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Going through perimenapause I have headache every day and I get fatigue, I just started perimenopause about 4 months ago is this like this when you first start, if anyone can tell me this is it than I can except it I'm going crazy I don't know what to do anymore. 

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55 Replies

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    I woke up with a terrific headache today, and had them every other day all week. So annoying. 

    I think you should: A. Have your sinuses checked out, from your posts it sounds like you could have something going on there. B. What kind of pillow do you use? I can only use a certain feather pillow, otherwise I will have neck issues. Don't lay on the sofa to watch TV, that will hurt your neck, and make sure you aren't looking down at your phone or computer all day, keep it eye level. Tech neck is real, and it can really screw your neck up and give you headaches.

    If your sinuses check out OK, then it probably is just peri related and you'll have to kind of see what triggers the headaches. I'm caffeine free so I know it's not that. But lately I find when I eat sushi I wake up with a headache. Last night I skipped the avocado but still got one. 

    The fatigue is a rough one. You just have to rest when you are feeling that overwhelming fatigue.


    • Posted

      Thank you Suzanne, 

      I went to the ent on Friday he saw my ears didn't see anything he said put some ice compress, told me to come back in a month if not better to do ct scan of my sinus had a ct scan of my head at the er doc said it was fine but this headache I have it also in the back of my neck and some days my shoulder hurts this is driving me crazy will this subside. 

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      When I had the bad pain in my neck and head it was from using too many pillows and also looking down at my phone too much. I had an MRI done on my neck because it was so bad and the neuro said I had the neck of a 20 year old! Huh???? Anyway, when I got these things straightened out my neck started feeling better and the headaches got under control. 

      Lately, when my feet start burning, it can also cause a weird headache, but I'm assuming these are my body's hot flashes. I also get pain in my back, shoulder, stomach, and an adrenaline rush kind of feeling. It's really awful. 

      I'm a year and a half into this, and most of the really bad symptoms have gotten a bit better. But I think it's because I finally relaxed and decided that this is all peri related. I mean I've had everything scanned, MRI'd, bloodwork out the wazoo, and nothing was ever found, so the odds I have some disease that never showed up are slim. Although I did have an old virus surface. So keep in mind that can happen during peri when your immune system is low. But anyway, my point is, I think the anxiety I had thinking the doctors were missing something made everything so much worse. And I also think it takes a long time for your brain to get back to normal after all the anxiety, like it needs to rewire. 

    • Posted

      Where your symptoms worst when you first started perimenapause,only because I wasn't feeling like this before perimenapause I mean I would get headache once in a while but not like this ,also I noticed that my vision gets blurry, what are you taking for your headache 

    • Posted

      Heed my warning on this one. When the headaches were so bad I was taking Advil daily. This is what led to having bad chronic gastritis. Be really careful with NSAIDs, and if you do take them, make sure you are definitely taking with food/milk. So now I just have to take Tylenol, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 

      Yeah, my peri hit me like a train. But thinking back I did have some things going on all throughout my 40s. Bad night sweats. IBS stuff. Strange pain in my lower right abdomen. Things that could never be explained, but now I know it was probably all hormone related. But boy, when I hit 50 all hey hah broke loose. And yes, my vision gets wonky. From blurry, to floaters, to flashing zig zag lights, and lately silver glitter rain when I look at the sun. Had my eyes checked last January by an opthamalogist and all was fine. Of course it was. Everything is always OK, but man, can you feel like a train wreck!

    • Posted

      I can't take advil have gastritis had an endoscopy and colonoscopy in November, colonoscopy was fine but endoscopy showed chronic inflammation I guess because when I was having headache I would always take advil  instead of tylonal,does your shoulders feel heavy sometimes,I haven't even dye my hair in about a month because of how I feel sometimes it even hurts to brush my hair.  

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      When you move your head from one side to another do you feel like something is moving in your neck it strange feeling ,sorry I'm just trying not to freak out I feel a little shaky .

    • Posted

      Seems like many of us start out with gastritis. So many similarities.

      When all my symptoms were at their worse I also developed frozen shoulder which was excruciating. And not being to take advil didn't help matters for that. So I've had pain in my head, neck, upper left back next to my shoulder blade which was awful, and shoulders, it's all related to peri. 

      When I move my neck back and forth I can feel and hear crunching. I used to heat up one of those lavender neck wraps in the microwave. This really helped, and also sometimes alternating ice and heat when it was really bad. If you're waking up with the headache it's probably neck related.

      I can tell you are starting to go down that anxiety rabbit hole. You've got to try and keep it together. Sounds like you've had many tests like I've had, and everything is OK. So just know that all these crazy symptoms are hormone related. I just don't know if there is anything we can do, but anxiety definitely makes it worse. I had to come to the realization that yes indeed peri can make you feel like you are dying. I had a hard time fathoming that, I mean, how can hormones make you feel that rotten and give you that many symptoms? But this is where this forum was a lifesaver for me, when you see that others are going through the same hell, it makes it easer to believe it.


