Headaches and side effects

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Have been having tension type headaches for a few months.  Eyes checked new glasses everything ok.  Nothing would relieve the pain.  Went to GP told me to stop all pain killers still no joy.  Because of my health anxiety I was becoming concerned it was somethings more serious.  She said she could not find anything and put me on a new drug Topiramate 50mg. The pain carried on then I began to feel vey nauseous and off my food.  A week later I woke up to a loud banging in my head and the noise and pain continued.  Because of the noise I could not sleep so I had time off work.   I returned to my GP who I do have a good relationship with and asked for a private referral to a neurologist.  I do get some of the cost paid with my Westfield insurance.   The next day I managed to sleep a couple of hours but woke up to fairy lights blinking around the room I was terrified.  I went yesterday to see the neurologist and he said there was no tumour but my brain had gone into overdrive and was over sensitive to everything.  I thought this might help anybody who might be having problems.  The mind can play terrible tricks.  He also said no more meds for 5 weeks.  Still in pain and a brass band playing in my ear but no lights

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Phoebe, thank you I have been feeling same headache since a week now. I woke up las t week and felt that something has bursted in my brain and it was so cold that part. I had temporary vision loss also. thank you for you post, kind of reasurring me that I am not ill maybe sad
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      Have you seen your GP.  They can give you a quick examination just to, be on the safe side.
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    We're there any changes to your vision?

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      No I have not had surgery yet.  I noticed a change in my sight so went to,the opticians and that's when I found out about the cataracts.  I told them about my headaches but after all there chechecks, camera behind the eye and everything nothing was found and no reason for the pain.  I do have health anxiety and worried about a brain tumour.  My GP couldn't find anything so I went to see a private Neurologist.  After doing the neuro tests and looking behind my eyes he was not concerned.  Apparently the basic neuro test gives a good indication of the health of the brain. I think I had got myself into such a state my brain over reacted.  I still have headaches but he said they can go on for a long time.  He said don't bother with meds it won't touch them but will try me on amitriptyline.  It just shows what the power of the brain can do.  There are so many things they can't fully explain.  I am guilty of looking things up on the net and so get even more worried.  So stress can cause a multitude of problems. It is slightly reassuring yo know you are not on your own.

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      I also find I feel a lot worse when I am over tired.  I work shifts and I do t think that helps.  
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      I've been suffering for so long, I just can't tell if it's my brain playing tricks because the symptoms are real and there are so many!

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      I've seen multiple doctors and have been done lots of tests including mri, ct, xray, and blood tests.

      I am in Canada. My symptoms started while I was in Europe, and I also travelled quite a bit through the states before my trip.

      What about u, where are u from?

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      Obviously like me that can't find anything physically wrong with you.  Are you very anxious?

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      No, they found nothing. I think my anxiety started at the onset of my physical symptoms.

      I don't think I had anxiety before. Or at least to an extent where symptoms develop from that

      I'm not entirely sure anymore, it's been too long

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      I think I started to get anxious at the start and then the anxiety was feeding the symptoms.  It's chicken and egg syndrome

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      Seems that way. I'm going for further testing including a liver scan and seeing a naturopath. See how that goes. Also trying to eat healthy and laying off certain foods that might trigger symptoms.

      Have u had any antioxidant rich foods for your cataracts?

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      No special diet.  Did you have blood tests wouldn't that have checked out your liver.  Could be similar to mine were the brain gets over sensitised When is your scan?

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      Yea blood tests would have looked at liver health. But If I wanted more in depth view of the liver, It takes more than blood work.

      I used to drink quite a bit socially, so I think it's worth my while to find out more

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      I agree.  It is surprising how much the liver can take.  Have you got a date for your scan
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      It's actually tomorrow. Luckily I called to inquire about it sooner, as they only hold such tests once a month in my area.

      I'm seriously going to change my diet and stick with it for longer than a month this time to see if it helps. That means no more sugar or junk food!

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      Please let me know how you get on.  I am on nights tomorrow but will get back to you eventually.  What kind of scan is it?
    • Posted

      I was trying to post link, but looks like this site may not allow. it involves scanning of the liver to see how much scarring. It is as conclusive as doing a biopsy without the risks

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