Headaches. Could this be an answer for some?

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I've had headaches for a couple of years now and I take pregabalin - previously I took gabapentin.  I eagerly follow this site for help.

My mum kept on at me to try an old wives remedy of keeping away from cheese.  I started that last Thursday and it's been working quite well. However, it's now Tuesday and the headache came back this morning!  I don't normally have headaches in the morning. 

All I had to eat earlier was a banana in addition to my usual porridge.  I figured that the banana had to be problem.  So I did an internet search for "foods that give headaches cheese banana".  There were many results which pointed to sites detailing something in foods called Tyramine. Now I'm no doctor and I can't fully digest the explanations but if any of you people are able to understand, I'd appreciate the "layman's" explanation.  

To my untrained "with a headache" brain, it's telling me that aged foods produce tyramine and that interacts in the brain to give headaches. I have also found a list of foods to avoid.  

What I would now like to know is how do I get rid of tyramine (because I now have a headache) when I've just eaten something I didn't realise contained tyramine.  Will drinking fluids help....or do I take paracetamol....or do I have to sit it out?


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Try an exedrin and something caffeinated.  Usually works n an hour.  I can't eat chocolate, deli meats, smoked anything, red or rose wine and many smells set off a headache,too.  I cannot even go to the grocery store because of the strong chemical smells.  If you can help it, don't take pharmaceuticals if the exedrin will work. Don't take anything everyday as this will cause rebound headache.  Hope this works for you. 😎
    • Posted

      Thank you for your suggestion.

      I'm in the UK and I dont see EXEDRIN on sale here but there must be an alternative. I shall have to try and find out what it is. Thank you for the suggestion. 


    • Posted

      Just take 2 aspirin, 2 Tylenol and some caffeine and, voila, you have exedrin. 😎

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