Health Anxiety taking over

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I never really worried about my health before until. I just turned 30 last month and it all and since January something triggered health anxiety and it just seems to be getting worse.

In March 2020 I started getting breakthrough bleeding/spotting in the middle of the month. I was on the pill for id say 14 years. I went to my GP who sent me for a US thinking it was a cyst on my ovaries, but it came back clear. It kept happening for a number of months but never bothered returning to my GP. Then in January of this year, there was a lot of talk about cervical cancer and the symptoms where breakthrough bleeding. I started to freak, thinking I had cervical cancer. I went straight to a gyno and he said everything was normal just hormones and to come off the pill. Days later my friend was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer, I felt so guilty that I was told I was ok, and couldnt imagine how she was feeling, the way I felt the week before and I was ok. It all stemmed from there, everything just started to get worst. I fear cancer.

I got chest pains to went to A&E, it was musculoskeletal, I found a lump on my breast, it was a cyst, I had to get my moles checked because I was afraid I had skin cancer, and then I found a small pea sized lump on my groin, thinking I had lymphoma. I got it checked last week and was told it was only a reactive node, but since then I found 3 more small ones on my groin and one in my neck, but I went looking for them.

Since then I read something about thyroid cancer, now its been in my head the last few days, I keep constantly checking my neck, looking in the mirror and monitor how I swallow water with my head back. I dont see any lumps or bumps there, but I cant stop looking and poking. I dont want to go back to my gp again.

I hate feeling like this, I just cant get it out of my head. It seems to always be something and then when I get over one, it seems to be something new. Every little thing even a bruise, I think oh no this could be cancer.... How do I STOP? Its starting to ruin my relationship with my partner, he keeps telling me I cant keep going on like this. I hate feeling like this, what do I do, please help? 😦

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2 Replies

  • Edited

    sorry you are going through this. I’ve done this myself many times but finally am able to stop. At least now I know how to start myself. What you are doing is overthinking and allowing the false narratives that anxiety is telling you to take over.

    we all have lumps and bumps but 99.9% of the time it’s nothing serious. What will happen if you continue is that you will be missing out on your life. That’s what I did and I highly regret it. I can’t get one of those days back that I spent with fear and worry. there is a guy on YouTube that you really should listen to! search for something called health anxiety how to do treatment. He is wearing a blue and white checked shirt. it is exactly what you need to hear. sometimes we just have to take a risk and let go in order to be happy. I decided that I will go to the doctors to get my yearly check up and if everything‘s OK then I’m going to live my life! Hope this helps

    • Posted

      Hi @jan34534, Thank you. At least I know I am not the only one going through this. And I will definitely look him up on YouTube. I just want to stop being like this, always worrying that every little thing wrong with me is Cancer. I don't no what is wrong with me, I never worried about my health. Its just so hard to stop looking. One minute I would be fine and I tell myself that and then 5 mins later I am looking again..... I just want to STOP!!

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