Health anxiety is ruining my life :(
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10 months ago I started with terrible health anxiety and since then I havnt been myself at all. I can't cope with day to day life because of the symptoms and worrying about possibilities which ultimatly stops me from living my life the way o should be.
It all started when I began worrying about a brain tumour, headaches daily that lasted Afew months last December. I then went on to have an MRI scan that came back clear and settled me a little but by this point I had began to worry about MS which ultimatly has been my worst worry altogether. My legs began gonig numb, cold feet and bad blood circulation where my toes would go white with 2 pairs of socks on in bed, hand tremors mainly in my left hand, muscle twitches all over my body and a really weak left arm that sometimes gets uncomfortable when I put my makeup on. After numerous visits to the doctors I eventually took reassurance and the symptoms eased off a little (I believe this is because I tried not to Google anything about it at the time). It then started with my stomach and throat, lumps in the back of my throats I was convinced where cancer. I had stomach acid daily and awful acid that had me downing gaviscon from the bottle hourly. My stomach then became the problem with pain in the left side/central at the top near my ribs. This has still not fully gone, however I was sent for an encoscopy that confirmed everything once again as okay.
I then settled for a while being able to cope with daily life and enjoy things with minimal worries other than the tremor in my left hand that never fully went away. This was not really noticable until I started a new job in June that required a steady hand. This really began to stress me out noticing my hand not feeling in full control, it is so minimal that it is hardly noticable to anyone other than myself but I feel weak in my arm and it distressed me greatly. I went to the doctor who told me it was most likely an essential tremor that would ease off when I could fully recover from stress.
After having such a good little run though and feeling like I was finally on the mend I accidentally stumbled across an article about MS. Stupidly (I know) I read it thinking that it wouldn't bother me anymore as that phase was over worrying about that. However reading it I began to read things that made me think the condition was more like me now that what I originally imagined all them months ago, I think this is because all that time ago I was to nervous to actually fully read about the condition and knew not much. However after this, surprise surprise I began to worry again, my leg has been on and off numb again, my left hand is numb of a morning to the point it feels like someone else's, I'm coming home from work exhausted and having to go to bed, twitches, tremor and the worst part now is I feel dizzy daily! This has been gonig on for a month which is really distressing me. My eyes flicker and I feel like I can't fully concerntrate on things especially driving. It is making me feel sick. I went to the opticians who said my eyes looked fine and there was no sign of anything nasty and it was a mystery why I feel dizzy, I also visited the doctor who neurologically examined me and said I wouldn't be tested for MS in my current state.
I am having counselling in which unfortunately I don't feel is helping all that much, I believe that this is because I am very aware of my anxiety I just can't get it out of my head that something could be wrong too and just hasn't been found yet, it is also so hard to try and accept that nothing is up ewhen the symptoms are constant even though you are aware of your anxiety. Maybe it is because I am just far to scared of it and can't fully fight the worry constantly. I am on tablets which was my last resort however I feel like they are doing nothing for me.
I'm at the end of my tether, I've had that much reassurance that I feel like people are fed up of me and I also like I've heard the same thing 1000 times which just hasn't put me st ease. As my mum says I believe I am overly frightened and just far to stubborn with the fear to accept it's simple just anxiety. I'm only 22 and feel like crying when I see my friends living their life and moving on and I can't even look after myself no more, I feel on my own and so so scared.
I understand that reassurance is not always the answer for someone in my state as I'll probably still worry about it, however is love to hear some similar stories or experiences that make me feel not as alone. I'd also even more so love to hear how anyone who has experienced this has got over it and managed to take their life back.
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Guest Worryoverheath
Hi Amy. I am the same way! I am constantly worrying about my health. I have anxiety attacks about my health almost every day. I have Zoloft but have yet to start it, I really need to. I am also tired of worrying, it really does take a toll on your body. I'm sorry you're going through this! It's so consuming
. The beginning of summer I was okay, everything was great, but then my Grammy passed and that's when I lost it. I'm still not back to my normal self so I'm not much help with how to get over it. But I just wanted to let you know you are not alone with this!
Hollylujah Worryoverheath
I had panic disorder 2 years ago. It was the WORST part of my life. The road to recovery is not easy. With intense cognitive therapy, the right medicine, and time I've more than overcome it. It can be done!
Even though it was the worst part of my life I can honestly say I wouldn't change the struggle. That probably sounds crazy because when you're in it you would do ANYTHING to silence it. However, I am a much stronger person now. I am so in tune with my body... Not in a hyper aware way, but I have learned through relaxation techniques and breathing techniques to relax even in the most stressful situations. I have mentored several people going through anxiety, and am currently in the process of becoming a therapist. All because of my anxiety. I'm also a Christian and having anxiety deepened my faith I a way that nothing else could... You're friends are out having fun and I understand how hard that is to watch, but at the end of this you will have strength that they won't. You are 22 and that is SO YOUNG! You have so much time to live (no matter what your anxiety says) you will join them again.