    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne, 

      Which you where living close by so we can help each other out, you live here in the usa or in uk.

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      That is awsome, I'm in south Florida 30 minutes from fort Lauderdale.

      I'm going to call my obg to see if she can put me on hrt low dose patch

  • Posted

    HI, maybe get your bloods done, anaemia can cause headaches.  Also try calcium and magnesium supplements, also b vitamins.  I do go on about B vitamins all the time because I just wish I had known how helpful they can be when I started this journey.  The headaches could just be hormonal, I used to get a headache for THREE days.  So debilitating and I’m not normally one to give in.  The doctor finally prescribed one of those triptan tabs that I’m possibly not supposed to mention here.  Very helpful though.  Now I’m almost out the other side, I can assure you that things get better, at least for me the headaches are much less painful and best of all much less frequent,  Hang on in there girls!
  • Posted

    Hi Jacqueline

    Sorry to hear you a feeling so awful I didn't suffer with headaches so much but was very fatigued, tearful and just agitated at times which wasn't me at all .I guess all our symptoms vary but when I was on the hrt livial tibbilone because I was 29 at time and it was needed to prevent osteoporosis the tablets helped and made me feel more like me less flushes etc . They stopped me on them a few yrs ago when bleeding started erratically.

    I hope your symptoms ease soon and you start to feel well no one prepares you for this do they !

    • Posted

      No you're right, I'm thinking of going on the hrt patch low dosage I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes I just started perimenopause about 4 months ago I faith in God that it will get better 

    • Posted

      The hrt patch low dose is fantastic, been on it nearly 2 years. No side effects either x
    • Posted

      It as helped so much and yes I did moe a less. It’s been a god send. Don’t get me wrong I still get loads of symptoms but not as half as bad. It stopped the hot flushes and my dizziness straight away, which were really bad xx
    • Posted

      Where you getting fatigue, I also heard that many women get bags under there eyes and lathargic is this also true I'm new to this so I'm getting feed back from different women 

    • Posted

      I was same as you, I felt like I was dying and going mad. Went on the patches after about 8 weeks of starting menapause and I would say I’m about 85 per cent better. Still get some anxiety and some sleepless nights but that’s it x
    • Posted

      How about fatigue and headache, 

      How did you find this forum this is good information, do you still get your period I still do but this month only 3 days in December I got it twice. 

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      I'm glad how about the beginning of perimenapause did you get alote of head ache,it is so nice that we can chat through this forum, one thing I also have with perimenapause I don't have much appetite. 

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      Yes I did get a lot of headaches and also lost quite abit of weight cause I didn’t feel like eating also x
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      I heard that the hrt patch can give you side affects ,but then again I'm 51 and I was on birth control pills when I was a teenager for a few years ,I think hrt patch I'd going to help me I have faith .

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      Hopefully you can come to the usa one day and we can meet,thank for been so kind in this forum you've help me alote.

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      I’m also 51 I haven’t had no side effects what so ever from starting them. I had side effects from the hrt tablets but not patches x
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      It would be lovely. And your very welcome, it helps been on here. I’m here anytime you want a chat. Just message me x
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      My dr said there are less chances of that happening than been on the tablets. I smoke and it doesn’t bother me x
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      I'm sorry karen did you experience brain fog I'm not sure if this is happening to me if so can you explain it to me.

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      Yes I did. It’s like my brain goes blank, my head feels heavy, I forget things feel as thou my heads spinning x
    • Posted

      Thank you, 

      can you suggest a good multi vitamin for perimenapause I'm not taking any yet 

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      At the beginning of your perimenapause where you tired alote not wanting to do anything stay home because that's how I feel brain fog I have also lost feeling for every thing .

    • Posted

      Yes I always felt tired, had no energy or anything, still feel like it now abit. It’s 7.00 am here in the uk x
    • Posted

      Hi karen, 

      Every day I wake up I feel like im sick with neck pain ,feels like a headache is coming on I feel weak  I just don't feel like myself how does one start to feel better with perimenapause. 

      Any suggestions. 

    • Posted

      Hi Jacqueline I know the feeling I go to bed every night thinking it all starts again tomorrow. But now I get up and just try to ignore the symptoms I have. It’s hard cause my muscles and joints are so bad at the moment, I’m in agony xx
    • Posted

      Also today I’ve just been and bought osteocytes for bones, it as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc in. Gonna try this xx
    • Posted

      Every day I feel fatigue it comes and goes then tired then dizzy then nacious and behind my right ear I feel like there is a slight pain I try to ignore it but it's hard also I haven't color my hair over a month I'm scared it might trigger a headache 

    • Posted

      Hi it sounds like you have anxiety with your menapause darl. I dyed my hair yesterday, well over the due date due to me been scared incase I went dizzy. Even thou my hrt as stopped the dizziness xx
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      Hi use muscle rubs like tiger balm, it’s really good, warm compress. I also sleep with a neck pillow xx
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      I also developed a rash right below my eye braw is that part of perimenapause having dry skin 

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