Health Anxiety Help and Advice

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Hi all. I am a new poster on this forum and website. I am relatively young (17), and I have severe health anxiety. It drains me on a daily basis because I get aches and pains all over my body that cause me to assume the worst and eventually Google (I've been trying not to search up my symptoms but it's so difficult because of a lack of reassurance and distraction). I have been worried sick over my body and these tiny details that I notice (red dots on my body, bruises, sharp chest pains, and headaches). I have tried talking with my family about my health anxiety, but they are tired of hearing me worry over my body and they get upset with me every time I mention I am anxious. Because of this, I have stopped talking to them and anyone about my anxiety. I am trying so hard to get therapy on my own, but my father will get upset at me for trying to get therapy because he considers it 'weak' (this is why I have to get it on my own). As you can see, I am very stressed and I also run a family business (which makes me work everyday for 8 hours straight) which does not help me relax. I was never like this before the pandemic, but now...I feel like I can barely be truly happy. I need some serious advice and help. I have gotten a blood test before (it didn't check everything, but it came out good) and an EKG. I just can't quell the fear and dread I get from these weird symptoms I notice (changes in bowel movements, dizziness, fatigue, weight loss). I am scheduled for a physical soon, but I can't even bring up my symptoms to my doctor, as the last time I did this, she laughed at me and dismissed everything I had to say without even considering them...

Any reply is welcome; I just want to talk to someone about this. I have no one to rely on...Thank you for reading through and listening. I hope you all have better days than me. ❤️

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Those who choose therapies for their betterment are not weak man. You should definitely consult your doctor and I would also suggest you to try meditation. It will help you a lot. And don't feel like you have nobody to listen and rely on. You can talk to us and I wish, you'll have better days soon. 😃

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying! Everyone around me has told me to 'put up and shut up' about my troubles. It's exhausting really. I have tried meditation, but I couldn't stick to a regimen where I do it daily. Do you have any suggestions on apps or videos that I could use to help practice meditation daily? And what time would be best for meditation? Again, thank you very much for your reply! I'm hoping to have better days soon.

    • Posted

      Hey, personally I don't use any app for meditation but when I started meditating, I took help of headspace app. There are some other nice apps as well like breethe and calm.

      Talking about the time, you can either start meditating before sleeping in the night or should meditate in the morning. I meditate at 4 in the morning.

      Go for the time which suits you the best.

  • Posted

    hi rina! i am just a photocopy of you. same issues. health anxiety, googling symptoms, and families who dont understand. and i found this forum been such a blessing somehow. would love to hear more and share it with you

    • Posted

      Hi Mai! Thank you for your reply to my post. It's tiring living life on edge and worried all the time! I completely understand. Having no one to talk it out with or listen to your problems is terrible! I would love to chat with you more about this! I would hope that in the near future, I can get some form of therapy. My family actually yells at me for getting anxious and stressed, which does not help at all (it makes it downright worse in fact and makes me super confused). Here's to better days in the future hopefully!

    • Posted

      hey rina! hope the past few days has been kind to you!

      when i first started having muschle ache or chest pains, i can literally do nothing it wont bother me until i actually googled it.

      since then, no matter what the doctor says, i always thought they missed something. when i went to the ER, i keep questioning them if they missed anything. all they say was i am too young to have heart attacks.

      some nights i have insomnia and slept one hour.

      some lucky nights i get 5 hours.

      my life is so inconsistent.

      recently i tried lavendar essential oil and chamomile tea, and i have been thankful for those. you should try it out xx

      hope to hear from you soon. pls share with me anything, you're not alone.

  • Posted


    I can totally understand what you are going through. Being afraid of your own sensations is draining and exhausting and very scary. I don't have a solution because I am still looking for one myself but if I could offer one piece of advice, it would be to take advantage of any resources you have - online counselling, medication, in-person therapy... especially at your age! Maybe you can get the tools you need to get it under control now so that you don't end up like me and having these issues at almost 40!

    I wish you sincere luck and good health.

  • Posted

    Hey rina! I'm 17 and I have severe health anxiety and panic disorder too!!! I know how debilitating it can be. I feel lightheaded,dizzy,muscle aches and spasms all the time and I've gotten a dozen tests! Try to somehow sneak into therapy because it does wonders! I just want you to know that you're not alone and will definitely pass through this!

  • Posted

    fir one your not weak you need help and there is nothing weak about that. your family should support you or it could make you worse. I'm exactly like you but your only so young. I have cbt therapy and its helping me so I really hope your therapy helps you sweetie. best of luck

  • Posted


    I'm in a similar position as yourself and i have most of the symptoms you have including the tiny red dots and brusing easily. I've been on antidepressants for 9wks and also seeing a therapist to see if it helps, i also have health anxiety.

  • Posted

    Hello, it has been about 2 weeks since I last visited here.

    First off, thank you all for your replies! It is comforting being able to get away and read your replies to this issue. I can't thank you all enough.

    I have been managing well enough, but it is tough to get through the days. I have college upcoming, and I have to prepare for it alongside working. I feel overworked honestly, but my father won't let me hear the end of it. I'm hoping to get enough money to head to therapy soon, but it might not be until a longer while (since I get paid very little). I will continue periodic updates on my life, but for now, I have been overall slightly better than when I first posted. I still get worried and anxious many times, along with depression. My main motivation for getting through the day is by thinking about how I will eventually get therapy and professional help (which might sound strange).

    Seeing people here on this forum experiencing similar situations to mine makes me wish we were all surrounded by people who truly support and care for us. Humans need love and care from the people they trust the most, and I think it's great that we are all reaching for the love we require from somewhere, whether that be here or in another place. Again, I truly thank you all for replying to this forum. I am going to work until I make enough money for a good amount of therapy sessions. Work has just been so exhausting and draining. See you all soon! I hope you all have a great day, no matter what happens. ❤️

  • Posted

    i hope you are feeling much better, i am in the same position as you have nobody to talk to constanlty going to the doctors for reassurance i get so many symptons from stomach pain headaches dizziness chest pain beeathing priblem severe fatuige and just fear that i'm just going to die i have seriously had enough!! im so sorry your going through this.

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