Headache over a week! What can I take?

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Iv had a headache for over a week now, iv tried loads of different tablets but nothing is working!

I cannot get an appointment at the doctors what can I take that will actually work?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Dont take any more over the counter medicine! You are getting rebound headaches. Research those and try home remidies. Get lots of sleep and stay hydrated. I have had headaches for 10 years now at least and I cant take over the counter medication because it will give me headaches that last weeks. You need to go see a doctor, they might start with Fioricet which is a higher dose of Acetaminophen and caffine and it helps a lot. They could give you something to take daily to prevent headaches as well. Your doctor will know how to help you better than people on here! Good luck!
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply! I will try not to take anymore over the counter medication! Trying to see the doctor but got to wait for doctor to ring me back rolleyes
    • Posted

      Of course! I am glad I can give advice on here! Anything helps! If it is really bad and you go to the emergency room they'll usually give you a shot of morphine and kill the headache. Once it is gone be careful, everything you do can effect your head. Make sure to watch your diet, lots of water, no caffine (unless you know for sure it helps you), dont watch too much TV (it can strain your eyes), get enough sleep but not too much, just try going to bed and waking up at the same time ( I know it sucks but it does help!), is it is a tension headache try ice and heat on the neck! But you know your body best so depending on where the pain is coming from is how you know to treat it!

      If it is a tension headache ice and heat your neck.

      If it is a headache in your eyes and temples then be careful with electronics, try a nap or go somewhere with dull lighting. 

      There are so many factors that go with headaches, depending on the day and type of headache there are a million things I could go on and on about but I will stop. 

      I hope you find releif soon!! 

  • Posted

    Try some over the counter SLeepytime teas with valerian root so that you could get some sleep. use two tea bags. Also if it's sinus related they have a sleepytime tea with vitamin c and echinachea. Try eating peanuts, blueberries, apples, chia seeds, flax seed oil, anything that has anti inflammatory properties to help minimize the pain. Its not a cure but rather a preventative measure. I suffer from regular migraines, stress migraines, sinus migraines, you name it. They lessen when I follow my anti-infammatory diet. It really works.

    But you should really go to the emergency room, if its been a week since you've had it. They can give yoi somethng intravenously to help you.  Be well. I know the feeling well. Also, my doctor gave meFioricet which is butalb with acetminophen and caffeine. One day i had taken 9 advil in less than 24 hours nothing was working. I took one of the Fioricet and it was gone!!! I only use them if it gets really severe, not that often.  Xanax point five milligrams always helps them go away also. Ask your doctor. Good luck.

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