Health anxiety ruining my life looking for advice/help can't cope
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I'm 25 years old and for the past 3/4 weeks i think I've been suffering from health anxiety. First I was having night sweats and google made me think this was the start of a serious illness. Next I had chest pains which I thought were strained muscles but it lasted for a few weeks and I convinced myself this was serious. I now have a pain in my left breast and now I'm convinced I have breast cancer and I'm loosing the plot. I have two small children (aged 2 and 10 weeks) this is running my life and my partner thinks I'm mad. Every little symptom I get I google it and it makes me worry so much more. I've had my left breast checked and it's okay, also had an ECG and that was fine. I go from being fine one minute to panic and google searching the next.
I don't know what to do. I'm so upset and keep thinking about my children now growing up with a mum.
The pain I have is like a lingering pain from the back of my breast, sometimes i feels hot and the pain travels to my back. I'm also now worried about my other breast because the nipple has inverted tonight so I'm thinking this is serious 😟
Please is anyone having the same symptoms. Please help me x
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DeclanB4857 nicola_57830
Hi my name is Declan i am 16 years old and i suffer with the exact same things as you Nicola and it is ruining my life, everything i feel like my pains aches in my arm even when i rub my arm is feels like i have a bruise there but i havn't but i think it is my anxiety trying to tell me something is there when it isn't, anxiety is the worst feeling you can possibly have because you always think something is wrong with you like when you get any pain or feel sick i just google my symtoms and then the next day i am worried for like a hole 2 to 3weeks until i have my nan and mum telling me i am fine and it's my anxiety telling me things that make my brain tell me when something is wrong when there is nothing wrong and it's just my anxiety i have had this for over 2years now and i can't get used to having it but sometimes i do forget about it and just get on in my life and try make myself laugh once and a while and like now i have belly ache and i think i'm dying but i'm not i think we all need to fight this anxiety thing all together so it goes away my nan once told me the 1st thing you should always start off doing to make your self feel better is your breathing with anxiety you get that feeling when your heart has just fully dropped and you get very anxious about something you do nor know off so yh hope you all are okay and i just made this account to tell all off you guys my problems and to share my thoughts with all of you thanks for reading by Declan. and also when i 1st started getting aches in my arms i googled it and it said i had cancer and other different illnesess i think everyone googles everything these days because they are anxious.
sarah13837 nicola_57830
Hello, I'm 29 years old and I am suffering with health anxiety really bad, I have now been referred to a specialist as I'm in tears most days, mine has all been triggered from being badly bullied at work, ended up in hospital thinking I had stomach cancer or something seriously wrong with me..I've had so many blood tests, X-rays, cat scan, ultra sound scans, ecg, I'm on anti depressants..I literally wake up and the first thing I think of is what kind of pain will I be in today and as soon as I feel a slight twinge that's it I'm dying, I then stupidly google it and my world comes crashing down on me because all I can see is biggest fear! I am constantly checking myself and I mean obsessing about it to the point I am making my self sore..I was back down my doctors last week because I thought I had throats cancer all because my taste buds were slightly raised..that's how serious mine is taking over my life, I'm now getting twitches all over my body literally everywhere and I'm panicking but deep down I know it's my aniexty causing it all. I have also had the burning, muscle pain behind my left Breast, and now it has gone away because all I can focus on is these nervous twitches..I have pulled all the muscle in my neck witch I've had the doctor check it a few times, I am convinced I have a black dot next to my name and think everyone is lying to me and can't wait till I die so they don't have to listen to me go on and on at them. But I can't help it, im waiting for my appointment to come through from the speacialist and praying they have some answers for me as living like this is very draining and I have a 12 year old son witch isn't healthy for him to witness my panic attacks. You are not alone trust me, I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemy it's making my life a misery xx
jodi00070 sarah13837
I've just fouund this page
I could have wrote this comment::
I'm struggling with health anxiety at the moment
Has yours improved ?
