Heart flip flopping /fluttering...
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So my heart all morning today as well as yesterday has been fluttering, it has done so in the past , however this is much more intense and doing it longer.. Has me freaked out! As soon as I get up in the morning it starts as soon as I start to move, I did my normal house cleaning and pushed on through with it but it does a normal thump thump thump then a 1 to 2 second flutter skip type of beat then normal thump thump thump then the flutter skip beat, and when it does it it makes me let out like a cough feels like a hand inside there tickling, is this palpatations? They are just so intense this month and last month, and I usually always get this quickly on and off during the 18th to around the 25th of every month, but never intense like this.. I do have a sinus cold lots of congestion in my sinuses and sneezing but no chest congestion and no coughing with my cold , did stay in bed all day yesterday and after making myself some breakfast I felt better and no more flutters the rest of day, but now I'm up and about and its back.. I'm going to do the same make me something to eat but not stay in bed I have things to do so going to push on through my day,, but just wondering if this us how the palpitations feel and do they get more intense as menopause goes on.. Thanks to all...
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2chr2015 Gypsy014
hi. i havent had any as intense as that, but i remember my mom describing hers like that, but she would get really light headed with it. i dont know if that was the same time as she was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation or if that came later on. i am sure it is probably hormone related as i think hers was too bc for a long time they kept telling her they didnt know why it was happening....and as we know most doctors dont consider it to be hormones... i would prob just go get it checked out, maybe wear a 24 hour monitor or something to see if they can catch it doing it. try not to worry too much ( i know easier said than done). Hers was never life -threatening or anything like that and she basically just got used to it and she didnt get put on meds for it until she was almost 80. i hope this helps you.
Gypsy014 2chr2015
Thanks 2chr I'm trying not to worry myself , they do say these palpatations/flutters are very common in perimenopause! I feel awful with them ðŸ˜
shallah24 Gypsy014
hi there, that was One of my first perimenopause Symptoms.
I was so scared that I went into a and E to get it checked out I was referred to cardio and they attached a monitor for 48 hours I think. They found nothing it did settle down eventually but it did give me a scare.
it is a Hormonal symptoms because I had the same flattering feeling very strange and never experienced anything like it. But for peace of mind get it checked out.
all the best
Gypsy014 shallah24
Thanks shallah yes it figures it doesn't do it when your all hooked up to the machines! I wonder what they'd say if it is palpatating and fluttering during the test, anxiety?? Who knows, thanks for reply..
eleonora0422 Gypsy014
my heart flips and flops and got better with progesterone and now that I've stopped for 5 weeks it's back amongst dizziness lethargy etc.
I feel like dying.
Gypsy014 eleonora0422
Oh no! I guess the progesterone needs to be started again for you, if you can still use it and it helped! I can't stand feeling like I'm dying, I know how you feel..
jamie37119 Gypsy014
I just had exactly that, it happens for a few minutes up to half hour for me, then eventually settles down again. I hate it, I have had this since December 2017 and wish it would just go away.
christine66659 Gypsy014
hi ive suffered with ectopic beats and palptations since my late twenties..ones that have bought me to the floor and sent me to a and e on many occasions..causing me health anxiety..im 52 now and ten yrs post menopause..i still get them..i used to hold my breath and count to ten...one dr asked me if i had trained my heart after 24 hr ecg...i know they are frightening only because we concentrate on them to much which causes anxiety and makes them worse...our heart is a muscle and if you think about it..it does jump around..i had echo cardiogram put my mind at rest..try not to concentrate on them
get up and do something active..i used to get mine alot when sitting or lying. down..also on waking your heart beat does increase ..adrenaline..id be worried if it didnt..i know its hard but dont focus on them to much..there very in athletes and just get checked out for peace of mind xxx
christine66659 Gypsy014
i was told by a paramedic we all have moments of a fib (fast heartrate)...its only if it doesnt stop it is a problem...xx