Health anxiety
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I have very recently been diagnosed with anxiety mainly health anxiety. i have now been prescribed citalopram 10mg which i took for a couple of days but i felt unwell i know i need to start them again.
i think its anxiety im suffering from, I get into panics do i look tired do i look ill, ive been the drs loads the past few months im having a scan next week on my stomach pelvis & reinal area. this only happens in the day this fear if dread am i ill would i know if im ill i get that worked up i cant eat. i have lost some weight which i think is down to being so worked up my back hurts in the day i can breath normally blood tests are normal, periods are normal yet i cling to what is this pain in my side why is my back sore, i can do all the things i usually do gym walking etc but yet this panic feeling doesnt go i do wonder if its all in my head because once i do fall asleep i sleep all night but then wake in the morning thinking about my health which then i spend all day worrying about i notice every little change there is to notice. has anyone els felt this
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bird71604 Parla18
You are not alone in how you feel. For me, I also notice everything in my body but over the years I've learned it's due to my anxiety and not health issues. Recently I've become aware of my heart beat and I am constantly taking my pulse in my neck. If it seems like a faster rate than normal, I get very anxious which only makes my heart beat even faster. It's a vicious cycle! I'm scared of what they will tell me at the doctors office, so I don't go.