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Just wondering if anyone has a solution for headaches.. About 4 years ago I started with them around my period-- maybe a few days before the period. It was awful because it was every month!!! Then the headaches disappeared except here and there which I blamed the weather and sinuses. Well, now they are back!! UGHHHHA few weeks ago it was very hot and muggy and had one for 2 or 3 days.. Tylenyol sinus and nose spray, etcc BUT I got my period 2 days ago and now I have the same kind..So this is 2 in a month! Tylenol sinus severe, nose spray works best-- I'm going to try a hot shower tonight.I'm so frustrated, these headaches are awful.. Does this mean I need hormone cream? I work part-time but I'm thinking about taking off a few days around my period with being tired and now this headaches.

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18 Replies

  • Edited

    No real solution for the headaches just wanted to let you know your not alone .. headaches seem to be a big part of this journey..and the thing is its not just a headache its much more than that .. its dizziness nausea shaky weak legs and faint feeling numbness all those symptoms are a part of the headache / migraine they come together .. not fun ..

  • Posted

    I started getting menstrual migraines around 37/38. At 43, I had my first migraine aura. I am 45 now and get a period every twenty-one days, which means a migraine every twenty-one days. They have caused me to miss work and other special occasions. I wake up with the pain and fall asleep with the pain. It's typically an all day affair. I just lay in bed all day with ice packs on my head.

    • Posted

      Hi Staci how have you been since losing your mom? so sorry for your loss.. I was thinking about you lately and hoping you are coping as best as you possibly can.. have you had any migraines as of lately? they are torture I must say., I'm getting one now or at least I know its coming my vision is super blurry and reall6 forgetful too I can't stand the scary forgetful moments it makes me so scared I cry its to overwhelming.. and then its in my left temple where it will be for 3 days until the big attack .. mouth is stiff and legs are weak like jelly also. thats my big sign its coming .. and in very emotional which never use to be I was always such a tough ole girl now when I'm overwhelmed I just blurt out a river of tears .. I feel like a teapot coming to its roar sometimes... my mom has been in and out of hospital and its looking like kidneys are shutting down for her they are doing everything they can with all these different meds to avoid dialysis the rest of her life.. they are preparing her for an I.v. medicine she will get 2x s and be done with treatment its suppose to shut down her immune system from. attacking her own kidneys as they think thats whats happening in her case..yesterday one if the fill in doctors called to say her bloodwork showed high potassium and low sodium and to get her to e,r stat because heart can stop when that happens s9 shes back in there now that they admitted her again.. well I just wanted to reach out to you to see how you are feeling .. love n peace ❤

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.. That's tough and wish her the best... Do you think these headaches are coming from stress as well.. This covid thing and all the unknowns making me crazy might've caused a bad headache.

    • Posted

      Thank you Kelly for the well wishes! absolutely for sure 100 % stress can trigger a headache/migraine along with so many more triggers.. I really do feel like I am the migraine expert now lol who would have thought going from never having headaches to completely incapacitating headaches many times a month.. but you know for me they come no matter what same times every single month that is ovulation time and when I would have had a period.. I don't get periods anymore. because of hysterectomy years ago but still have my ovaries and the only reason I still know this is my periods where the 28th of the month every month for a 5 to 6 day cycle and the muddle of the month two weeks later was always ovulation.. know this because the monthly painful ovary cysts.. so on these days for around. 3 days long I get the monthly migraines for almost 5 years now..and definitely anytime in between many things can trigger an off migraine for me as well that normally wouldn't be here hormonal wise.. lights smells perfumes computer screens fluorescent lights foods many things will get me avoidance is key.. do you have triggers , and do yours come same time every month? a

    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy,

      Sorry for the late reply. I don't come here too much these days. Thank you so much for your kind words about my mother. It's been difficult. I have spent the majority of the past two months sobbing. I am alone now, so that has been difficult too. I go days without speaking to someone out loud (phone). And, I go weeks without speaking to someone in-person. I am working remotely and most people are quarantining.

      I am sorry to hear about your mother. Much of what you are describing sounds similar to my mother. Her kidney disease started when she was diagnosed with colon cancer 5 years ago. Since then, her kidneys got progressively worse. She would often be hospitalized because her electrolytes were out of sync. She received infusions of potassium, magnesium, and sodium bicarbonate on many occasions.

