Health anxiety or perimenopause
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I haven't been on this forum very long but I realised how many ladies like me have developed a health anxiety. I'm nearly 40 and this crept up on me not that long ago. I was suffering from hip pain, night sweats, face flushes, mood dips and cold feet not to mention struggling to lose weight. My periods range from 28 to 33 days and last around 7 days with 1 day of heavier bleeding so I didn't think that these changes were happening. Anyway, so when I changed from a confident woman to a wreck overnight I realised this could be just another symptom of peri. I am amazed at how many of us have this, I was wondering if this was something that happened overnight to you??
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TropicalVon69 nic1976
michelle46271 nic1976
All things started for me gradually about 6 years ago when I was 40. Looking back now it was insomnia,headaches and panic attacks. The panic attacks weren't as bad as they have been recently.
Since Christmas I've changed into a different woman,not the sociable,cheerful person I was.
I've had severe pressure headaches every day for 3 months,depression,doom and gloom and panic. I wondered what the hell was happening to me. I've got bad acid reflux which I never had,burning mouth syndrome,burning nose. Insomnia badly,about an hour sleep a night .
In saying this I started HRT patches 3 weeks ago so hopefully things will start to improve. The depression and anxiety has a bit. Hang in there x
brendababy nic1976
I used to be a string confident woman, now I feel so anxious and needy, always looking for reassurance
I've had a lot of other stressors to contend with thus past couple of years, had to resign from my job as ME symptoms returned then my mum became ill and sadly passed away in January this year
I think if your stressed out already your menopause symptoms can be extreme
Hopefully we'll start to feel better soon
Take care xx
ambercolleen nic1976
NonnieDD nic1976
I hope you all have a lovely day.
pinkcatfairy nic1976
It first started for me when periods went haywire, I thought then it must be serious and then the gastitis I thought was stomach cancer, the migraine auras a brain tumour and a spot, skin cancer, one thing after another! I have always been a worrier but not on this scale and I hate the anxiety and panic attacks x
nic1976 pinkcatfairy
It's awful isn't it? Some days logic kicks in and there's some relief but when that anxiety creeps in its terrible. I've done exactly the same, every symptom I have is the most deadly symptoms and it's not a nice way to live. I'm just hoping there's some relief after this stage is over.
michelle46271 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy michelle46271