Health anxiety weird sensations Im scared and would like to talk to people who have felt like I have
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I have just turned 17 my dad came home one dad and had a headache so he got the blood pressure machine out and took his blood pressure it was a little high like 140 80 around there so I decided to see what blood pressure I had and it was around 165 90 my dad was quite shocked but i didnt know if that was bad so already knowing i have bad health anxiety I google it and get really scared thinking I was going to have heart problems. I am very overweight so this intensied my fear even more then the next day I tried it again with a smaller cuff and that gave me 145 80 around there I was slighty relieved but still worried because that is quite high. Later that afternoon I had a pain in my wrist around the joint area but it didnt hurt if i moved it, the pain wasnt severe or constant but i kept worrying about it and constantly overthinking and getting stress. Then in a couple more days I feel weird tinglings in my hands and feet my hand tingling went away after a day and the feet sort of come and go. Then most recently yesterday and today warning probably tmi my I have a tingling in my scrotum and my buttocks i thought its probably because i sit down for long periods of time and aswell my buttocks start to get quite painful after a while of sitting. Around 6, 7ish tonight my upper theigh started to feel a bit cold which i initially thought was it being numb from sitting down but the cold feeling has gone to both of my legs and my buttocks and is cold to the touch I am really stressed out and constantly worrying and I am really tired of feeling like this my quality of work had decreased at college and I find myself not being able to relax and I no longer enjoy the stuff i used to like watching youtube or playing video games I really hope I am just dealing with anxiety and wish someone knows how I feel sorry for writing for so long It has sort of helped me a bit thank you for reading much love ❤️ 😃 Edit: I am going to mention this to my gp when I have a online telephone call within the next week hopefully
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devin1222 Samuel1005
Hey there,
I've had the weird tingling sensations as well. When mine was happening, it just felt like it was all over my body. The more I thought about the tingling, the more I felt it which made me believe it was definitely related to anxiety and that I was just overthinking it. The tingling lasted for two or three days and then I had a doctor's appointment. After my appointment, the tingling sensations stopped and now I deal with tension headaches and chest tightness.
I relate with you about googling every single symptom. Literally every time I feel something that I am not used to, I google it and then it scares the crap out of me because I assume that I have something terribly wrong with me and that I need immediate medical attention.
I definitely feel you on being tired of constantly worrying about every thing. All these symptoms have caused me to distant myself from all social activities and has constrained me to my house. I don't watch youtube anymore or play video games anymore. All I do is watch tv and wait for new symptoms to come to worry about. I seriously wake up every day and the first thing I thought is "do I feel normal yet?" It's so tiring and draining. I'm 21 and female btw lol not sure if this helps you but you're definitely not alone.
It may ease your mind to go get a check up at the doctor's. I've had blood work and chest x-rays because I have been experiencing chest tightness. Everything came back normal which helped to ease my mind a bit. It takes a lot of effort for me to go to the doctor's for help because I've always been the type to just ride out whatever it is I'm feeling. But if it gets to the point where you're really freaking out about it, it's definitely a good idea to go and talk to a doctor about it.
I hope you find something that helps ease all your symptoms. I'm trying to deal with mine too! But I hope nothing but the best for you and you're definitely not alone in this!