I know that there are no magic words or off button. I know how desperately you want there to be. It's hard to start counseling and medication because we want it gone so bad we want results, but therapy, ESPECIALLY COGNITIVE, take time. Stick to it. You're training your mind to change the way it thinks.. And after 22 years it's pretty set in its way... But it can be done. I'm living proof! Make sure you do all your homework. (I would love to hear what coping techniques you've been given so far!!)
As for the medicine keep in close contact with your doctor, it's okay to call and say it's not working, they will either say it's time to try something new, up your dosage, or give you a time line of how long it usually takes.
Also know that I've had EVERY SINGLE symptom you have and it all was caused by my anxiety. I recommend studying and understanding the affects anxiety had on your body. It's amazing what your body goes through when it's anxious (also know it cannot harm or kill you in any way).
Hang in there! Keep being proactive with medicine and therapy! People overcome anxiety all the time, and soon it will be your time!
david76205 Worryoverheath
david12340 Worryoverheath
Its comforting ing to read your post because at least I know I am not alone in feeling this way all the tine and not being able to function right or consentrate on any thing else.
best of wishes
brittani79888 Worryoverheath
I remember it put me in a depression and I was mentally exhausted. I did do some therapy and I think that helped. One thing he told me is you have to think about stuff in your life you stress too much about and try no not stress about it (easier said than done, I know) just try and give yourself a break.
If you’re laying in bed all day and stress about it just tell yourself “I deserve this, i need to relax” also lack of sun can cause anxiety and b12 deficiency. It will get better and easier. I remember going on forums like this and seeing people say that and think they were just more mentally strong than I was and I thought I’d just be worrying all day everyday for the rest of my life but I use to not even be able to shop or drive by myself especially if I had my kids with me I would think the worst would happen and they would be alone. But I pick up my son from school, take him to the mall, grocery shopping. So it is possible I’m not a therapist so I can’t say i know or anything but from experience, I know you can do it!
carol54359 Worryoverheath
I just read your post as I was searching through the internet for health anxiety. I have suffered form this condition for many years and I can totally relate to everything that you have said. I just wondered how you are doing now as I note your post was six months ago?
jasmin42603 Worryoverheath
Hi Amy,
This was like reading my own thoughts!!! I had a terrible anxiety episode 2 years ago after a brief break up with my partner. It all started when I began to feel my face tingling on my left side. Before I knew it, I could feel it all over the left side of my head, arm and legs. I was convinced I could feel something in my head and couldn’t rid of this headache. I was calling my doctor, I even visited A&E in the middle of the night. Eventually my doctor booked me a MRI scan as no amount of appointments was helping me and I was becoming frantic. After my scan came back normal my symptoms went away dramatically and I was referred to an anxiety group and finally was diagnosed with Health anxiety. I felt relieved i wasn’t imagining all my symptoms and even more so it was anything sinister. I managed to pick myself up for a couple of years until this year
I’ve now experienced a pain in my left side, in my ribs and my stomach and constant heartburn to the point I’m convinced I have some kind of cancer. I’m exhausted almost daily. I have no motivation to do anything until this has been resolved. However for me I always feel like ‘this time’ it’s not my health anxiety it is something horrific. I just want to cry all the time, I’m envious of people my age who seem so care free. I’ve got my blood test results tomorrow and I’m petrified. Even more so if it doesn’t show anything minor because the symptoms I have are sure as hell real. I’m a mess. I have a young daughter and I feel like a terrible Mum because I’m so fixated on my physical symptoms but I can’t imagine me not being in her life. I’ve tried CBT but my fears over rule any logical thinking. I’m guessing medication is my only resort as I just want to live my life. I’m only 27 and feel like I’m wasting my life.
Anyway, this post was in no way helpful but I just want you to know you are not alone! I’m so glad to have come across your post as I feel so alone aswell. My friends constantly laugh at me but I can imagine saying ‘I told you so’ one day.
Love and strength being sent your way and I really hope you can rid of this horrible horrible feeling x
Righteousjoe jasmin42603
Months even. Then it gradually finds its way back. Then I’m having the stomach discomfort, can’t sleep, can’t eat, clenching my teeth, lump in my throat. It’s not Just you and you ARENT sick, except sick with anxiety. I’ve had it 13 years and it’s just baggage. It comes out when I’m stressed or have a lot of grief. It’s a monster that lives inside us.
