Health anxiety/ ALS
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Hi all,
The Name is Andrew and I am 33 years old For the last month I have been experiencing muscle twitches all over my body (both legs and both arms). These twitches happen ever day. Some days it is not as bad, maybe a couple twitches an hour. Other days its a couple every couple of minutes. I googled twitches and came to ALS. Since than all i can think about is how I have ALS. My left arm has started to "feel" weaker and my arm generally feels off. I play hockey and have continued to play but feel like my left hand is getting weaker. Today I had a muscle cramp in my left hand from clenching my first . I have an appointment with the neurologist next week. I was wondering if anyone had an symptoms similar to this and maybe an outcome? I have been crippled by this anxiety and have had multiple breakdowns in the last couple weeks.
Thanks for your time.
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jan34534 andrew85456
Andrew I am sorry you are so worried about this. I think one of the worst things people do is go on Google and search their symptoms. Google very rarely gives the most reasonable explanation for symptoms. They always go to the worst.
I can tell you one thing is that millions of people get those muscle twitches including myself. When they are related to stress and anxiety they are called benign fasciculation’s . There are athletes that get them all the time with how they use their muscles.
I have had them on and off for over 30 years! When I get them now it’s only one I’m anxious so I basically ignore them.
I went to a very highly recommended neurologist who told me that ALS is not a sensory condition. In other words, a person will not feel weird sensations in an arm or a leg or anywhere. He said muscle twitches with that condition May come way later with that condition. when somebody is already very I was extremely relieved.
could it be that your anxiety from worry is causing your left arm to feel that way? It’s very true that when we read things on Google we are actually telling our brain that we have this and so we can often get the crazy symptoms.
i hope this helped you a little bit. So for now, try to relax your mind as much as you can. Go for walks and do things that you enjoy so you relax more. If you need extra help, get on YouTube and listen to some really soothing meditations for anxiety. I do this every night when laying down to sleep and I always fall asleep before it’s over because it’s so relaxing. They also have meditations for overthinking and just general relaxation. Let us know how you are doing!
feel free to private message me anytime! ❤
andrew85456 jan34534
Thanks for your reply. I don't know if it could be causing my Left Arm Weakness. It almost feels like I have Arthritis in my left hand. I have full movement but when I use it, It hurts and feels less strong every time i do. If it wasn't for the twitching all over i wouldn't think much about it. How often do you twitch when your anxiety is high?
jan34534 andrew85456
when my anxiety is high, I feel the twitching sometimes constantly. But the more I think about it the more I get it.
Mine all started in my 20s when I suddenly had a bunch of symptoms come on at one time. Back then nobody was on the Internet so there really wasn’t much support for what I was going through and I was terrified!I had some numbness and I had tingling all over, floaters in my eyes, a mild weak feeling in my arms and legs, ringing in my ears which I still have, a feeling of brain fog or weird brain feeling,
. I told my parents that I thought I had MS. And I only thought about that because my dad‘s sister had it. So throughout the years, the symptoms would come and go and it was extremely frustrating.
did u ever consider carpal tunnel or strain ?
tiffany96593 andrew85456
Hey Andrew, I am going through the exact same thing right now. Have always had severe health anxiety but woke up about a week ago with crazy twitching in my left calf. My leg also felt very weak. Over the last week it has come and gone. Some days it happens a lot, others hardly at all. Today my other leg started doing it and my right arm feels very sore and tired. I am losing my mind since the first thing that pops up when you google muscle twitching is ALS. I have a cat scan tomorrow for unrelated stuff, but have also made an appt with an ortho to have my back looked at. I have expressed my concerns to my family and they laugh and tell me to calm down. I am feeling so drained by constant fear.