Health Anxiety in Peri!

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Hi ladies hoping you can relate to me here since my periods became irregular, low mood sleeping pattern disturbed aches and pains skin changes especially facially more pigmentation uneven tone, palpitations I've become paranoid about my health (48yrs old) every lump bump blemish brown spot, tummy pains, bowel changes lumpy boobs indigestion, all of which I've had checked out keeps me running to my Dr who I have to say is very understanding but I just want to stop analysing everything bodily and get my life back!!! Ehhhhhhhh......

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Frankie .what you have posted could be me. I Google things too much and send myself crazy. I think it's the hormone issue that's doing this too us. I feel like my mental health is breaking down but it's all got to get better x

  • Posted

    I'm going through this it not to bad but I'm having nausea issues right now other symptoms have seem to come and go but this nausea is not the biz I tell you makes me feel so ill

  • Posted

    Sounds like me!! It's been 2 years and scary at first then your aware of symptoms , it then it gets a little better since you know it's part of the peri/ menopause . Scary scary and horrible feelings! 43yo

  • Posted

    Yep. I can relate and it is NOT fun. Seems like something different everyday! It does feel like it takes over your life. I know I should try to get my mind on something else, but when I can't I just eventually give up trying...and just keep telling myself this is all hormonal and it's making me think I am going crazy! The battle in my mind is exhausting. I pray daily. You have good company here. Everyone is so helpful and understanding on here.

  • Posted

    that's me Frankie to a T, I never ever worried about my health but now i check constantly to see if my go to moles have changed colour if i have any new ones appear and the amount of new aches and pains i have are unreal also i have been having unsettling dreams five days on the trot and its to the point where i dont want to go to sleep at night  

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      Sue all I wanna do is go to sleep so I don't have to think about what disease I have now! This peri is awful.

  • Posted

    Tell me about it, I remember as a teenager going through a health anxiety crisis, so must be the hormones makes us like this! I have found myself fixating on a lump and spot and thinking the worae plus having gastitis and lost weight because of it sent me in overdrive, I now know what they mean by health anxiety now!!
  • Posted

    Hang on in there frankie.  This goes.  I was a nightmare with this, for all around me, for months on end, since last june 2015, and this has now stopped for me, the terrible health anxiety.  As my hormones are settling, this symptom of health anxiety has calmed down (which is the worst symptom by far!).  
    • Posted

      Thank goodness. Some hope. I'm 44. How old are you? I just keep thinking I'm too young to be feeling like this, but I know there are others on here younger.

    • Posted

      I'm 47.  Everything seems to be calming down for me, fingers crossed.  Delighted that the horrible anxiety has calmed the most.  No longer feel uptight about symptoms, its great.  Thought I'd be like that forever.  Terrible what hormone changes do to us.  I feel much better and hope it lasts.!   I know now that I've been in peri a long long time, since about 40!  but the symptoms were noticeable but not life changing.  It's only when I hit the bad symptoms, or nearing menopause, that it was life changing.  I don't know if its the same for everyone, but this last year was just awful.  Feel I'm coming out the other side now (had a terrible 2 months just gone and then it just lifted!) and that it can happen at any age (well not any age, but you know what I mean).  Hang on

    • Posted

      Thanks. Yes I now feel like I may have been in peri for a while also. I would just have bad months and then the symptoms would lift for awhile. But, like you, nothing life changing. The health anxiety is the worst for me right now. All these weird symptoms. Seriously the toughest thing I have ever been through
    • Posted

      all i can say is keep hanging on.  This IS really tough, but every day you are moving forward however difficult it is.  it has to end, I just kept telling myself that (through my tears most times!), and I agree, it is the toughest thing I have been through also, and I've been through some tough times!  take care.

    • Posted

      I'm same 47 and I think looking back now I started peri at 40. Glad to read you're starting to get a lift. Gives me hope. Been the worst for a year now too Not feeling any lift yet though.

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