Health Anxiety Mainly Heart Related

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hello, to cut a long story short health anxiety has flared up after a random panic attack the morning after a night out watching the euros final first one in a long time, it first all started when i was 17 and i am now 26 with two kids. i recovered back then and never thought it would return minus the odd nocturnal panic attack which i would forget about.

struggling again at the minute had ecgs bloods mri back when i was 17 all completely fine on the heart, 2 ecgs and full bloods this time everything fine apart from low vit D, symptoms this time have been mainly lighteaded feeling, faster heart rate as im constantly checking my pulse which in turn is probably speeding it up, numb legs and arms with a empty tight chest pressure. trying to tell myself its all anxiety again but struggling, id usually take one 40mg propanalol a day but some days to get through work at the minute im taking 80mg a day to keep the panic attacks away, recently put on mirtazapine 2 weeks in i started to feel better but woke up last night not long after falling asleep in a panic but controlled it and felt pretty anxious today due to it. sorry for the paragraph just feeling like i have no idea how i got through it last time.

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    sorry you are going through this. Anxiety and panic can be so random and come out of the blue sometimes. Is there something going on in your life that could be causing this to happen?

    I know you’ve had it since age 17 . physically you are most likely just fine. Have you ever considered getting some counseling? They can help you manage all of this. I do that once a week virtually which is very helpful. It helps to talk to somebody who understands and can help.

    when you get anxious and panicky, there some great talk tones on YouTube. Just search for help with panic attack. They will talk to you through it. I hope you feel better soon

    • Posted

      hello thank you for the reply 😃 nothing in particular caused the panic attack that flared it up this time i had been drinking the night before but thats not usually an issue. i think maybe the alcohol caused the panic attack the next morning and being unable to calm myself spiralled it back into constant anxiety. id have the odd nocturnal panic attack over the years but would always forget about it and go to sleep where as this happened when i was already awake i panicked more. i am waiting for space for CBT. its not so much im having panic attacks at the minute its just the worrysome symptoms that come with anxiety. the obvious at the minute are me worrying about my heart (which is fine) but probably causing it to be abit faster and i get shaky arms often which i find unpleasant. i was also panicked by the lightheaded feeling and constant out of focus vision feeling like im not real but i think possibly the mirtazapine is helping with that.

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