Health anxiety symptoms feeling empty weak and shaky

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anybody else feel like they feel weak and empty and shaky like when youve not eaten enough or for a while? thanks

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi lewis

    Yes and I am off my food at the moment due to anxiety issues. Then worrying about not eating, or rather being scared to eat, only makes it worse. I make sure I eat one meal in the evening which is when I feel my most relaxed. Currently got bad indigestion as haven't eaten since last night but I guess I need to lose covid weight gain.

    • Posted

      hello thanks for the reply sorry you are not feeling great. since taking mirtazapine my appetite has come back i just feel empty and shaky horrible feeling. also got the lightheaded feeling with out of focus hazy vision all whilst worrying about my heart. crazy what the mind does to us. i hope you feel better soon i just keep hope knowing ive got through it before

    • Edited

      The vision thing is horrible I know. Seems like looking through a window and nothing seems quite real. I think its called de-realisation and I get it too. I get a band of tightness around my head and nothing gets rid of it. Just waiting for the days to pass and that day finally comes when I start to feel better and can dismiss most of the negative thoughts.

    • Posted

      its comforting to know we arent crazy and other people do have similar symptoms. im back to obsessing over my heart/pulse again at the minute after my first random panic attack 2 months ago. was free of them for 9 years. had full mri etc on heart back then everything was fine had full bloods 2 ecgs this time but still worry something is wrong. anxiety is awful

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