Health Anxiety, General Anxiety Disorder - Is it Cancer?
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Hello there,
I am posting here hoping to maybe see if others have experienced my symptoms or something similar before.
Here is the gist of it all. I went to the doctor recently for a Supraclavicular Node (Left Side) that showed up post Covid Vaccine. Obviously googled and was not happy about that. (Yes first mistake)
Then got second shot on right side just to appease my mind same thing happened on right side, so felt a little relieved.
However, today this morning I had a very pale stool. Well formed but pale and I am starting to get concerned again. I just started Effexor 3 days ago and have been on Xanax as needed for about a month.
Has anyone experienced this issues and had them be benign before? My anxiety won't let me stop thinking about them.
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jan34534 HelpMeJB
is most likely the immune response from the shots. Some people are getting enlarged node’s in their neck and some women are getting them in their breast. So some women are getting biopsies out of fear when it’s actually just the immune response.
what did the doctor say?
HelpMeJB jan34534
Doctor and Nurse (Wife) told me not to be concerned. Bloods came back normal and so did a Chest X-Ray.
I just deal with the Health Anxiety thing bad. My worry was truly on the pale stool I came across this morning more than anything. Thanks for the response. I had read many things about the Vaccine causing Lymph node issues