Health anxiety ruining my life looking for advice/help can't cope
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I'm 25 years old and for the past 3/4 weeks i think I've been suffering from health anxiety. First I was having night sweats and google made me think this was the start of a serious illness. Next I had chest pains which I thought were strained muscles but it lasted for a few weeks and I convinced myself this was serious. I now have a pain in my left breast and now I'm convinced I have breast cancer and I'm loosing the plot. I have two small children (aged 2 and 10 weeks) this is running my life and my partner thinks I'm mad. Every little symptom I get I google it and it makes me worry so much more. I've had my left breast checked and it's okay, also had an ECG and that was fine. I go from being fine one minute to panic and google searching the next.
I don't know what to do. I'm so upset and keep thinking about my children now growing up with a mum.
The pain I have is like a lingering pain from the back of my breast, sometimes i feels hot and the pain travels to my back. I'm also now worried about my other breast because the nipple has inverted tonight so I'm thinking this is serious 😟
Please is anyone having the same symptoms. Please help me x
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also a possibility. What does your GP say
s98188 nicola_57830
If it was breast issue you would have known by now. Most Breast cancers don't hurt and the ones that do have other symptoms, redness, bruising, rash, etc and the pain only gets worse. Your ekg was fine also, a cardiologist will just tell you the same. I am 31 female and going through exactly what you are going through. Constant pain in my left chest like I just worked out, shortness of breath, etc. a lot of it comes from your neck. When we have constant anxiety we tense up our neck muscles and that radiates to the chest and shoulders. Go get a nice massage and work on your breathjng. Just remember if there were all those things wrong with your body at once you wouldn't be on the internet searching for advice. You would be in a hospital trying to feel better. Hugs to you
One piece of advice; DO NOT GOOGLE ANYTHING EVER!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough. I started googling stuff and eventually according to google I had breast cancer, ovarian cancer, blood cancer, brain tumours, etc..... I scared myself so much. My symptoms went away snd I've had a few test to confirm I'm ok. I still convince myself I'm sick sometimes . My shoulder has been paining off and on for the last few weeks and I'm terrified it's something serious. I always worry I'm gonna die and leave my kids without a mom. That's my BIGGEST fear. I hate living like this. What triggers your anxiety and how long have you been dealing with it?
melissa22555 mandi32309
Hi Mandi, I know this is an old post but I have been going through the same exact thing and I am curious if you are still dealing with this? If so, how do you cope? If not, how did you over come it? I'm a 27 year old with 3 kids. My husband never takes me serious any more whenever I mention a new 'ailment'. Swears I'm a hypochondriac. I just want this to go away. Recently both of our mothers were diagnosed with breast cancer and every commercial, ad, Facebook all I see and hear is the word cancer and it scares me. (It's like when you think you may be pregnant and you coincidentally see all things pregnancy or buy a new car and all you notice are the same vehicles out on the road). Ugh. It's mentally draining. I am constantly clearing my google browser on my phone cause all I do is look up my symptoms.
michelle33225 melissa22555
Hello Melissa, I was just on google looking through all this health anxiety stories and came across yours. Just want to tell you that I never had health anxiety prior to 2012 and that was bad spell for nearly 8months as I also didn't know nothing about health anxiety which didn't help, it did get better after that slowly in few months it eased up and good news disappeared for 2 and half years. Since then over the last year or little more it was creeping back on and off again but I learnt from all this researching that we should think of it as a wave it comes then it peaks -don't fight it-let it be and then it eases it down. Sometimes I am free of health anxiety for few months and sometimes I am still paralysed with it. What I wanted to tell you - it will get better. If you want to discuss it further that would be great.
ashley28684 melissa22555
Hi Melissa,
I'm 25 with a 3 year old and since opening up about my health anxiety I've noticed it's so common with women with young children. Mine started about a year ago, I'm a single mum and every night I panic (still do) that I'm going to die in the night and my little one will be alone with me all day until someone notices. This has developed into constant chest pains which make me think I'm having a heart attack, a pain in my leg makes me think I have a blood clot, a muscle twitch makes me think I have MS.
I'm still struggling and some days I can feel a panic attack brewing to the point I will ask a family member to stay over.
