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Hi I am new here and thought I'd give this a go. I am really struggling with my health anxiety for a while now. So last Nov I went to a&e as my heart rate went to 160. it was caused by anxiety as it was me concentrating on it, Now I find myself keep checking it if gets high I freak out. then I get restless pacing working myself in to a mess. Saturday I just happened to check it and it was 47 so I then freaked out and it went to 131 I was in a vicious circle. spoke to Dr yesterday about it and she said I fine. but I still find myself checking it. I'm not sleeping. it's affecting my eating and work etc. every slightest thing I start thinking the worst. now with this vaccine and blood clots it's on my mind. just need some advice and help!!!!
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alexis86576 gazzy68874
I do the same thing! But, a little TMI, I was having really bad gas pains the other day and my mind immediately jumped to a heart attack. I was freaking out so much that my heart rate went up to 220! I called an ambulance and raced to the ER. Turns out it was just gas and it caused a panic attack. I make my heart rate go in the 120's to 140's all the time! I've even gotten in the bad habit of wearing my Apple Watch, which tracks it, so that doesn't help because I check my heart rate constantly now, and freak out every time it's even slightly over 100! I know it's anxiety because I've gotten blood drawn and every test known to man done and I'm fine. I find walking helps me, or humming. Also, a nice relaxation technique works for me like a nice, warm bath or shower just to clear my thoughts. You've just got to tell yourself that you're okay and that it's just anxiety. If you need someone to talk to, just message me and I'll talk you through it 😃 Hope it gets better!
meghan49196 alexis86576
hi, you can turn the heart rate off on your apple watch it that helps? i HAD to turn mine off because i was doing the same as you and it just keeps the anxiety alive in you! try switching it off for a while and keep active x
alexis86576 meghan49196
I didn't know you could do that, thank you! I definitely will be doing that! My shortness of breath has gotten a little better these past couple of days, I've been trying to control it and I was diagnosed with GERD not too long ago and I started taking my Omeprazole again and I think it has helped! Either that or it's all in my head, either way I am feeling a little better, and I'll take that any way I can get it!
ashlyn66058 alexis86576
i have the same issue. having such a hard time calming myself down . i end up crying i end up crying and convince myself i am dying. i would love some helpful techniques
meghan49196 ashlyn66058
i honestly dont know what stops the intrusive thoughts as i have them myself all the time. Sometimes i can think positive about the situation and it does help. Breathing techniques really help me a lot! breathe in for 4 hold for 2 and out 6 or whatever you can do! fresh air always helps me too, even if its just sitting at the doorstep. Your not dying, anxiety makes you think you are. You are okay xx
Laura2299 gazzy68874
Hi Gazzy, sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I also suffer with health anxiety, and know how debilitating it can be.
In regards to the vaccine, the chance of a blood clot is unbelievably low. There have been around 30 cases in approximately 18 million doses, and those people were likely to have one anyway at those odds. The benefits of having the vaccine far outweighs those tiny odds. I know this won't alleviate your fears much, but it might be worth talking to your Dr about it x
Laura2299 gazzy68874
Hi Gazzy, sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I also suffer with health anxiety, and know how debilitating it can be.
In regards to the vaccine, the chance of a blood clot is unbelievably low. There have been around 30 cases in approximately 18 million doses, and those people were likely to have one anyway at those odds. The benefits of having the vaccine far outweighs those tiny odds. I know this won't alleviate your fears much, but it might be worth talking to your Dr about it x
jan34534 gazzy68874
by you overthinking this, you are going to find that your heart rate will go up and down because of your anxiety. You’ve got to stop checking it and get on with your life! You’re going to see your heart rate relax once you stop pacing about and worrying. there’s actually nothing to worry about. The heart can go up pretty high without complications. it can also go low without complications. There are athletes who have a resting heart rate in the 40s and 50s. That’s because they are in such great shape. Some people with anxiety have heart rates in the 140s. Eventually it comes down. When people exercise it can also go that high. You are causing your heart rate to go high by being afraid. What you need to do is slow down, do some long slow deep breathing for about five or 10 minutes. or listen to a mindfulness breathing exercise found on YouTube. Works great! The heart is a very strong Organ and it can take the ups and downs. ❤