Heart Murmur
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Today I went to see the doctor she said she heard a murmur. My anxieties went up the roof. She want the heart doctor to do an ecrocardiagram on my heart to see what is going on.
Have any of you ladies ever experinced this kind of stuff while in menopause
I would like to know
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annieschaefer susan21149
The echocardiogram will tell the doctor whether you need more test or not. Please try not too worry, Susan. Easier said than done, I know.
Annie xx
donna38794 susan21149
susan21149 donna38794
Just been sleeping all day not to into it today
kathy46259 susan21149
Keep busy and it will take your mind off of it until you can get some answers.
kathy46259 susan21149
see my answer a few dissussions below
jayneejay susan21149
oh hun, try not to worry, it is very common.. so wait and see what the other Doc says about it.. ' remember some docs have ' all the gear and no idea' and some things they shouldnt even say with out a full explanation, it just puts fear in us, mainly down to their lack od communication skills..
Heart murmur facts.
Turbulent blood flow within the heart causes abnormal sounds called murmurs. Most murmurs are functional, or physiologic, and are normal.
Some murmurs are due to abnormal function of the valves in the heart. The valves may have narrowing (stenosis) or they may leak (regurgitation).
Jay x