racheld1975 Worryoverheath
You aren't stubborn, that is what anxiety does, it makes you question everything. You are smart enough to know that if you have seen a bunch of doctors and had a bunch of tests that are all normal that you are fine BUT anxiety says oh no, WHAT IF??? So it makes the most rational intelligent people ask the what ifs about everything. I know you said you feel like counseling isn't working, give it a chance and possibly ask for a different therapist/counselor. Having someone you can talk to that gets it does help even if you can't see it just yet. Also you didn't say if you were on any medications for the anxiety? If you aren't, talk to your psychiatrist about what your treatment options are. I am NOT a functional human being without a combination of medications and regular counseling, which I currently do not have thanks to lack of money and insurance. I have been to the emergency room more times than I would like to admit, currently debating on going right now, because I cannot stop my anxiety from getting the best of me. I have so many physical symptoms, all of which are symptoms of the worst diseases out there, and they kick my anxiety into overdrive. I have chest pain EVERY single day of my life but I've had every test they have multiple times and it always comes back normal. I've been doing this well over 20 years and it took me a long time to find a doctor who understood and was willing to work with me to find me the right combination of medications to keep me on an even keel. I actually went almost 3 years without seeing the inside of a hospital, miracle for me, when I was under her care. Trust me, you aren't alone, you aren't crazy, this is NOT all in your head, anxiety is a real disease and sometimes you can't control it on your own. You are the only one who gets to live in your body and you are the only one who knows what you feel. Don't be afraid to speak up and voice your concerns, ask all the "stupid" questions. And don't be afraid to tell a doctor when something isn't working for you, the whole point of all this is to get you feeling better so make sure you let them know if you don't. Best of Luck!!!
timothy5270 Worryoverheath
absjo timothy5270
chris96406 Worryoverheath
I would say I’ve had health anxiety for about 20 years now, starting when I was about 16. It comes and goes. I’m now 36 and in the midst of a really bad flare up. I had one or two symptoms and made the mistake of Googling them and what do you know? Within minutes I’m in full blown panic mode with sweats, tremors, racing heart and an inability to sit still. That was about a month ago and I'm still frantic.
Loads of anxiety related symptoms return and I’m lost in my head – AGAIN. From my experience, all of your symptoms are entirely cause by anxiety! It's just nature's cruel twist that they all mimic some pretty cruel illnesses. The muscle twitching is the one that bugs me the most, but the list is endless, sore aching muscles and joints, tremors, heart palpitations, chest pain, sleepless nights, spinning thoughts that won't turn off - ALWAYS THINKING "WHAT IF!", can't sit still. Health anxiety truly is an awfully debilitating condition.
I have found that Sertraline (Zoloft) helps to a large degree but can take a while to work. As hard as it is to believe your symptoms are a product of your mind and not that of a terminal illness.
greg0421 Worryoverheath
So sorry you’re going through this. Idk about you but when I feel super anxious I feel so alone (hence why I’m here, to seek comfort of others who walk the same line as me). I’ve yet to conquer anxiety, I have my days, weeks, sometimes months where I seem to be normal but then WHAM it’s back, like a tidal wave of panic and fear crashed over me.
My symptoms: wide spread twitches, fatigue, muscle aches, muscles feel as if they’re burning, tingling sensations, numbness, vision issues, you name it I’ve had it.
Medical history: this all started on a Saturday in December I was working out and felt an odd pain in my left bicep kind of like a sensory pain nervous system like pain. Didn’t think anything of it but remember an article I read about MS a few days prior and within a few hours I had tingling, pin and needles, achey muscles all in my left arm and leg. Multiple neurologists and MRI’s later - no MS, no nothing.
I couldn’t rest peacefully without an answer so I dove head first into the deepest darkest pool of all, google. That’s when I came across ALS. Again, multiple neurologists later and EMG’s later, no ALS. No nothing.
Every day is a struggle but I notice when my anxiety is at a low, so are my symptoms which makes me believe it’s all anxiety. These diseases I’ve discussed don’t let up, you’ll rarely have good days and some diseases you’ll have no good days. Just remember your last good day, where you felt ok and reflect on that day because that, along with every doctor telling you you’re fine, will be key to beating health anxiety.
matt45001 Worryoverheath
Then, I had stroke like symptoms and complete blurry vision. Opthamologist noticed swelling of my optic nerve and sent me for an emergency brain MRI which luckily came back normal, but now I was convinced that I had intracranial pressure buildup in my head.
Now this last week, I’ve been having so much pain in my abdomen and chest. It also feels like someone poured acid in my veins and hurts to eat and drink. I also have shallow breaths and am convinced that there is a hole in my trachea or esophagus. I’ve been to the ER 5 times this past week and have had blood tests, Urine test, chest X-ray, chest ct scan, abdomen ct scan, and ecg and everything seems normal.
I just don’t feel normal at all. I’m convinced I’m dying and I’m in so much pain physically. I’m back on anti anxiety meds to hopefully reduce the symptoms.
Keep pushing through because I know this is the worst. I can’t function. Two years ago I was diagnosed with somatization disorder where your body converts subconscious anxiety into physical real symptoms that can’t be explained. And then I fixate on the symptoms. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.