stephen93842 sarah13837
Hi Sarah. I understand completely what you are going through . I too suffer on a daily basis about cancer. In the past 2 months I have self diagnosed myself with mouth cancer stomach cancer and most recently oesophagus cancer. I am a 26 year old male so for me to have any of those is highly unlikely . But that doesn't stop me from not believing I have it even when a doctor tells me I don't and all my family and friends the same . It has ruined my relationship, I have a 4 month old son who at one point I was afraid to pick up incase I gave him anything. I have been to see psychologists been on numerous tablets including valium just to calm me down . I understand how it feels to think people don't take you serious or that you feel alone but We aren't. Other people suffer like us and hopefully it will get better . Try not to Google things as it is always the worst possible outcome, I am a hypocrite saying that because I do it but I know that it's the worse things . If you ever worry or anything and need to talk with a fellow sufferer I will gladly give any help I can offer
sarah13837 stephen93842
Hi Stephen, sorry it has taken me such a long time to get back to you..thank you so much for your kind words, I am still in the same boat as I was 3 months ago, it isn't getting any easier I am having talking therapies every week face to face. I'm on two different medications..venlafaxine in the morning and mirtazipine at night as it is a sedative and helps me get some rest from worrying all day. I am trying my hardest not to google but I just can't help it, I seek reassurance from my family friends and doctor but I am always never happy but I will now refuse and test they offer me incase they find something I don't want to know about but then that's when the vicious circle happens I don't want to know but worry about having something so serious I'm hoping with all the support I'm getting I will stop feeling like this one day soon. I really hope you two start feeling better and stop having these thoughts. It's a very dark place to be in and when no one understands it makes it worse as it seems like there against me too and think I'm lying about it..when I'm not. Same goes for u too if u ever need someone to speak too I'm here. Take care p.s I will reply sooner next time x
sarah13837 jodi00070
Hi Jodi, sorry I haven't got back to you sooner..unfortunately no mine hasn't improved it's got worse. But I am told it's a long road ahead of me and too only take baby steps to get myself well again..I know it will never go away completely but I will be able to have control over it (I am told) I can't wait for that day. I'm having weekly face to face therapies and on strong medication day and night..are you speaking to any health professionals? I never even new health anxiety was a thing and thought I was alone. It really isn't a nice thing to deal with and even harder being around people who just don't understand it either. I'm here if u need to talk. Take care x
leti510 nicola_57830
Hi I was wondering how everything turned out for you? I've dealing with same situation since December really bad an always having pain then I google an the pain gets worse an I think I'm dying . It's has been ruining my life the past few months can't even work I'm in so much pain my boobs hurt my stomach hurts I have bodyaches I went to the doctor they did a blood panel A breast ultrasound and a pap. Everything came back good except they did find a small cyst in my left boob. I went and seen a breast specialist he said he thinks it's just from my anxiety that my breast are hurting. The pain magically went away for about two weeks then came back. Went to the doctors because my throat was hurting he gave me anabiotic's I've been on it for three days now and I have two more days left in my throat still feels horrible and it's giving me bad anxiety thinking something is wrong with me because my boobs hurt as well😩
MelMavro nicola_57830
Hi everyone, just found this thread as was searching for help with health anxiety!! I am a 34 year old mum of 2 young children and for the last 9 months or so I've been suffering terribly with health anxiety. I've been back and forth the doctors numerous times over different symptoms. The most recent being a nagging pain in my left chest, breast, armpit. The doctor I saw asked if I thought maybe I was suffering from anxiety because I'd been going over numerous different issues and I suppose I have! That's when it all sort of dawned on me that maybe I am just being paranoid and sort of making the symptoms worse by focusing on them?! I had been prodding around above my chest and can definitely feel some moveable lumps and bumps which now feel very prominent but I think maybe I've been prodding them that often they're inflamed as they feel quite tender to touch now. I feel totally and utterly miserable with it all and it's literally taking over my every thought. I do the same as some of you have mentioned and clear my search history because all I do is google my symptoms!!! No one would understand in the family if I told them (as lovely as they are) and my husband wouldn't be very sympathetic I don't think so don't feel I can talk to him about it. I feel so pathetic but I am literally terrified something is wrong wih me and the doctors will miss finding it and I'll leave my children without a mother!
Thanks all for listening - if anyone has any tried and tested methods of conquering things I'd love to hear from you
Lots of love x
sarah13837 MelMavro
Hi melmavro, i didnt tell anyone about my health anxiety either everyone just picked up on it because I was constantly seeking reassurance from my friends and family and didn't even realise I was doing it..I didn't even know what health anxiety was untill my doctor referred me to mental health specialists ( psychiatrist) I was that worried I thought I was going to be sectioned but he assured me it was to help me with my thoughts and why I am being so OCD with my health, what I have learnt from talking therapies is that they say maybe we have experienced some health problems ourselves in the past or know someone we care about with a serious illness that can trigger it, also stress is a trigger too! We apperently feed in to it by googling and seeking reassurance witch causes it to become out of control and before we know it we are stuck in this circle going round and round and can't find away to get takes time though! These last couple of days I have noticed I have two painful lumps in my armpits the doctor seems to think it's nothing to worry about and that it is sweat glands or hair follicles but yesterday I came down with the dreaded cold and now I think it's all linked and I'm really is not a nice place to be and your friends and family may not understand but you will be surprised and how supportive they will be if u tell them, you shouldn't deal with this alone u need someone to talk too. My mum doesn't understand what I'm going through but her support has been amazing and she has even came to my therapie sessions with me so she can try to understand and find ways to help me. I hope u get the support you need because battling this anxiety is very exhausting and can make u feel very unwell..Here if u need to talk. Take care x
Annie123 nicola_57830
Nicola I am now 60 been like this since son was born he is 37 I'm still here and so will you be and see your children grow, I am same panic over everything
i don't know why but please try and not worry , You are still young .
