Health anxiety and stomach pains

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for the past few months I have had stomach pain.  Because of my health anxiety I believe it is not IBS but pancreatic cancer.  I have had ultra sound and it was all okay.  I get a lot of pain under my ribs right hand side. Thanks in advance.  Also all my blood work was okay

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I think its easy to imagine you have the worse case scenario when you are in so much pain all the time, I know I have so asked for more tests. Had endoscopy and CT scan so now know I have mild antral gastritis, not sure I'd call it mild when the pain kicks in but I know now I'm less worried I feel better. If you have been checked and told its not anything else then please try to get your anxiety under control (I know its not easy) as it really does cause more pain.
    • Posted

      I just wonder if doctors take any notice of people with health anxiety.  It frustrates me so no wonder they get fed up.  I really try to accept reassurance but it never seems to last.
  • Edited

    Hi Mary

    I'm a gastrointestinal specialist pancreatic cancer has no symptoms that's why it is very hard to diagnose because it's always when it's in its advance stages.Your pancreas isn't just on your right side under your ribs it's probably more likely to be your gallbladder or Colon causing spastic symptoms if your ultrasound came back negative it would have shown any abnormalitys in your pancreas gallbladder and liver it's definitely not cancer as there's different symptoms if you did have it

    Hope it puts your mind at rest

    Take care

    • Edited

      Thank you so much.  It's so much better if someone explains.  What is they say "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing".  I sometimes wish that I could talk to student doctors and tell them exactly how bad it can be living with health anxiety and that we are not attention seekers
    • Posted

      Hello Kevin and thank you for your reply. I am a 57 year old woman with anxiety issues. My stomach has been giving me problems (gnawing, burning, gurgling) for a while now. I have had an ultrasound as well as a spiral ct and blood tests. All have been normal, but I still can't get that fear of pancreatic cancer out of my head, especially because of my age. Can you offer any words of wisdom? Thank you so much!!!! Oh and did I tell you I have read every web site related to this!!!!????

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    Hi Mary , I know how you feel I have had tests as well but there is always the doubt that they missed something it stresses you out and makes the symptoms in most cases fully worse. I am in continual pain from the minute I wake till bed time , so I can sympathise with you .
    • Edited

      My GP is lovely but unfortunately you can't always see the same one.  I am trying to stop googling my symptoms.  I wish they could ban all medical related sights.  I have thought I have had so many illnesses in the past it's almost laughable.  
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      I think sometimes you have to be a bit assertive.  Remember you are the customer.  I had to pay for my own therapy.  Once I wrote my GP a letter telling her exactly how I felt.  You could try that
  • Posted

    Hi Mary I'm sorry you are suffering - I have had similar pains for 2 months nearly and also suffer health anxiety.  I am currently having CBT  and hope it will ease the terrible anxiety I permanently live with!  I had an ultrasound and endoscopy which showed only gastritis but I still constantly worry and the pain is not easing - hope you feel better soon.
    • Posted

      It appears that we find it very hard to accept reassurance.  I am always on a knife edge wondering what I have got.  Sorry you are in the same position

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