However I did have a good few months free of it following a trip to a and e - I was allowed to have an ECG and within the click of a finger it vanished. For this reason I know it's all in my head but that doesn't stop it and as you will know, it's hard to convince yourself it's not real when you're in the middle of a panic ha.
All I can suggest is look after yourself, healthy diet and exercise - endorphins help as well as lessening the chance of becoming ill AND don't read the news, tragic stories about people randomly dying of an unknown medical condition make me go into meltdown for days about what if that was me!
This might be of no help but just typing this has calmed me down so it is just a case of talking about it.
Good luck xx
mandi32309 melissa22555
Hey I do still have this but I'm managing it pretty good. My doc prescribed me with 50mg pristique and I call them miracle pills. Haven't had a panic attack in over a year. I do have worries still and my aches and pains cause me to question things for a few minutes and then I don't worry as much. Lately I'm worry about my
when I seen someone else having BC, I thought I had it too and have been thinking it for 3 years now. Although my beast appear the same as always and no changes. I worry about chest pain too. It feels like I have tightness or slight pressure on my left upper chest. When I'm not thinking about it, I don't feel it. Once I start thinking about it, it's there... I move my body certain positions to feel if it's there. It's weird! But I don't panic now and rarely get anxiety since being on that medication.
lyka70612 michelle33225
chris11234 lyka70612
I'm just like you guys, I have had some pain in my forearm for about a week now and I searched on google ' left arm pain ' and it's saying that it's a sign of a heart attack and other symptoms are chest pain and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting chest pains now, I'm only 19 but heart problems run in the family and I always overthink about pains and aches! Although I'm sure the pain in my arm is muscle I still overthink
tracied30 melissa22555
So it's not just me! I too, have been seeing and hearing the word cancer everywhere since the start of the year. When I mentioned it to him he started noticing it too. Cancer is a big medical money maker. I noticed this prior to my health anxiety. Just recently found out I have pernicious anemia and I have slipped into a depression state because of it. The whole increased risk of stomach cancer freaks me out and especially, passing it down to my children. Yet, even though, it's a recessive trait and my husband's normal dominate trait would only make them carriers. It still does nothing to relieve my anxiety though, even knowing many people with this never get the big c. I can see it all logically, but like everyone else, I google and everything is doom and gloom. Sigh. So I understand where your coming from. It's very draining. I started to take Zoloft, and then read how it can make illnesses worse for autoimmune diseases, which I have, so I immediately stopped. Now, I feel more lost than ever.
elizabeth_2495 tracied30
Hi Tracied30,
I'm Elizabeth and I have had health anxiety severely for the past 18 years. The last 2-1/2 years have been the worst. I'm on Effexor and ativan. I feel like I'm never going to get better. I have lost all of my friends- seriously. My dad won't even support me. I had been getting a lot of support from our Bible Study, but a new couple joined and they made me feel very uncomfortable with my anxiety. I always think I have breast cancer. I found a lump when I was 27, but it was nothing. I nursed a total of 30 months, which is supposed to lower your risk. Then I had reduction surgery. My mammograms are see through. All fat, but I still panic. I bawl every time I have to have a mammogram.
Some days, I just don't think I can go on. I feel like I'm always running, being chased. I'm tired. I believe that God has a plan for me, but this total fear is taking its toll.
8eight75345 mandi32309
8eight75345 elizabeth_2495
rachael41502 tracied30
I have Pernicious Anemia as well - diagnosed about 6 years ago. I was convinced I had MS prior to my diagnosis sue to the PA symptoms. And everytime I get any sort of neuropathy in my arms/legs I am convinced I have MS. My husband is the same as yours (though I can't always blame him for dismissing me). I also worry a ton about cancre - i go back and forth between MS/ALS and Cancer conserns....I tried Zoloft and it made me feel worse (tired, losing weight - which stirred up my cancer fears). It's awful. Just wanted you to know I feel the same! I feel like maybe I should try another anti-anxiety med but not sure what to do.....
Sorceress melissa22555
Hello Melissa- I know this was a few months ago but I'm the same. Constantly clearing my search history and promising myself I won't look again.
