Health Anxiety
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Hi there, I posted a while back regarding what I thought was acid reflux, turns out after having Endoscopy that its stress related, thought I could feel a lump in my abdomen, had a scan and internal scan on ovaries all normal, since january I have been back and forth to my Docs whom I have to say are marvellous they really have put up with alot. I did have a test for peri in Feb but range came back normal im 47 periods are changing and I generally feel rubbish most days, the aches and pains are unreal I thought I have some terrible disease back in April bloods done all ok. Im beginning to think that I am suffering with some sort of health anxiety as one thing gets checked then another pops up and I worry until I see the Dr!! Fed up with it to be honest want to be free from all this stress not worry about my health ehhhhh!! Im sure im not alone in this but feels like it at times
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sue976 frankieD
michelle50768 frankieD
susan21149 frankieD
I am feeling sick myself today. I had another nose bleed just feeling weak sick and not myself
Don't know what to do any more
middlemuddle frankieD
It is horrid but we have to learn to make the most of it. Trying to tweak my diet to see if there is anything I can remove to make it better. Tried cutting out wheat but that had no effect, tried caffine, no difference. Don't really drink alcohol. May try diary free.
At the end of it I think it is hormones, mine is worse in the second half of my cycle, trouble is my cycle is now very unpredicatable.