Headaches and symptom to symptom

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Hi Ladies, how are you all dealing with the issue of going from symptom to symptom, I started off with really bad chills last year, did not realize it was menopausal, I do now, but than it went to hot flashes for a long time, now its headache, joint swelling, and leg pain, sometimes arm too. I am really having a hard time coping with the vast array of perimenopausal symptoms and the anxiety around it, I went to to the dr a few weeks ago and addressed the swelling, he did not seem to see it as a big deal, I made another appointment about the other issues, I feel like I am going insane with this. I hate it so bad, I feel sideswiped, my mother only had hot flashes, no one told me about any of this and I dont know what to do. 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lennie. We all have the same symptoms my dear. Some dsys are better than others. You wonder when it will end, or if it ever will. Try to hsnf in there. We're all here to support each other.

    We should all write a book about our symptoms about peri -menopause entitled "The things your doctor doesn't know, or won't tell you about peri-menopause." Every woman would buy it. We'd be rich and famous.

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      Didi0613  Yes i agree we should write a book, ive actually said the same thing on hear in one of my posts a while back now and the title you suggested is spot on too!  


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      Love it...write a book for the doctors...that's just made my day!
  • Posted

    Ni Lennie

    Sorry your suffering, if its any consolation i found pre menapausal worse than the actual menapause it selfe as regards bladder and urethel discomfort, Your not alone and just keeping doing lots of googling and try things that may help. Id  suggest  trying natural alternatives, look up them up on google. The hot flushes some times do settle down without taking anything, they did with me, its the pain in the limbs, the nausea and the anxiety i find the worse. Yes it does make you feel your going insane and i notice you said 'he  did not seem to see it as a big deal'  MMMM.... HE You may find it better seeing  a lady doctor though this doesnt always gurantee any sympathy unless they are an older doctor who can appreciate what its really like. I think they should have special menapausal  clinics just for this myselfe. Problem is so many menapausal symptoms are being put down as this when it could be other things like arthiritis. 

    Im afraid we have to help ourselfes and not rely to much on our gps. Who would have though lacking in estrogen woulkd cause so many problems!

    Sue x


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      I agree Sue. Going through this crap there should be a doctor who specializes in just peri-menopsuse/menopause so we don't feel as if we are crazy.
  • Posted

    My personal opinion about the medical world is that they really don't understand what hormone changes do to a body. It seems to affect different women in different ways so I believe it would be hard to "treat pre or post menopause".  I went through some rough years but after taking advice on here about vitamin supplements, I feel better after increasing my vitamins. I still have bad days and my weight is ballooning along with my appetite. Yet another one of my symptoms but I no longer have the anxiety because I realized that every time I thought I was dying or going to pass out, I didn't. My suggestion is, do your research. Coming on here made me understand that my symptoms were a normal part of going through the next phase of my life and it too will pass. Hang in there, it's not an illness, its a transition. However, do talk to a doctor if you have symptoms that are very concerning. Not everything can be blamed on hormones right?
    • Posted

      Nancy, you are correct, your final comment is what often leads me to more anxiety that there must be something else going on because all of this seems unlikely to be a result of perimenopause, but then I reflect on when it all started and it all started when the peri started, but of course it could be something else too and its a coincendence that its around the same time,. I have another appointment on the 11th and considering asking him to run tests if I am still experiencing the headaches, muscule swelling. My anxiety is another issue, I am deeply afraid of hearing really bad news, so often a symptom leads to fear, fear leads to panic attacks, and panic leads to dread and then I dont want to go to the dr,  I was never like this before.
    • Posted

      Well said actually...not everything is caused my the menapause. Yes this forum has been an absolute godsend

      So glad I found it at 2pm one night when I just couldn't sleep and thought I was going crazy....

    • Posted

      Nope,. which is why I am going to have a complete workup and a physical. However, I realize that there is a connection because literally everything started at the same time which is when my blood work showed I was perimenopausal/.
    • Posted

      Insommina is a major side effect of menopause and yes thank goodness for the website because before I started this, I was always under the impression it was just hot flashes, never realized it was a mountain of symptoms.

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