Heart issues with Hyperthyroidism
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So I've been having some weird issues and I was wondering if anyone had any insight on them. 30 year old male.
About a year ago after fainting I went to the hospital and everything came back normal. I remembered that I had a history of hyperthyroidism in the family so they tested that and the blood test came back normal TSH, high t4 and high t3. They suggested beginning stage hyperthyroidism and that it wasn't the cause of my fainting and just told me to take it easy and then released me.
Later I started to feel like I was going to faint all the time after a bout of severe stomach flu type issues. But, then that went away after a few months. It came back again and after another blood test I once again had normal TSH, but high t4 and t3. They said it wasn't worth treating yet though due to TSH being normal.
Once again the feeling like I was going to faint all the time went away, but I started to have severe chest and stomach pain and I started to feel short of breath. I had an ekg done which turned out normal and they diagnosed me with GERD and I started taking prilosec. My heart issues got worse though with shortness of breath, and the feeling like someone was grabbing my heart and squeezing it becoming more frequent.
Got my blood tested again along with an ekg. Now my TSH was going toward the high end of normal with T4 and T3 also above normal. Endocrinologist ordered more blood tests and my Luteinizing hormone was low as was follicole stimulating hormone, but my testosterone was also extremely low. He was very confused as he had never seen such blood results before. Also thyroid scan showed a very large uptake of the iodine.
Now I'm going to take the radioactive iodine, but the endocrinologist isn't so sure it's the thyroid and thinks something is wrong with the pituitary. I don't want to delay the iodine though because the heart issues are freaking me out. I keep getting the heart arrhythmia sign on the blood test and many times while just walking or laying down my heart has a weird beat where I feel like my whole body shuts down. Like someone is grabbing my heart and squeezing and I can't move or think.
Some other quick info. I have had increased thirst and urinary frequency issues for years now. Diabetes test came back negative. For years I have had severe itching issues. Also For about a year pretty much non-stop diarrhea. Eyes tear up real easy for no reason. Were told these were all also symptoms of hyperthyroidism. First time I have had heart issues though.
Anyone have any idea what could be going on and what to ask my doctor/endo about? I keep hearing fast heart beat with hyperthyroidism, but not the kind of heart issues I am feeling are they related? My blood pressure is like 100/60 all the time with a very low dose of Attenalol 25 mg per day. Any help/insights would be appreciated thanks.
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brenda80266 Brennan
Hi Brennan I to suffer with Graves’ disease ended up in A&E thinking I was having a heart attack all my levels have started to climb feeling dreadful my body just aches feeling totally fatigued seeing encronologist next Monday if this has returned this will be the 4th time in 7 years it messes with all your bodily function not sure which is the best way forward all I know I can’t carry on suffering .back on antidepressants good luck x
linda187 Brennan
Guest Brennan
You mentioned extended periods of diarrhoea, did you have a test to check for celiac disease?
Brennan Guest
FT4 was 2.78 ng/dl Normal Range: 0.82-1.77
FT3 was 5.0 pg/ml Normal Range: 2.0-4.4
TSH was 3.69 uiu/ml Normal Range: 0.450-4.50
When I had the iodine scan 6 hours of uptake was 33% 24 hours was 54%. Normal 5-15% 6 hour and 8 to 35% 24 hour. No specific thyroid spots were taking up more it was even all around.
No test for Celiac disease that I know of, and I'm not really concerned about that right now because the heart issues seem to be getting worse and feeling like I'm close to dying due to heart issues trumps the discomfort of the constant diarrhea.
Guest Brennan
Were you treated with anti-thyroid drugs to bring your thyroid levels down? Did you have cardiac symptoms when your FT4 and FT3 were within normal range?
Brennan Guest
I was not treated with anti thyroid drugs. My FT4 and FT3 have been above normal for over a year now and have only recently had cardiac issues.
Since my grandmother and my dad had hyperthyroidism the endocrinologist thinks that it most likely is hyperthyroidism despite the puzzling TSH and Testosterone levels.
Even if something else is off shouldn't bringing down my FT4 and FT3 levels be a good thing? Since those are causing many bad symptoms?
