Health Anixety
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This symptom is doing my head in I can't stop thinking about something wrong with me and if I think about it and if I do it will bring on hot flash..I trying hard not to over think but it's hard not too..I had checks done from my thyroids to vitamin D and general others and all ok but why at the back of your mind tells you your not well.
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ImagineOneDay maria76995
I know why. It is symply because you are not feeling well. These bloods tests don't always show everything. I never go by them. You know your body and your symptoms. I suggest you remind yourself that some of these symptoms are due to our bodies changing and please try not to think of the worse. Go to your gp/Dr and of course get yourself checked but don't think of the worse. I don't think medicine has done enough work to understand women's body. These meno anxiety and pain will be over one day -hopefully soon. Good luck -take care
2chr2015 maria76995
Hi Maria. I am going through the same thing right now. I'm sorry you are too. I agree that most of mainstream medicine is behind the curve on menopause and its effects on our bodies. I try to watch funny tv when I can. But, it is sooo hard still not to get dragged back down with the worry. I hope you feel better soon. ((Hugs))
sabrina1971 maria76995
dawn70425 maria76995
Hi Maria
Lol that’s your mind for you, and yep I’m just the same, always thinking some thing really wrong with me, could do with a switch on side of my head to turn of some times, as drives you mad, so your not on your own, just our minds are very powerful things big hug 🤗xx
Guest maria76995
2chr2015 maria76995
maria76995 2chr2015
Hi I still here girl long as I going through this crap I will never be fine Lol..I think it could be my dry mouth could be causing it getting with dry throat my Dentist did checks few years ago and didn't find anything but said its Anixety causing it,went to my Doctor last week and she sent me for a blood test for antibodies check let's see what shows up hoping nothing anyway all I do is get fed up with it all I hit Post menopause in January and just hoping it will get better as time goes don't expect it will all go at once but like the hotflashes heart Palpitations and Aprehension subsides with Gods help..I hope for you too bless hugs.
2chr2015 maria76995
alice1209 maria76995
HI Maria,
I've suffered from anxiety since the birth of my second child, but recently it's became sky high.
I on a daily basis conjure up some horrible disease (normally cancer) that is bound to kill me, I've had bleeding around when I ovulate for the last few months and even although I've had a pap test and a scan I'm convinced it something horrendous...I've also had my bloods taken to determine whether it was my thyroid, perimenopause, or what ever, but they all came back fine...I think to silence me my doctor is now sending me to a Gyno, which has of course only made me a 100 times more anxious!
It's such a vicious cycle, but you are not alone, it's driving me crazy this constant nagging feeling that I'm seriously ill. Try to keep busy, I find when I'm alone I am worse, as I over think and 'create' new symptoms, its a horrible stage but you will get through it.
2chr2015 alice1209
Hey Alice. Just wondering how old are you? I am 45. I'm sorry you are going through this too! I think being alone is one of my biggest problems. And not being busy enough. I just want to turn it off! Get a shot, take a pill, anything to make it go away!!
alice1209 2chr2015
I’m 48....... and totally exhausted with always feeling anxious 😟
2chr2015 alice1209
Me too sweetie! Today has been such a struggle through it. It's thanksgiving and I feel like poo. Sore throat (that has been hanging around off and on for a few weeks) ears hurt sometimes, headache with it sometimes, some jaw pain and it's driving me crazy and I keep thinking it's something terrible. But, I do remember last year at Christmas time I was super anxious and depressed and was sure I was dying. It got a little better after increasing my antidepressant dosage, but I really feel like it is no match for these hormones! Has anyone had the throat issues?
katie96233 2chr2015
I'm nearly 50... have had nasal and throats issues on and of now for the last 6 months.. comes and goes... of course thought I had theist and nose cancer..!! Only thing that made me think this was not the case was fact not losing any weight only putting it on...
Think these issues are all part of menapause.. I never had nasal issues or allergies before...
alice1209 katie96233
2chr2015 katie96233
ImagineOneDay katie96233