Health anxiety - Feel like the doctor missed something.

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My anxiety has got bad over the last 4 days. it feels like im not inhaling enough? can anyone relate?

i've had checks and all is good, but this inhaling thing makes me think i will die and it really scares me.

has anyone had this inhaling feeling before?

looking for reassurance,


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi @Oliver216

    Yes i have had the symptoms that you talk about. It feels like you cant get a full breath, like you have to try and yawn or really concentrate to fill your lungs up but it never quite reaches the full capacity? What tests did the doctor do?

    • Posted

      8 weeks ago i had blood tests, ecg and chest x ray. and today checked me on an oxygen thingy lol. im constantly thinking about my breathing.

    • Posted

      Yes i had all of them tests done also and everything came back clear, they even fitted a holter monitor to me for 24 hours and that was all clear also. Whenever i am feeling overwhelmed or anxious it always happens, sometimes i dont even necessarily know im feeling anxious and it happens. I suffer with health anxiety badly and so i know what you're going through. I have lots of physical symptoms from my mental health struggles. Its like a vicious circle. I feel anxious so i get physical symptoms and then because i have physical symptoms i feel even more anxious and think something is seriously wrong with me. I try breathing exercises and relaxation techniques just to try and calm myself down and get out of my own head. Everyday is a struggle

    • Posted

      Its awful. ive only had health anxiety for 10 weeks! and im only 18! its really scary especially when it feels like i cant breathe, which is all the time! i constantly contact my doctor because im on a waitlist for a therapist. everytime i get a pain anywhere in my body i think the worst.

      i find it hard to accept anxiety can cause such awful symptoms. we've just got to support each other. ive been at my lowest for the last 10 weeks.

    • Posted

      Do you know what triggered your health anxiety for you? I have been dealing with this now for 2.5 years, i have been in and out of doctors, hospital walk ins and had a million tests done. Everything is clear. I always think the worst whenever i feel any off body function. My mind goes to google, google tells me a have cancer, i call the doctor, the doctor runs tests and repeat. I have started therapy recently, so far i dont feel its helping but im going to stick with it to see if it improves as i really dont want to have to take medication. Have you spoke to anyone about how you're feeling?

    • Posted

      i have spoke to my mother about at and we're trying to get therapy asap. One thing i can tell you, i was bad for it a couple of weeks ago - DONT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS. It will make your anxiety 1000x worse. But hey, we arent alone even tho we cant accept its anxiety and we think we have a problem. 12% of the population actually suffer with health anxiety.

      but anyway, because im so stressed i tense muscles and i have abs pain and neck pain because of it. it is evil!

    • Posted

      also, there wasnt a trigger for this

    • Posted

      Oh yes, google is the worst and i know that but sometimes i still do it even though i know its always an answer that is going to send me in a downward spiral. I have neck pain, back pain, tension headaches, stomach issues. The list goes on and on.

      All tests normal though, and thats why my doctor says anxiety. So im trying to manage it and see if my symptoms improve. Its very hard and so many of us suffer with it. Its good you talk to your mum and she is supporting you in finding help

    • Posted

      Yeah, my neck pain is awful especially right now. when i lay down i keep my neck elevated because it distracts my breathing, but it ultimately makes it worse

    • Posted

      You hold alot of tension in your shoulders and neck. It could be a combination of both things

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