Guest Brennan
Patients that have been hyperthyroid for an extended period of time might have all sorts of deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, etc) that can affect the muscles, bones, heart.
Some patients with secondary hyperthyroidism have a pituitary adenoma. Did you have an MRI or CT of your pituitary gland or your hypothalamus?
Would it be possible to see a different endocrinologist, to get a second opinion?
Mike61308 Brennan
Hi Brennan, Your thyroid test puzzled me a bit: "Now my TSH was going toward the high end of normal with T4 and T3 also above normal." How and what the condition like this can be? All TSH, T4, T3 are high? Did your doctor explain to you what condition is this? Just wonder.
Brennan Mike61308
The endocronologist said it's pretty rare to have TSH not being affected by t4/t3 and vis versa. He said 60 something people in the world are recorded as having it. That being said he also mentioned that it wasn't really recorded anymore when it did pop up so there would be more people than that with it. Though it is rare.
FT4 was 2.78 ng/dl Normal Range: 0.82-1.77
FT3 was 5.0 pg/ml Normal Range: 2.0-4.4
TSH was 3.69 uiu/ml Normal Range: 0.450-4.50
Mike61308 Brennan
Hi, Your Endo did confirm that your thyroid level/condition is a rare kind. How surprising!
From your description of what you have been suffering: "...I started to have severe chest and stomach pain and I started to feel short of breath... with shortness of breath, and the feeling like someone was grabbing my heart and squeezing it...", I check it out at mayoclinic.org and they state "Common signs and symptoms of GERD include:
A burning sensation in your chest (heartburn), usually after eating, which might be worse at night; Chest pain; Difficulty swallowing... Seek immediate medical care if you have chest pain, especially if you also have shortness of breath, or jaw or arm pain. These may be signs and symptoms of a heart attack." Your experience of "feeling someone grab your heart and squeeze it" maybe a serious "heartburn" condition? So you did the right thing of seeking immediate medical attention. But the condition is not clear and sorry that you continue to suffer from the situation. However, I wonder if taking RAI can resolve your heart problem at this point? I don't see the connection there. Maybe you don't want to rush right now? Hope your condition can be clear up to render a prudent decision for you.
Brennan Mike61308
I am taking Prilosec. The chest pain went away for the most part, but the cardiac issues got way worse. Arrhythmia, skipped beats and that horrible beat or whatever it is that makes my whole body freeze. I was told that they were symptoms of hyperthyroidism by the endocrinologist, but I haven't seen anybody that talks about having cardiac issues this bad with that.
If it didn't feel like I was dying I would be more open to delaying the RAI, but these heart issues are kind of freaking me out so with no other leads to follow to try to fix it I'm going to go with this one unless I hear another idea to try.
marianne76981 Brennan
Brennan marianne76981
I am taking Prilosec though so I don't understand why my heart issues would get worse while taking it. The chest pain for the most part did go away though.
JayValle Brennan
I think Marianne is onto something, Brennan. Stomach issues (gas etc) even digestion can affect heart rate and thumps/flip flops. I've had this kind of stuff most of my life. Too much coffee, even decaf, does it to me. My heart will feel like it flips. I feel like I have a lump in my chest when it happens. Worse when I was younger, it felt like someone punched me in the chest and my heart would go off beat. Very scary. After numerous EKGs and cardio visits and halter monitors, all they found was a mild heart murmur, which is not the cause. I used to have a horrible time sleeping when I was younger because I'd fall asleep fine but awaken within 30 minutes with tachycardia. No one could give me answers. Thank goodness it's better and mostly food related now. You said you have gerd. There's a gerd/gas/stomach/chest connection. Did the Prilosec help? Do you notice certain foods or beverages make it happen or worsen? I could never drink any kind of alcohol, even wine. It cause rapid heartbeat. I definitely can't overate as that causes it too.
Brennan JayValle
Prilosec helped get rid of the chest pain for the most part. The heart symptoms didn't go away and in fact got worse. I can feel my heart in my throat all the time. Occasionally I have this weird thing where it just feels like it stops and my whole body freezes up. I don't think it actually stops, but it feels like it. I'm also having very frequent skipped beats showing up on my blood pressure monitor/and when taking pulse. I don't usually feel anything though when it's skipping a beat.