Health anxiety - heart concerns
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Some years back i suffered quite badly with generalised anxiety and did a long course of CBT plus took medication (Sertraline) which really helped and i was able to get back to my usual self albeit i will always be a worrier.
Recently due to a health scare with a close member of my family my anxiety flared up very quickly and i am struggling again, with it come symptoms of indigestion (always happens when im stressed) and intermittent left arm/shoulder discomfort plus raised systolic blood pressure. I am also always fatigued and dont sleep well.
Ive had 3 x ECGs plus bloods, chest and arm Xrays and just last week i had a CT coronary angiogram which im awaiting the results of.
Because of history in my family and quite a lot of medical knowledge i am very scared of my heart being the problem!
I know the chances are high that all my symptoms are anxiety related and my hope is that if the CT angiogram comes back normal i will be able to relax but i think that may be a little naive and i may need to go back onto anti-anxiety medication again which worked previously but with loads of side effects 😦
I'm starting self-funded psychotherapy this week and doing lots of meditations and mindfulness exercises and these do help when i do them.
I do have some good days especially when my husband and i are out and about walking or im very busy with grandchildren. Unfortunately im not working since the last covid surge in December so have far too much time on my hands to ruminate and catastrophise every little twinge!
Does anyone have similar experiences and any tips that might help? I know we are all different but im happy to try anything which could help.
Thank you xx
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jan34534 fernyv
yes one of the worst things is to have too much time on our hands. We overthink things to the point of feeling sick. It took me a long time and sometimes I still struggle but at least I know when I am overthinking and not thinking logically but emotionally. The main thing is to be aware that you are overthinking. Don’t follow the negative thoughts. As soon as they come you can acknowledge them but then let them go. I try to do something that’s productive for myself instead of destructive. ruminating and worrying about the future is destructive. It gets us nowhere and makes us feel miserable. A great book that I read is called finding quiet. It’s the story of one man’s way of finding peace after struggling with anxiety. stay busy. Do things that make you smile and laugh. Get away from your own thoughts. Practice meditations about being in the present moment. Maybe you do that already. you have to be relentless.
I do hope you feel better soon!