Health anxiety
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hello i suffer with health anxiety mainly about my heart, had tests done and all okay but cant stop thinking about it, my heart speeds up when i breath in and slows when i breath out does anyone else have this? i also get flutters in my chest this seems to be since ive been taken sertroline anyone else find this with these tablets? thanks
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jan34534 ben19212
it’s natural and normal for the heart rate to speed up when you breathe in and slow down when you breathe out. That’s what normally happens and it also happens to me. so don’t worry about that at all.
Medication can cause all sorts of symptoms including heart fluttering. you can discuss that with your doctor so he or she can possibly make a dosage adjustment.
remember you had your heart tested and everything is fine.
Anxiety and stress can cause all sorts of symptoms that are scary but not harmful.
something that makes anxiety symptoms worse is when we overthink things which sends a signal to the brain saying that something is wrong. The brain will then send out adrenaline that will cause symptoms. So try to relax about all of this. You are fine. Keep yourself busy and do things that relax your mind. ❤
sasical72 ben19212
Hi Ben, that is exactly what a healthy heart should do, increase as you breathe in decrease as you breathe out