Health anxiety for MS and shaking

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Hi, for the past two weeks i have had terrible panic attacks and have been to the ER around 10 times. At first i thought i was having a heart attack but then after they reassured me i wasn't i started to have other symptoms such as shaking in my arms and hands. I also have hot sensations some times in my right hand and left leg. Doctors have checked my reflexes and say its nothing but the symptoms keep on getting worse. Im scared that I have MS or something more serious and cant stop searching up my symptoms. I also have felt very weak for the past days and havent been able to do anything at all. I have a doctors appointment tommorow and they are just gonna tell me results for some blood test they took but she already assured me it wasnt anything serious. Just wanted to see if anyone also experiences these symptoms.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    your symptoms are very common with anxiety. When I was in my 20s I also thought I had MS. I felt weakness, numbness and tingling, floaters in my eyes, ringing in my ears, shortness of breath, warm and hot sensations and several more all at once! My testing was all normal. All of my symptoms were due to long-term anxiety and stress. Anxiety tends to shows symptoms in the nervous system and that’s why a lot of people think they have MS.

    please stop searching your symptoms online. It’s not going to be helpful. You’re just going to scare yourself for no reason. And then what happens is that your symptoms get worse. Anything online is not going to pertain to your individual situation.

    you are fine. you have had panic attacks and now you have other symptoms of anxiety. That’s all that it is and any symptom caused by anxiety will not hurt you. I’ve been dealing with this for years and years and I know how many symptoms anxiety can produce. What you need to do is learn how to manage the anxiety. That way, you won’t be getting all those symptoms.

    talk to a counselor who specializes in anxiety. What you’re going through is so very common! Take care

    • Posted

      thanks, I also forgot to mention im only 20 to which helps me a little when thinking if i have anything wrong with me. Right now I have like tremors in my hands whenever i try to make them into a palm and when i rest them it stops. I just get scared to think something is wrong with my nerves. I also have had shortness of breath and weak face muscles. I keep on testing my strength to make sure my muscles havent gone weak. Sometimes whenever i walk i feel like my legs are going to give up on me and i have to sit. Its been a very bad past two weeks. All these symptoms barely started when i had my first panic attack and havent gone away.

    • Posted

      yes, the weak feeling comes with anxiety because anxiety takes huge toll on the body. So the best thing you can do is take care of your health. That will build the strength back up. I know that the symptoms can linger for quite a while sometimes. eat healthy foods, stay away from sugar and junk foods which increasing society and stay hydrated with water. Get a little bit of exercise even if it’s just walking.

  • Posted

    Right here with you. Also in my 20s. Also had a major MS (and even ALS) freakout. I've had numbness and shaking and twitching. Been to the ER terrified I was having a stroke. So far, every test and MRI I've had has come back normal. But it's hard not to be scared when the symptoms won't go away. Hope you feel better soon!

    • Posted

      Yea my symptoms had taken away for about a week but then came back and right now im having shortness of breath and muscle twicthes all over my body. I also feel sometimes like i cant swallow right and sometimes like weird feeling in belly.

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