KS52123 ashley28684
You sound exactly like me. I have two young kids I'm petrified of leaving. We've had 2 sudden/unexpected deaths in our family/circle of friends that has just thrown me into panic mode. I literally believe I have a different illness everyday. Would love to hear more of everyone's experience.
candice1218 KS52123
Hello everyone I know I'm joining in on the conversation super late but I'm a 21 year old relatively healthy female other than a little over weight but not terribly. Recently within the past 3 months or so I've out of the blue began having regular panic attacks and health anxiety like crazy. It all started when I tried to do a cartwheel back in Feb and ended up having my first panic attack which I at the time didn't know what it was until my mom told me. I thought I was having a heart attack! I went to the hospital not long after for chest pain that went into my shoulder and down my arm and they did a EKG and took blood and did a chest xray and everything came back normal and I was diagnosed with costochondritis. Basically inflammation of the sternum and breast plate. It was very painful for about 2 months and I found myself more regularly making myself think I'm having a heart attack or something else more serious. Day by day I've been battling with this. Now my chest has quit hurting for the most part but I've began noticing my left leg has pain in it behind my knee and it radiates into my thigh and down my calf. I'm ashamed to say I Google EVERYTHING and now have convinced myself I have blood clots and I'm terrified. I have no insurance currently so I can't go get it checked out and I find myself day by day freaking out over it. For the last month or so at least. But then it goes away and comes back and then I'll feel similar pain in my other leg and I just don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me. Since February I've had the worst anxiety and I'm scared that something's wrong with me just about everyday. I've tried talking to family and my fiance and they tell me that I'm fine and I'll be okay and my mom especially keeps chalking it up to the fact that my grandpa and dad and cousins all had anxiety and that it's hereditary. My family hasn't had the best health history either though with my grandma being diagnosed with breast cancer and my mother cervical cancer and my uncle had prostate cancer. They all won their battle with cancer though. My own fear is crippling. It keeps me up at night and drains me during the day. I feel like no one understands and thinks I'm nuts. I wish desperately there was something I could do to help myself and my sanity but I'm terrified of getting medical help because I'm scared of taking pills in case they make me even crazier and suicidal or something. I'm a mess. I'm hoping to one day find an end to this madness.
leigh40412 mandi32309
Hi Mandi...omg I'm having a hard time here...been to the doctor so many times...he has ordered me not to Google. ..that's the worst...I seem to be finefor a couple weeks through the month and then the physical symptoms hit...stomach pain...chest and back pain...I've had ekgs...bloodwork...stomach tests...everything thankfully is fine...
leigh40412 elizabeth_2495
Elizabeth. ..I have health anxiety as well and I'm driving my family crazy....I have had tests done for almost everything game Thankfully am fine but the aches and pains are real and finding it hard to cope...
nikki683 ashley28684
I had no idea this was coming with woman with young kids. I have a six month old and since the day we came home I have had horrible how things Zaidi. I have lived with anxiety and somehow thing Zaidi my entire life but this is unbearable. Every single day I spend worrying that my little one will be left here alone if I pass out or have a heart attack. I am alone with him most of the time and it scared me so badly. I constantly feel short of breath and like I'm going to faint along with many other symptoms like chest pain job pain shoulder pain. I have had a slew of tests done and so far all looks good but I just can't convince myself especially because I constantly feel like I can't breathe and get enough air in. I'm really not sure what to do anymore I can't live like this and I feel like I'm not enjoying my life and my baby. I'm not depressed and I'm a happy person but this is just making me feel horrible all the time. I'm thinking maybe I'll have to try some meds? Not sure if you'll see this it's been a few months but I'm on here right now trying to call myself down by reading others experiences and came across yours
Sorry for all the misspellings I am doing voice text because I'm holding a little one now. I meant anxiety and healthy anxiety not ZandI or whatever it put..also I meant I didn't know it was common for moms
jane200711 elizabeth_2495
Hi Elizabeth, I know exactly how you feel. I have been in your shoes and felt so desperate. I would think, "how will I ever not worry about my health? How can I ever truly enjoy life?!" I felt like I was in an hole I could never crawl out. I would be constantly distracted during family parties, I couldn't plan for the future. It was completely dibilitating. You are not alone.
Something that was SO HELPFUL was going to AnxietyCentre and looking up my symptoms there vs google. It explains how and why anxiety causes us to experience physical things. It was SO SO HELPFUL!