      She never wanted to go on dialysis. She waited as long as possible. Ultimately, she had a bile duct blockage. She was hospitalized for 14 days and had a stent procedure. It was a success, but the hospital stay deconditioned her and made her kidneys worse from all the medicine. She just could not recover.

      I miss her terribly. She was my best friend and my favorite person in the world. Tell your mother you love her. xo

    • Posted

      Hi Staci thats ok I'm on here less often myself as of lately but do still check in from time to time..crying is healing so if you are doing a lot of it your body mind and soul is trying to heal.. I can't imagine how you are feeling with such a heavy loss.. once I sorry.. you know I play it over in my head with my doom and gloom symptoms of the day that I will lose my mother it sounds so morbid but thats where my mind goes with thus menopause and then I get all emotional and the anxiety starts its just all so awful this time in our lives..it all seems about right with the hospital and all those meds they put a person on.. this last stay I had them release her as soon as her blood levels went back into range for her sodium.. they were giving her such a cocktail of meds she was hallucinating and really scaring me .. they switched up all her normal blood pressure meds they had her on 4 different kinds and when I got her home I put her right into the shower for a good scrubbing of hospital germs and there was a patch on her back more blood pressure meds .. I called to see if I could just take it off or does it need to be seemed off her they said off so off it came and put her to bed next morning no more hallucinations she was back on her normal regimen and feeling back to her normal self..next time if there is a next time she needs to go in I'm telling them not to add or switch her meds except for what shes in there for...well staci if you ever want someone to talk with you can pm me and we can exchange phone numbers and talk and text... are you on fb ?? take care peace n love ❤

    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy,

      I am so glad your mother is home and doing better. She is so lucky to have a caring and loving daughter like you! Things happened so quick with my Mom. She was home and improving, then just suddenly stopped eating and drinking. It was like a switch was flipped. And, then she was gone less than two weeks later.

      I feel like I have PTSD from those two weeks. There were things that I heard and saw that I will never get over. It changes you. I am not sure I will ever recover.

      I am not on FB, but would love to connect. xo

  • Edited

    Kelly, at the start of menopause aged 42, severe headaches kept me in bed for a full day on a monthly cycle. Eventually I went onto HRT which relieved all my symptoms, however, I have tried to go off the HRT a number of times over the years but some of the symptoms remain. At 72 it is either stay on HRT or suffer hot flushes on and off all day. I have been told HRT just puts menopause "on hold"? The relief was worth it.

    • Posted

      Thats interesting Margaret. I get hormonal migraines without fail each month that last for 3 days. I wondered about HRT but then read one of the side effects is headache, so thought it wouldnt be suitable for me. Perhaps I need to try it. At this point anything worth a try!

    • Edited

      me too I get the migraines every month and they last exactly 3 days.. and the weird thing is everything else lasts exactly 3 days as well... the dizzy spells before the migraine 3 days, the palpatations 3 days, before everything just cycles itself until the next month, I was even diagnosed with rheaumatoid arthritis when this all hit me hard, and guess what my joint flare ups they last 3 days.. so strange.. i also heard no hormones if you are a migraine sufferer

    • Posted

      Interesting. If the "migraines" are menopausal, and the HRT stops the menopausal symptoms, are you no longer a migraine sufferer? I guess it depends on whether one has been diagnosed with migraines before menopause. My headaches were one of the first symptoms of menopause and went away with HRT. We are extremely complex creatures!

    • Posted

      more than likely pre existing conditions that then become worse during the menopause such as the migraines and in my case the RA as well as hashimotos all auto immune.. my guess reared its ugly heads at menopause..think that it would depend on what type of migraines one is having if hrt would help or possibly make worse., mine are more of the hemoplegic type migraine lots of neurological symptoms with my attacks.. therefore hrt is high risk for stroke with my migraines.. also can't have regardless I'm high risk because of breast cancer on my mother's side and I had hysterectomy for cervical dysplasia.. so definitely not for me..but do wish I could try anything at this point for some kind of relief..

    • Posted

      Thanks for all the replies!!! UGH to these headaches-- mines lasts a good two days.. For awhile (I'd say a couple years) I didn't get them as much so I thought 'I'm done' but I guess not. I had heard bioidenical hormones are good too.. I'll have to wait and see what happens cuz if these headaches continue, it could be worth trying.

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