Health Anxiety and Eye floaters

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Hello guys! I have suffered with health anxiety for a good few years now. I started working in a care home at 16 and was given a lot of responsibility and seen some very heavy stuff for such a young age. This is when my health anxiety started I am now 23. It's only recently got the worst it has been. It started with headaches which I went to my gp for a phoned nhs 24 this got put down to stress and possibly needing an eye test! So off I went to specsavers to get my eyes tested as it was long over due, after the exam they advised me I had a slight swollen optic nerve and that they would have to refer me to the hospital with in 2 days. I was crying in the opticians scared out of my mind and the 2 days I had to wait for the hospital we're almost unbearable. I couldn't eat, I didn't want to shower ( gross ), I couldn't focus on anything else apart from googling the symptoms and diagnosing myself with a brain tumor. I eventually went to the hospital and they gave me the all clear, the optician in the hospital actually said I have better vision than him!!! Since then I've not been able to shake the thought of having a brain tumor. I started experiencing pressure in the back of my head which had me on the phone to nhs 24 numerous times and seen at the out of hours department where the nurse briefly checked my eyes again and done some nerve testing which she said was textbook and nothing to worry about, didn't stop me!!! Now I feel like I am experiencing floaters in my vision and pain in my eye balls which AGAIN I have phoned nhs 24 for as it has been a nightmare trying to get another opticians appointment. I went to A and E and the nurse said there was not a lot she could do and I really needed to see an optician but I shouldn't be concerned because my blood pressure etc were all absolutely normal. Now I can't stop thinking about my vision being blurry but only long distance and on the tv and seeing floaters in my eyes. I'm constantly looking for them and checking my eyes by covering one eye and moving my eye ball back and forth to see if I can see better when my eye ball is a certain way. Thankfully I have an appointment for the opticians tomorrow but another stress is if I will be able to make it to the appointment due to loosing my job from anxiety and having no money. My partner is working a new job until 5pm and the appointment is at 2pm so I think it's adding extra stress trying to find transport or money for a taxi. We have recently moved 2 hours away to a new city and I still don't know my way about and there are no bus stops near. Overall my health anxiety is killing me, my partner thinks I have something new wrong everyday and it's causing tension between us because we're also trying to care for his mum who has Parkinson's. I feel like I'm constantly going out of my mind and over analysing every sensation in my body but right now it's my eyes I'm panicking about 😦 sorry for the long post

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2 Replies

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    sorry about that. You are definitely overthinking this! You are worrying about things that haven’t even happened.

    eye floaters are very common in people who have anxiety. I have had them for over 30 years. They are not harmful. I really don’t even notice them anymore but if I look up at the sky I can see them. So please relax about that.

    Headaches are also, very common with anxiety.

    Don’t Google your symptoms because you’re going to just scare yourself for no reason. Google doesn’t normally list the most common non-serious reasons for symptoms.

    And you can’t diagnose yourself because it’s only based on your emotions especially fear which is not based on fact or reality.

    i i’ve been through all of this and I can tell you don’t waste your time on fear. you’re getting yourself caught up in the circle of fear, anxiety.

    another Common symptom of anxiety and some thing I’ve had for a long time with my anxiety is blurry vision. You had your eyes tested and they are OK. Anxiety can irritate the nerves to the eyes and that’s what causes the blurry vision. Once you calm down and learn how to manage the anxiety, it will go away. common symptom of anxiety and something I’ve had for a long time with my anxiety is blurry vision. You had your eyes tested and they are OK. Anxiety can irritate the nerves to the eyes and that’s what causes the blurry vision. Once you calm down and learn how to manage the anxiety, it will go away.

    RELAX. YOU ARE OK. it would be very helpful if you would speak with a counselor about anxiety management. Life is too short to live in fear. The only thing that exists is the present moment. The past is gone. The future does not exist now. Live in the present moment. Hope you feel better ❤

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply. I was seen today and they told me my eyes were all healthy, i just need to update my prescription in the lense, but since being home i have started seeing a dark halo circle in my left eye and all over again i feel back to square 1 😦 I cant help but google and it always says if you see halos you should seek medical help asap, im really struggling AGAIN tonight 😦

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