heart disease, anxiety
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am awatiting heart test this week following ecg and admit to a and e week ago with palps/flutters and unable to breath calmly and tired, so worried as been reading my sings look like enlarged heart, cant understand how my GP etc missed these signs months ago on previous visits to a and e and gp, prob as they never go past just an ECG tests for me, feel let down and so worried, i look so pale and cant or dont know which way to turn at the moment, any words to help tnanks once again. worried.
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Sochima822 debi62095
If they find anything, which I certainly hope they don't, there is medication that will help reduce any inflammation.
But in the meantime, eat as healthy as possible, and pray or meditate because that's all we have left when nothing calms the soul but prayer. I hope this helps.
Sochima822 debi62095
sha863 debi62095
beth86610 debi62095
nicola06347 debi62095
michelle50768 debi62095
We always think the worst in perimenopause as it really does play havoc with our body and mind.
Please keep us updated.
Praying for good test results for you.
God bless x
beth86610 debi62095
lisa68132 debi62095
i completely agree with the other ladies here. Prayer works wonders and try to get your mind off of it. I really love this forum and all the ladies that share their stories. We are all in this together. Don't want anyone else to suffer.....it has been comforting to know that these symptoms are universal and that I'm not losing my mind....not yet anyway. Haha
keep us updated...thoughts and uplifting prayers go out to you
lennie45832 debi62095
michelle50768 lennie45832
Topo14 debi62095
I am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Google "66 peri menopause symptoms" within the Patient forum. It lists all these symptoms as possible peri related. Even "facial pallor".
Hope you get some answers soon. Hugs....
michelle50768 debi62095
lisa68132 debi62095
michelle50768 debi62095
Just wondered how you are getting on. Any tests or results. Are you feeling better. X