Health Anxiety Mainly At Night
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I Really do feel so fed up,
All of this started out of nowhere about 3-4 years ago id wake up and think I was having a heart attack and ring an ambulance,
I've been to AnE (I live in the UK), many times,
I feel like now they ALL know me, to the point im worried to say my name cos in my mind the person on the other end of the phone is "oh god here she goes again",
My health anxiety had taken a horrible turn into nocturnal panic attacks that last hours,
I can't even explain how awful it is, laying there thinking is this it, should I ring an ambulance, what if something this time is wrong,
It starts every night about few hours before I try and sleep and gets worse so I don't end up sleeping until daylight, (I think ive made my mind think it's safer as doctors and people are awake),
I'm sick of the negative thinking, I'll start imagining Ill find out I have cancer and how ill feel etc,
Tonight has made me so mad at myself at how much this is over ruling my life, my partner said to me even though its 2.30am
"if you would feel better we can go in the car and drive by the hospital until you feel better" and I said "no ill be okay ill wake u if it gets bad" and I went to put I love you and I'm so sorry I'm putting you through this and stopped myself and why??
Because I immediately thought "that could be the last message he reads off me and it's me telling him I love him, like a goodbye message!!,
Ive got to get help I've done therapy didn't work, I have diazepan tablets and they do help but nothing is helping the negative thinking,
I too get all the symptoms you all describe and my therapist said its because we lay there, paying attention to any little thing out bodies do, and there all things that our bodies usually do but others don't notice it, we look for it, and go into fight or flight (panic attacks),
Which all the symptoms are similar to a heart attack,
But waking each morning relieved to be alive you think I'd live that day happily but I lay in bed so tired and drained that I'm in bed all day and night,
I feel for every one of you going through this as it's awful
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Mike-NZL clair11942
Its the definition of hell, the negative thinking it just persists day after day! hard to believe at times that my life has gone from a sound sleeper with few worries to this anxious shakey mess all day.
Not to mention the insomnia, its damn terrible, feel for you. Ya not alone.
Anu.H clair11942
it used to happen to me a lot when i had very anxious moments. i have no clue why and how it happens late evening. but it does happen and i have gone through it. i used to feel simply scared as if there was nothing or nobody to support me. they were unlike panic attacks with any physical symptoms. it was a torment.
a good idea is to distract yourself!
i am still dealing with health anxieties which peaked with covid. i have body twinges. i didn't go to a doctor (yet) as i feel they are due to chronic stress.