Heart Issues

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19, BMI of 17 so im just underweight, don't drink or smoke, used to be active but now when I play sport or exercise I experience chest pains or get tired quick, I've virtually given up, can't remember the last time I've been comfortable... I've been experiencing palpitations since about 13 but the last 3 years have been unmanagable. I experience annoying palps every single day and at this point its almost as if they're a part of me, when I place my hand on my chest every beat seems to feel different, some feel normal whilst others feel like flutters and others I can't even explain. for the past 1-2 years whenever I stand suddenly heart races and I feel really tired, sometimes I have syncope and have almost fainted once or twice. This cannot be anxiety it feels too real, I experience chest pains, muscle twitches  and some occur near my heart, migraines that coincide with heartbeat, shortness of breath etc. most recent blood test was fairly normal and I have echo in 4 days, I always seem to feel chest discomfort and can't even exercise cause chest pain, I've always been worried about my heart although I have no family history of heart problems, my hope is I have a condition that can be cured but im starting to doubt all of these symptoms that I've experienced daily for 2 years can be cured. I read about ventricular tachycardia and I can almost swear I've experienced this but only when standing, sometimes when standing I get really tired with a fast harvest that does feel like a quiver when I place hand on chest, I can recall episodes of this when I was younger too, don't even know what to do with myself at this point 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Bagley, hey sorry to hear of your problems.  First thing of course is to work with the doctors and see what they say.

    Then there is stuff to check and try yourself, nutrition and supplements and stuff.  Would you say you have a normal diet?  Have you tried supplements including magnesium, taurine, coq10, b12?


    • Posted

      Hey thanks so much for responding, no I have not tried supplements but will speak to my doctor about them when I see him, I'm just worried I've developed something that can't be cured, the last thing I want is something like a pacemaker or implanted device at 19, as I write this right now I'm experiencing brain fog lol

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      Also I had a blood test that showed potassium was normal but does that automatically mean that magnesium levels are also normal, I don't eat many products with magnesium

  • Posted

    Hi @Bagley, at least in the US, very few doctors know or care anything about nutrition or supplements.  On this topic your best source of information is going to be Doctor Google.

    Magnesium frequently helps with a variety of cardiac issues, it's hard to test for, and maybe the simplest food with a lot of magnesium is almonds.

    Most doctors I've ever seen, if you raise any nutritional question, will just shrug and smirk and, as long as what you ask about is at least "harmless" in their view, they will say you can try it.

    You can also find books on the topic.  I do suggest you look into all this.

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      I'll definitely bring it up to my cardiologist, my concern is though can 2 years of of almost daily palpitations, ectopic beats, chest pain, fatigue, anxiety, stress etc be cured by supplements

    • Posted

      >can two years of palpitations be cured by supplements?

      Stranger things have happened, and it's super-easy and safe to try.

      "Cure" may be too strong, but there are reasonable odds of it at least reducing the problem.

    • Posted

      Magnesium can’t hurt , I use the topical one , also it is important for your heart , after heart surgery I was on magnesium in hospital, if you buy tablets make sure it’s in a form that’s easily absorbed , some aren’t and can give you diarrhoea. Also stress will make symptoms worse 
    • Posted

      Also is it normal for heartbeat to change strength throughout the day, for example for a few hours your heartbeat could feel more powerful as oppose to other hours of the day where it doesn't feel as powerful

    • Posted

      @Bagley yes, variation is normal, but maybe that pounding feeling is still a little abnormal, but mostly harmless (as they say in "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy!"wink in and of itself.

    • Posted

      It was for a leaking mitral valve , they repaired it through keyhole surgery . It was  a seven hour op , on by pass machine etc was done in Brisbane , Australia. I had a heart murmur disgnosed when I was about 30 it was not a problem, but as I got older got worse . About 8 years ago was feeling a bit breathless , doctor sent me to cardiologist and found it , they monitored it until they decided it was starting to impact my heart so operated . I was on no meds after op but then this year after another op for a knee it started getting too many ventricular ectopic beats , I think caused by stress and pain and strong pain meds, put on 2.5 mg of beta blocker that I immediately halved and halved again , the beats have got back to normal , even this small dose is helping or it’s just better , don’t know , but even this amount seems to have helped my anxiety . Get yourself checked out , and if you are not happy go to another doctor . I got really good surgeon and my cardiologist is great . Good luck , 

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