Something else helpful was a book called the Worry Cure. I listened to the audio version.
Also, counseling has been tremendous support for me as I healed from anxiety.
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chelsea15874 ashley28684
Thank you so much for this! I'm 25 with a 2 year old and just got back last night from the er for chest pains. I'm hoping and praying this is all in my head!!! I have the same thoughts about leaving my son without a mother. It's seriously frightening!
marama7 melissa22555
Hi Melissa,
I'm not sure where to write this but I'm just loosing my mind. About 5 weeks ago I was at work and had headaches and nausea feeling during work hours for about 3 days. I got a pregancy test which was negative and then the worry started to kick in. Then nevt day I had Adominal pain so I booked in to the doctors, he did bloods and urine which came back fine. Pain ended up moving lower to my mons pubis which since I was about 5 years old would swell on one side and has done so all though out my life. I have always been able to push it back in and it's never caused me any pain before. I haven't had any swelling for a couple of years but the pain has been consistent where it used to swell. Sometimes when I do physical activity it makes the whole area tender. I freak out that I've got something really serious and I'm petrified that I'm going to die
sometimes i get pain in my abdomen, around my belly button, to the side, sometimes it feels like it's burning on my Lower abdomen and I freak out that it's so serious
. I've had an ultra sound for abdomen and pelvic which showed nothing but I'm so so scared. I've been to er and doctors so many times. I don't even know what I'm doing
I'm 24 years old female. My mum passed away two years ago from cancer so I just am so so worried all of the time! When I'm at home with my husband and feel safe I feel so much better but then I'll get pain and the thoughts will come back sometimes and I'm back to square one.
michelle33225 lyka70612
Hello, are you still on this forum. Just want to write quick post, everything u said is normal sign of anxiety. I am at it again after really great 2months of summer, I was absolutely ok but my stomach started to play about a week ago and I am at it again, googling literally non stop, don't feel like doing anything, going anywhere just googling and googling and self diagnosing and feeling exhausted, weak from it all. I use to run to doctors all the time and now am scared to do so. This anxiety thing is the maddest thing....can we not just speak to our brains, they are so powerful. I guess this anxiety has something to do with nervous personality, impatient, hyperactive personality ....there is a lady on another forum who said that is Best simply not to Google, don't for assurance just sit thee with the anxiety, acknowledge it, say to it, I know you are here and wait until it subsides ....apparently it is very helpful but it takes days, weeks ....easier said than done. I am on the bus and still googling and replying at least. If you are still on it please let me know how you are doing.
justin30 michelle33225
Hi Michelle
I'm so very glad I have seen your recent post!
I'm sorry to hear your having a bad time of it, I am to!
I would love to chat to someone that's going through the same thing, my Mrs doesn't understand.
How are you feeling now?
jessica62882 elizabeth_2495
Laroxe tracied30
I think you may be right that cancer is in the news more but I expect this is to do with the fact that there has been an explosion of new ideas and information, whether it is a big money maker is irrelevant really, the news is linked to the improved outcomes of treatment.
I think having young kids increases anxiety in many people, but when we get anxious we try very hard to label the cause and it focuses our thinking on anything we think of. Interestingly aneamia of all types, causes all sorts of symptoms and feelings of helplessness, so that makes everything worse. Its interesting that you've focused on stomach cancer a disease more common in men and which is usually diagnosed in people over 60. Any additional risk due to Per. Aneamia is very small really, and the figures include data from very heavy drinkers and people with other risk factors like smoking. I'd ignore the genetic stuff, this only applies to a very small subgroup of people.
I don't know how long you've had Per. Aneamia but if your blood levels are still low you might find you feel better as they improve. I don't know how old you are but the extra anxiety of children is understandable and sensible but the immediate concerns about Stomach cancer are not. Its interesting how anxiety can make people feel so desperate and in need of help, then when your Dr try's to prescribe something your anxiety makes you stop. Your allowing the anxiety to run your life and make your decisions for you, antidepressants are often used in autoimmune states, if they have side effects then they can be changed. Your Dr knows more about these issues than you, if you trust him, then trust his advice, allow yourself to make decisions rather than your anxiety or worse still Google.