weird feeling like im in drugs or something. like i feel stoned. i have a lot of head pressure and pain in my head. i have this tingling that starts from the top of my head and it goes down. i have also started to feel numbness in my arms. my eyes hurt. i get throbbing in my head. i have fullness in my ears like theyre filled with air or like they need to pop. i get this spacey feeling. it kinda feels like nothing around me is actually real anymore. i can feel how that pain in my head moves around my brain. my doctor thinks the lumbar puncture triggered migraines, bur im not sure if it's that. i never had any of these symptoms before so its frustrating. due to all of this, i now started to have anxiety because of the non ending pain and numbness and everything i have explained above. no my symptoms are not being triggered by my anxiety. the headaches just never went away. i had really bad vertigo 2 to 3 weeks after the lumbar puncture. that gradually went away, but i still feel dizzy and that weird stoned feeling. before all this happened, i was working out a lot, and months later thats when i started ti get dizzy. i gave it a week, it continued, so i saw a doctor (not my regular doctor) but he said it was allergies. he gave me allergy meds, but it continued. i started to get lightheaded so i ended up going to the hospital. they just made everything worse with that stupid lumbar puncture because they thought i might have had meningitis. in my gut i had this bad feeling about letting them do this, but i was scared, so i said yes. now im stuck with these terrible headaches which by the way occur all day everyday, head numbness, and head pressure. any of you guys gone through this?

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    first of all, headaches, numbness and spacey that you had been feeling could be due to anxiety I had those as well and I refused to believe my doctor I had tens of blood tests, all sorts of scans you know exist they all came back normal. Just when I said to myself that it is anxiety and calmed myself down and reached my goals that were stressing me out, all those symptoms eventually went away.

    second of all, your worse headaches after the lumber puncture might be triggered by the operation. what happens is they use either a cutting spinal needle or a pencil point needle, find out what was used in your case because the use of a cutting spinal needle sometimes leaves a large opening in your dura matter causing your cerebrospinal fluid to leak and the reduced level of this fluid causes that type of headache you just describe and travels down your neck. you need a scan to confirm the leakage if they find one, the good news is they can correct it. they will inject blood into your epidural space which will quickly clot and eventually matches that hole left by the first operation. But if your scan says there is no leaking than it might be something else or just anxiety.

    My anxiety once gave me mad migraines that i couldn't stay still or sit down I was just walking and walking I thought I was going crazy it scared me to death and it went worse distorting my vision making all straight lines look bendy I thought I was dying. Anyway good luck with that i hope you get well very soon

    • Posted

      i walk around my house all the time thinking im going crazy. all this has stressed me out. ive never been through anything like this, so you can imagine how frantic i am. i feel like im losing my mind. sometimes i feel like i might lose my memory, and i dont know why. sometimes i ask myself if i even recognize the people around me or if i know where im at. i dont know why it has gotten to this point. i space out most times. after the lumbar puncture, i started to believe there was something wrong with my brain. i dont feel like myself anymore. i get sad because my brain doesnt feel the same anymore. my anxiety makes me feel like i might hurt someone or myself. and i have never felt like that in my life. i get so panicky. i dont know if i feel this way because im tired of the everyday headache.

    • Posted

      Hi Jenny, I can guarantee you that you are not the only person going through this, I went down like that too and turned out it was all due to the level of stress and anxiety that i had and now it all went away. My advice is try to avoid any sort of medical invasive intervention because if it turns out that it was all due to the anxiety, the invasive intervention might cause unnecessary damage or pain. Scans like MRIs are so good and reliable and no radiation and trust the results and your way to recovery will start from there. I'll tell you my story my anxiety was so bad that i would space out and feel like everything was not real, i would feel like i was out of my body and watch my body doing all on its own like autopilot mode, sometimes i would feel like a blockage on all veins round my neck like my brain is not getting anymore supply making me feel like my head was going to explode, my head would feel heavy as if it was going to fall off. the reason why you walk around your house is because of the racing thoughts in your mind not giving your brain a break so since your brain is working fine and that its smart thats why it responds by shutting everything down so you wont concentrate on things so you don't give your brain excessive work. You're definitely not crazy and will not go crazy. Try to ask your doc to put you on antidepressant like "Mirtazapine" the 15mg. it will help stable your mood and give you enough sleep at night and hopefully come out of your worst episodes. if you and your doc agree on mirtazapine, just bear in mind first two to three weeks will be episodes of side effects which might scare you even more then after 4 to 5 weeks it will start to work. Good luck though. I can guarantee you i went through exactly what you are going through and i have come out of it. be careful of people around you so that you don't hurt anyone including your self. I attempted suicide one time because of my headache attacks but i regret it big time after. Please don't hurt yourself just relax more then you will start enjoying life more. dont stress yourself anymore. take life easy and enjoy more

    • Posted

      thank you so much for sharing. i feel like i want to panic all the time and for no reason what so ever. its like my brain like okay we're going to panic. but instead of panicing, i sit there normally and feeling it all inside. my doctor has started me off on venlafaxine which she upped my dose to 75mg and i dont like how its making me feel. she prescribed it because she said it helps with migraines as well. it makes me feel more sicker than i already am. i dont want to feel this way anymore. im too young to be going through this and nobody should feel and go through this. i just to be my self again.

    • Posted

      Jenny, I am experiencing everything as you described! Its like a out of body feeling and the pressure in my head and eyes never go away .

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