Heart doing somersaults
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For the last 4 days, my heart has been flip flopping. It seems to happen from about 3 pm till I go to bed. It is making me very anxious. I had a pretty heavy period last week and thought I might be anemic. I have been taking iron for the past two days. I have had so many scary symptoms for the last two years. Anything related to my heart scares me the most. Does anyone else have this flip flopping that comes on at the same time every day?
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kim93615 rebecca94858
l have been going through menopause for three years now I been having skipping heart beats . I have them now my sleep is off some time chest pain, arm pain, back pain ringing in my ears I don't know what to do. I am really tired of this I am seeing my doctor next month.
rebecca94858 kim93615
I am also tired of these symptoms! They keep me anxious not knowing what is coming next! I hate the heart skipping. It really scares me. I have read lots of people on this forum say they have them too, but it still is upsetting when it happens to you! Take care and Thanks for the reply!
dev77856 kim93615
i an having the same thing thoight it was menopause but i fainted recently and they want to so an eCHO WELL IM NOTNDOING THAT DAMN CONTRAST
rebecca94858 dev77856
I had an echo last year. I didn't have to have contrast, so hopefully you won't either. I know I get lightheaded a lot. I chalked it up to perimenopause. Who knows? Maybe it's not, but the doctor can't find anything else wrong with me. I hope your test comes out fine. Take care.
unico31026 rebecca94858
Hi i am 44 and have been in peri since i was 35. I attibuted my heart jumping and sometimes skipping beats to peri! But it turned out for me to be symptoms of a heart attack. of course i didnt know that until i actually had the heart attach so be careful and go to your doctor for any chest pains or heart beat skips! Because what i thought was peri almost killed me!
dev77856 unico31026
how did tey diagnos thr heart attack? i think im having a heart attack so far so one said i had one im still having left chest pain on and off and in stikk having blurry vision from the fainting
Beverlys1 rebecca94858
hi rebbeca,, when i first realized i was going thru peri that was my first scary symptom,, my heart flip flopped and also would beat really fast and it felt like i could hear it while a slept was given every heart test available and nothing but i will say shortly after that my blood preasure went up and now i am on blood pressure medication,, started this about 3years ago with multiple symptoms!! hugs,, make sure to get it checked hun!!
rebecca94858 Beverlys1
Thanks for your kind reply. I have an appointment coming up soon and will tell the doctor about it. They never get as excited as I do about things. Hopefully, it will settle down soon like some of the other symptoms. It is all pretty horrible ☹
jane66356 rebecca94858
I've been having tachycardia (racing heart) occasionally - more lately than usual. It happens at night while I'm sleeping. I'll wake up with my heart rate between 115-140 bpm-- what fun!! I love doing "cardio" in my bed. I recently went to a cardiologist and had the 48 holter monitor on. I have yet to get the results back. I'll keep you posted. I hope all that it is is peri. I'm almost 53, have only had 6 periods this year, should have had about 12. It's been 80 days since my last period.
Stay strong. I'm finding it hard to do that 😉
rebecca94858 jane66356
I have also been having the racing sometimes too. I bet it is the hormone shifts during the night. I want off this merry go round. I hope your tests come back fine. Take care.