judith_86376 Annie123
Hi know this is an old post but reading this at 3.30am I am having health anxiety had a bad cough which caused me breast pain have been to Dr who says there is no lump but have googled and now know you can have breast cancer with no lump. I am afraid to go to bed as the pain comes and I don't sleep. I am so unhappy all the time and just think I am dying and will never see my children. I even googled life after death as I am so scared of dying. I am 60 in 2 months and had so many plans to celebrate now all I want is to have a good night's sleep. Any advise ?
travis16623 nicola_57830
Hey how are you doing ? I was diagnosed with illness anxiety disorder witch is like the worst one ever , so I deff know how you feel I'm constantly feeling my heart beat and some time it's feels different then others , I have servel ekg's blood works and X-rays , witch all come back normal but yet my heart and chest don't feel right , I constantly find my self short of breath when I'm working or driving it can kick in at any time , it's a very hard thing to live with , I been on meds now for about a month and a half , doctor said it could take up to 3-6 weeks before they make a change , I definitely know how you feel and it's scary all the time , ppl tell me to get over it and it's all in my head , witch I know is true but it feels impossible at times , makes me feel better that I'm not the only one that's going threw this and there's a lot of ppl on are side . I just wanted to let ya know how I feel and what I am going threw to try to make your life a bit easier , Anexity is a real thing and are body's deffenity feel it . I'm here to talk to if you want !
valerie24561 nicola_57830
I am not exactly sure where to post this but I ran across this forum when I was searching for help online I am 47 a year ago health anxiety took over my life I see a therapist on a regular basis and recently a psychiatrist who flip flops me from this to that medication. It's like living in your own personal hell every single day. I recently had laser ablation to my right leg and one of the side effects to that is it may potentially cause a bloodclot well that was all it took for me now I am obsessed about getting them. I had 2 doppler scans in the last week at different hospitals for symptoms I was having both scans were negative however my mind will not let me trust that I live in fear everyday and it completely consumes my life now to the point that I cannot work. Most nights I will stay awake all night because I am afraid to go to sleep and I won't go to sleep until exhaustion takes me. It's a living nightmare to cope with the first meds my Pshyc put me on was lamictal which side effect could cause a life threatening rash.....I don' t need something else like that to worry about.
It's really hard to have any support as unless someone has gone thru this they just don't understand and I went from a strong independant person to someone afraid to go out, afraid to drive but I don't have a choice but drive but I will never drive far now at all. I wish I had some answers but I don't and it's just so hard to live this way being afraid all the time.
katie64461 nicola_57830
I have been having the same issues as you, it only started a few weeks ago and is still on going, chest pains and back ache especially with my left breast, burning all the time.
I would go to your gp straight away and have all the relevant tests, rule things out and put your mind at ease.
Worst thing I did was google and I know how hard it is when your having these aches/pains/sensations and you need answers then and there, just try distract yourself and stay well away from google.
There are so many things it could be causing your symptoms we just fear the worst.
your not on your own and I hope your feeling better soon!
rachel50804 nicola_57830
i also have this problem im 26 with 3 young children and i am so paranoid that something will happen to me and they will be left without a mammy .. i go to the doctors at least twice a month and ive been to a&e 3 times over the last 6 months .. iv had ecg done 3 times iv had blood work done chest x-rays all came back fine but i cant help think that there could be some mistake .. my partner is also sick of me complainin and googleing evry little thing .. my most recent complaint is constant head ache and oviously google has told me its a possible brain tumour and i no its silly but i cant help but think it is a posibility i cant go on like this i feel like im living in the shadow of health issues i dont have .
lauren21747 rachel50804
I am 28 and my health anxiety started last year!!it's been truly horrible when I was really bad I couldn't leave the house,sleep or even eat I lost alot of weight and ended up becoming underweight!just purely because I was so on edge all the time I couldn't face food!nor could I stop crying constant feeling of feeling so lonely it was a very dark place!!!!I was put on citalopram and had counselling sessions which helped I am now better then I was but still have my days which is where deep breaths come in handy!!your not alone xx