Health Anxiety
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anybody feel like they make some progress then boom back to square one? had a really good couple of days then had a couple of weak arms and legs sensations last night which probably led to abit of worry no panic attack just increased heart rate checking pulse etc then back to numb left arm tight chest today.. also feels tense in the neck and shoulders
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vanessavee lewisg95
Yes!! I will sometimes even have five to seven straight days of calmer thoughts and feelings. And then it takes almost nothing to knock me right back into a panic attack. I either notice something on my body or I'll think "wow I haven't felt a muscle twitch in a week." An hour later, my twitches (or other symptom) return.
lewisg95 vanessavee
absolutely crazy how the mind works isnt it! im 26 now its been going on couple months after a random panic attack i hadnt had any issues since i was 17, 9 years of being free of it is what im keeping the faith for i got past it last time!